How Israel Used Its Own Civilians as Human Shields While Assaulting Gaza

You're just full if great ideas, aren't you?

How about the settlers stay there and live the way they are. They seem happy there.
Why can't you answer the question?

How would you like it if your neighbor started building structures on your property?
I would try to find the reason why they do so, talk to them nicely to figure out whats going on, and if I found out they are right, I'll seek a way to compromise settling the issue when we both satisfied.

What Hamas does is not resistance moron.
You're right, it's self defense!
Self Defense could be claimed if they were at least aiming to military forces, but they aim to civilians, they call death to civilians, and they killed civilians, this is not a self defense to blow a bus full of civilians, or any action they've done in the past-present-and probably in the future considering all the plans foiled like the massive tunnel attack or the parachute infiltration for example.

I cant believe this dumbass thread is still open :lol:

If I was the OP, I would have closed it a long time ago to avoid further embarrassment
I can't believe you're still a dumbass?
You're blind-ignorant stupidass-moron-idiotic-foolish-mentally challenged-dummy Billo..
I would try to find the reason why they do so, talk to them nicely to figure out whats going on, and if I found out they are right, I'll seek a way to compromise settling the issue when we both satisfied.
What if the structure they built, denied you access to your own driveway and as a result, you could not use your car to go to work. And when you asked them why they did this, they told you it was because their great, great, great, great, great, grandfather, slept in this spot religiously, year after year, during the great cattle drives?

What would you do then? Buy another car and park on the street?

How far are you willing to go in order to appease someone who thinks they have a right to your property?

Self Defense could be claimed if they were at least aiming to military forces, but they aim to civilians, they call death to civilians, and they killed civilians, this is not a self defense to blow a bus full of civilians, or any action they've done in the past-present-and probably in the future considering all the plans foiled like the massive tunnel attack or the parachute infiltration for example.
They can't aim! That's why their rockets are war crimes.

And they target more military assets than Israel does.

You're blind-ignorant stupidass-moron-idiotic-foolish-mentally challenged-dummy Billo..
You left out asshole!

Why am I always having to correct you?
The territory is occupied by Israel, so the settlers are not stealing any land of another nation.
You don't own a territory you occupy. You cannot transfer your population into a territory you occupy. The settlers are on land that isn't Israel's. The settlements have been deemed illegal by every international organization in the world.

Those settlements are the cause of a lot of the violence.
Israel won wars and gained new territories. Israel rules over those territories, so in fact they own them.
The security fence/wall was built to protect Israel from West Bank suicide bombers.

But not only Israel was in danger, the Jewish settlements were also in danger and I think it was a good idea of Israel to protect their citizens in the settlements from terrorists.
Would you protect bank robbers? Would you protect murderers? Would you protect Israeli's who commit acts of terrorism?

Because that's what you are protecting, when you protect illegal settlements.

BTW, resistance to an occupation, is not terrorism.

The Israeli government protects Israeli citizens, settlers or not.
I would try to find the reason why they do so, talk to them nicely to figure out whats going on, and if I found out they are right, I'll seek a way to compromise settling the issue when we both satisfied.
What if the structure they built, denied you access to your own driveway and as a result, you could not use your car to go to work. And when you asked them why they did this, they told you it was because their great, great, great, great, great, grandfather, slept in this spot religiously, year after year, during the great cattle drives?

What would you do then? Buy another car and park on the street?

How far are you willing to go in order to appease someone who thinks they have a right to your property?
Oh please, 90% of the car thefts in Israel committed by West Bank Palestinians, cut off your bullshit, Israel is the last state to ever become an apartheid, so don't sneak inside your ridiculous post comments about Israel being apartheid.
Israel has all the right to exist, by all three major aspects of HISTORY, RELIGIOUS AND LAW.
1.Israel presence over centuries.
3.1948 UN vote.
Choose which one fits you, Israel is here to stay.
And going on with your ridiculous metaphor, the Palestinians NEVER stood up for their words.
Not after the evacuation of Israeli settlements in Gaza, not in the current ceasefire, and not in any signed agreement in history.

Self Defense could be claimed if they were at least aiming to military forces, but they aim to civilians, they call death to civilians, and they killed civilians, this is not a self defense to blow a bus full of civilians, or any action they've done in the past-present-and probably in the future considering all the plans foiled like the massive tunnel attack or the parachute infiltration for example.
They can't aim! That's why their rockets are war crimes.

And they target more military assets than Israel does.
You can't hear what I say? I was talking about TUNNELS LEADING TO KINDERGARTENS! And the rockets are double war crime, deliberately assaulting civilians with mass destruction features - and yes, civilians are 99% of the reason they fire rockets,but also abusing human shields fired from within densely populated areas.
The only time they target 'military assets' is kidnapping attempts, but the rest were aimed on the forces inside Gaza, and during that time they also launched rockets.
Israel target military wing but also other terrorist organizations like the Islamic Jihad and other insects that somehow considered Palestinian MILITANTS, not civilians, and not blind shooting.
You're blind-ignorant stupidass-moron-idiotic-foolish-mentally challenged-dummy Billo..
You left out asshole!

Why am I always having to correct you?[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty much INSIDE Israel, you left out asshole! :lol:
Oh please, 90% of the car thefts in Israel committed by West Bank Palestinians, cut off your bullshit, Israel is the last state to ever become an apartheid, so don't sneak inside your ridiculous post comments about Israel being apartheid.
Israel has all the right to exist, by all three major aspects of HISTORY, RELIGIOUS AND LAW.
1.Israel presence over centuries.
3.1948 UN vote.
Choose which one fits you, Israel is here to stay.
And going on with your ridiculous metaphor, the Palestinians NEVER stood up for their words.
Not after the evacuation of Israeli settlements in Gaza, not in the current ceasefire, and not in any signed agreement in history.
That's not the point!

Israel does not have the right to exist on someone else's property.

You can't hear what I say? I was talking about TUNNELS LEADING TO KINDERGARTENS! And the rockets are double war crime, deliberately assaulting civilians with mass destruction features - and yes, civilians are 99% of the reason they fire rockets,but also abusing human shields fired from within densely populated areas.
The only time they target 'military assets' is kidnapping attempts, but the rest were aimed on the forces inside Gaza, and during that time they also launched rockets.
Israel target military wing but also other terrorist organizations like the Islamic Jihad and other insects that somehow considered Palestinian MILITANTS, not civilians, and not blind shooting.
That's all bullshit on your part!

The rockets have only killed 28 people in 13 years; whereas Israel drops 1000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods.
Oh please, 90% of the car thefts in Israel committed by West Bank Palestinians, cut off your bullshit, Israel is the last state to ever become an apartheid, so don't sneak inside your ridiculous post comments about Israel being apartheid.
Israel has all the right to exist, by all three major aspects of HISTORY, RELIGIOUS AND LAW.
1.Israel presence over centuries.
3.1948 UN vote.
Choose which one fits you, Israel is here to stay.
And going on with your ridiculous metaphor, the Palestinians NEVER stood up for their words.
Not after the evacuation of Israeli settlements in Gaza, not in the current ceasefire, and not in any signed agreement in history.
That's not the point!

Israel does not have the right to exist on someone else's property.
The three aspects also prove its NOT someone else's property but our own, and last time I check it does.
You can't hear what I say? I was talking about TUNNELS LEADING TO KINDERGARTENS! And the rockets are double war crime, deliberately assaulting civilians with mass destruction features - and yes, civilians are 99% of the reason they fire rockets,but also abusing human shields fired from within densely populated areas.
The only time they target 'military assets' is kidnapping attempts, but the rest were aimed on the forces inside Gaza, and during that time they also launched rockets.
Israel target military wing but also other terrorist organizations like the Islamic Jihad and other insects that somehow considered Palestinian MILITANTS, not civilians, and not blind shooting.
That's all bullshit on your part!

The rockets have only killed 28 people in 13 years; whereas Israel drops 1000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods.
"ONLY"?! BEING UNDER THREAT is fairly enough but 28 BY ROCKETS ALONE?!
How about I'll fire rockets that killed ONLY 28 of your family members 25,000 times?
If Israel would ever desire to kill Palestinians it could be done is various ways under less then 15 minutes.
1,100 Terrorists killed hiding behind 700 civilians - 300 out of them were women and children.
But you don't care about people dying don't you? so perhaps you can point WHICH PART EXACTLY WAS BULLSHIT?
That's exactly what Israel is doing with these settlements.

Acquiring land by force has been outlawed since the end of WWII.

And the reason for that is because of what Hitler did to Poland.

It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war.

But there was no one to give the land back to. Only the enemies. And since Israel had the territories a long time, I don't see the problem of letting some Jews live in the West Bank.
Israel won wars and gained new territories. Israel rules over those territories, so in fact they own them.
So you're saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland?

Poland was a country. WB and G were not a country with government and army. They were occupied and annexes by Egypt and Jordan. They were part of an exchange of land for peace deal in '78
I would try to find the reason why they do so, talk to them nicely to figure out whats going on, and if I found out they are right, I'll seek a way to compromise settling the issue when we both satisfied.
What if the structure they built, denied you access to your own driveway and as a result, you could not use your car to go to work. And when you asked them why they did this, they told you it was because their great, great, great, great, great, grandfather, slept in this spot religiously, year after year, during the great cattle drives?

What would you do then? Buy another car and park on the street?

How far are you willing to go in order to appease someone who thinks they have a right to your property?
Oh please, 90% of the car thefts in Israel committed by West Bank Palestinians, cut off your bullshit, Israel is the last state to ever become an apartheid, so don't sneak inside your ridiculous post comments about Israel being apartheid.
Israel has all the right to exist, by all three major aspects of HISTORY, RELIGIOUS AND LAW.
1.Israel presence over centuries.
3.1948 UN vote.
Choose which one fits you, Israel is here to stay.
And going on with your ridiculous metaphor, the Palestinians NEVER stood up for their words.
Not after the evacuation of Israeli settlements in Gaza, not in the current ceasefire, and not in any signed agreement in history.

Self Defense could be claimed if they were at least aiming to military forces, but they aim to civilians, they call death to civilians, and they killed civilians, this is not a self defense to blow a bus full of civilians, or any action they've done in the past-present-and probably in the future considering all the plans foiled like the massive tunnel attack or the parachute infiltration for example.
They can't aim! That's why their rockets are war crimes.

And they target more military assets than Israel does.
You can't hear what I say? I was talking about TUNNELS LEADING TO KINDERGARTENS! And the rockets are double war crime, deliberately assaulting civilians with mass destruction features - and yes, civilians are 99% of the reason they fire rockets,but also abusing human shields fired from within densely populated areas.
The only time they target 'military assets' is kidnapping attempts, but the rest were aimed on the forces inside Gaza, and during that time they also launched rockets.
Israel target military wing but also other terrorist organizations like the Islamic Jihad and other insects that somehow considered Palestinian MILITANTS, not civilians, and not blind shooting.
You're blind-ignorant stupidass-moron-idiotic-foolish-mentally challenged-dummy Billo..
You left out asshole!

Why am I always having to correct you?[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty much INSIDE Israel, you left out asshole! :lol:[/QUOTE]

ISIS is becoming apartheid, Afghanistan was apartheid under the taliban. Saudi and most middle east state are apartheid against jews of any nationality. Christians in some state have to live in walled communities separate from the Muslim.
African nations have their history of tribal, racial and religious apartheid.
China used to keep foreigners in a walled town. Japan too used to keep foreigners/christians out of the rest of Japan.
The Ukraine right now is not allowing Russian.
As with most Israeli claims, saying Hamas is using human shields, is just another one of their projections onto others.

Within one of Tel Aviv’s most densely populated neighborhoods sits Ha’Kirya, the army’s headquarters, a gigantic complex of monolithic buildings that house the offices where attacks on Gaza are planned. The uniformed officers and soldiers who work inside take lunch in the cafes and shop in the malls surrounding their offices, embedding themselves among the civilian population. A military base is nestled in the middle of the campus of Haifa University while Hebrew and Tel Aviv Universities offer military officers free tuition, encouraging their enrollment and allowing them to carry weapons on campus. It is hard to find a henhouse, flophouse, or fieldhouse anywhere in Israel without some kind of military presence.
In addition to that...
Not only do Israel’s southern communities exist under the threat of rocket and mortar attacks from those they displaced, they are routinely used as shelters and temporary bases by the Israeli army.
Since the Israeli military is so intertwined among those communities, does that make the citizens there legal targets?
So what's the big deal? Where's the Pentagon located? Almost all US military bases are in or near a city. I live 2 miles from a Naval Air Station.

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