How do you pick up chicks?

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The ClayTaurus said:
He has real-time EXPERIENCE!

archangel said:
It may be bad advice for you...but hey it works for me! I prefer women who have moral values and are fun to be with...I am way past the 'gotta get laid' stage! So carry on and be lonely on Friday and Saturday nights...what can I say? :)

Friday + Saturday = Bingo in the church hall

well i will say this ...

when i met my wife the one thing we had in common was we were not going to get involved with anyone ever again and my wife was not attracted to me as i am a tall blonde california dude...she prefered the chris noth swarthy italian brunette types

we started as friends and hung out, went to dinner, watched movies etc.....

one night after about 6 months of this i told her that i could no longer be her friend as i had become romantically attrected to her and that i knew i was not her type and that i didn't want her to feel all creepy....

she stood there in stone silence and stared at me....for what seemed like years......6 months later we were engaged....a year later married....
CSM said:
Friday + Saturday = Bingo in the church hall


however I live pretty close to Reno, bingo here is not exactly what bingo is elsewhere...LOL
And sorry we don't have a church hall or bingo games in VC...well accept for maybe bingo at the Delta Saloon...and the Bucket of Blood is a fun place to hang out!
archangel said:
After all you two are the self appointed queens of USMB...if ya noticed which I doubt, you will rarely see me in here on Friday and Saturday nights...I am sure everyone who does come in here on Friday and Saturday nights will see the two of you...anymore silly comments from the peanut gallery?

Not always, but that's usually cause I have a small child to look after. Any more silly comments?
Said1 said:
Not always, but that's usually cause I have a small child to look after. Any more silly comments?
Real-time experience dictates that you should be out doing lines of coke off of strippers.
Said1 said:

Now, let's all wave goodbye to Arch. Hope he and his pals have fun up at the "camp". *cues song: duelling banjos* :bye1:

Man, I already wasted my rep on another post. Damnit.
Said1 said:

Now, let's all wave goodbye to Arch. Hope he and his pals have fun up at the "camp". *cues song: duelling banjos* :bye1:


sick puppy...been that long since ya saw a man?( More homo posts I see-Better refer this pic to Kag&clay) Then again ya fit in quite well with the "Desperate Internet Guys" in here posting half naked gals constantly..... :talk2:
archangel said:
sick puppy...been that long since ya saw a man?( More homo posts I see-Better refer this pic to Kag&clay) Then again ya fit in quite well with the "Desperate Internet Guys" in here posting half naked gals constantly..... :talk2:
This from the most pathetic, desperate flirt on the board. Give it a rest, gramps; it's nap time.
The ClayTaurus said:
This from the most pathetic, desperate flirt on the board. Give it a rest, gramps; it's nap time.

and this from the dude who wanted to rep for the homo pics!and by the way flirting is okay by normal standards...I don't come in here for a date...something you haven't a grasp on yet! :eek2:
archangel said:
and this from the dude who wanted to rep for the homo pics!and by the way flirting is okay by normal standards...I don't come in here for a date...something you haven't a grasp on yet! :eek2:
20 bucks says if someone offered you one you wouldn't turn it down, though. Your "innocence" wears a thin veil.
The ClayTaurus said:
20 bucks says if someone offered you one you wouldn't turn it down, though. Your "innocence" wears a thin veil.

The old Liberal..."if we say it long enough someone will believe us"...nice try on the rumor mill...but anyone who knows me would really laugh at your BS spreading are the closet gay...just review your posts compared to others in here... :bong420:

Now hurry up with some more cute replies...gotta hit the shower and get ready for a Friday Night...I'm sure you will still be in here with your pals licking your wounds! :laugh:
rtwngAvngr said:
THis is bad advice. WOmen respond to pursuit, of course not in desperation, but from a position of power.

this site may piss alot of women off, but check it out, and be honest about what you really want.
This site is taking a million years to load. Is it reluctant to be examined by a discerning female?
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