How do you feel about Indianas "Religious Freedom" bill?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
I personally feel mixed but it could be put to good use in discriminating against other faiths that are false. I could refuse service towards methodists because i disagree with baby baptism. I could discriminate against jews because of their background. It opens up so many possibilities. Conservatives and liberals how to you feel about it?
I personally feel mixed but it could be put to good use in discriminating against other faiths that are false. I could refuse service towards methodists because i disagree with baby baptism. I could discriminate against jews because of their background. It opens up so many possibilities. Conservatives and liberals how to you feel about it?
I suspect there are enough of us baby baptizers around to provide the Methodists with whatever they need.......
I feel the same way about it as I do the other 19 states who have similar laws and Arkansas's which is almost identical and to become law as soon as the governor signs it. Why all the grief toward Indiana?
How do you feel about Indianas "Religious Freedom" bill?

It allows businesses to legally discriminate based on religion and is called the exact opposite of what it really is.

I'm against sharia law.

I feel the same way about it as I do the other 19 states who have similar laws and Arkansas's which is almost identical and to become law as soon as the governor signs it. Why all the grief toward Indiana?

no kidding. this is like the 6-7th thread over it. man oh man.

You all don't like it. don't move there. simple simple
How do you feel about Indianas "Religious Freedom" bill?

It allows businesses to legally discriminate based on religion and is called the exact opposite of what it really is.

I'm against sharia law.

???/....aren't you promoting sharia law?......."bake gaycakes because that's what we believe you should do or we will put you out of business"
I feel the same way about it as I do the other 19 states who have similar laws and Arkansas's which is almost identical and to become law as soon as the governor signs it. Why all the grief toward Indiana?

no kidding. this is like the 6-7th thread over it. man oh man.

You all don't like it. don't move there. simple simple

My mom still lives in Indiana and she said all is quiet there, obviously a bunch of morons across the nation are trying to feel good about themselves...sort of like that white guilt BS they bawl about. Hell Indiana is a red state what the hell did they expect? Oh wait...Illinois is a blue state and they have a similar law. No bawling there though LOL
Economic boycotts and the federal courts will end the nonsense.

The Utah law will stand while the Indiana law will be put on hold within a wekk.
I personally feel mixed but it could be put to good use in discriminating against other faiths that are false. I could refuse service towards methodists because i disagree with baby baptism. I could discriminate against jews because of their background. It opens up so many possibilities. Conservatives and liberals how to you feel about it?
A minor embarrassment for the poor people of Indiana. But it's not that big of a deal really because it will never hold up in court if someone decides to take it there.
seems to me that it is correct , free association and freedom of religion !!
I personally feel mixed but it could be put to good use in discriminating against other faiths that are false. I could refuse service towards methodists because i disagree with baby baptism. I could discriminate against jews because of their background. It opens up so many possibilities. Conservatives and liberals how to you feel about it?
I think if you have a business, then you have a right to refuse service. BUT..only if they are acting like assholes, not because of skin color, sexual preference, religious beliefs, political stance.
probably in the minority but I think the freedom of association and Freedom of Religion trumps all these fairly recently made anti discrimination laws . He11 , 19 other states do similar to what this Indiana law is doing . If a religious baker doesn't want to bake a Gay wedding cake then go to a baker that will bake the cake for your money .
we'll see , civil rights are just gov granted political favors Agitater !!
I personally feel mixed but it could be put to good use in discriminating against other faiths that are false. I could refuse service towards methodists because i disagree with baby baptism. I could discriminate against jews because of their background. It opens up so many possibilities. Conservatives and liberals how to you feel about it?

Redundant at best. Supposedly there's already a Federal version. So the only reason to have a State version is if it let's them do things the Federal one does not.

Shouldn't even have the Federal version in my opinion because 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.' The concern isn't even homosexual or racial discrimination so much as what happens when some cult wants to assert their cult-religious rights? Gonna let people have sex with children because their religion says that's okay? Use cannabis like the Rastafarian one says? Take 5 breaks at work to pray like Islam says?

What about hospitals, many of which are religious? Can they begin to refuse to treat sinners or even admit them?

Wanna be religious hey that's swell, you go do that. But the law and government shouldn't be in the business of protecting religious expression. That's on you and your church. Open the door to government defining and enabling religous expressions, where does it end?
How did you all fweel about it when Billy boy Clinton signed it?



Remember When Democrats Used To Support Religious Freedom?

March 26, 2015 By Bill Clinton

Remarks on Signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
November 16, 1993

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, for those fine remarks and to the Members of Congress, the chaplains of the House and the Senate, and to all of you who worked so hard to help this day become a reality. Let me especially thank the Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion for the central role they played in drafting this legislation and working so hard for its passage.

ALL of it here:
Remember When Democrats Supported Religious Freedom

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