How did we get to this point?

Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything

Other ideas/thoughts?

We get the politicians we deserve.

It's you people who vote for idiots like these 2 bozos that are responsible.
How we got here is quite complex, as it is societal. Here are some of the reasons as I see it, though.

1 -- our schools and our media have both abandoned their duties to present facts rather than opinions. Our schools produce social justice warriors rather then citizens and our media has been hell bent on propelling us towards a race war.

2 -- our communication networks have become such that our ability to reach out to others is instantaneous and without the natural self-censoring that occurs in face to face contact, the ugliness of people's actual views come to the surface.

3 -- As society has become more chaotic, people have retreated into tribalism, that tribalism being based upon political persuasion. People can no longer evaluate the world without asking themselves what their tribe thinks on the matter, and we no longer think of ourselves as just Americans, but only according to a sub identity.

4 -- the increasing concentration of wealth among technocrats has led to their increasing power, and so their globalist views are being pressed forward against views that prefer local or national control.

5 -- ever since the ZPG movement took hold in the 60s, there has been a general inverse relationship between intelligence and procreation. Intelligent people have taken themselves out of the gene pool to a great degree.

It is easy to focus on Trump vs. Biden, but they are only the symptom. The actual cause has to do with the breakdown of our society in general.
How we got here is quite complex, as it is societal. Here are some of the reasons as I see it, though.

1 -- our schools and our media have both abandoned their duties to present facts rather than opinions. Our schools produce social justice warriors rather then citizens and our media has been hell bent on propelling us towards a race war.

Yes, it's the schools propelling us towards a race war, not the fact cops are shooting black people without consequence.

2 -- our communication networks have become such that our ability to reach out to others is instantaneous and without the natural self-censoring that occurs in face to face contact, the ugliness of people's actual views come to the surface.

This is almost a legitimate point. I'm not sure if that is really in line with what you and Mitlaufer Mac whine about, that "Political Correctness" is censoring views. It seems that people are more inclined to say shit on line that would get them punched in the mouth if they said it in person. I personally feel more at ease expressing myself on line, because I can complete a thought without some idiot repeating whatever he heard on Hate Radio like he had an original idea.

3 -- As society has become more chaotic, people have retreated into tribalism, that tribalism being based upon political persuasion. People can no longer evaluate the world without asking themselves what their tribe thinks on the matter, and we no longer think of ourselves as just Americans, but only according to a sub identity.

Again, you act like this is anything new. It really isn't. People were just as "Tribal" in the 1980's when I went to college. MAYBE social media has allowed people to express themselves more, but nothing more than that.

4 -- the increasing concentration of wealth among technocrats has led to their increasing power, and so their globalist views are being pressed forward against views that prefer local or national control.

Ah, and here comes the CRAZY TALK!!! Whenever the word "Globalist" comes into play, that there is some conspiracy to make the world smaller.

You realize that you are contradicting yourself, right, whining about both "tribalism" and "globalism". Which is it, dummy?

5 -- ever since the ZPG movement took hold in the 60s, there has been a general inverse relationship between intelligence and procreation. Intelligent people have taken themselves out of the gene pool to a great degree.

Wow? Really? When you say "intelligent" people you mean "White" people, doncha? Be honest with us, tell us true.

The reality - Birth control in the 1960's was the best thing that happened to society. It prevents people from having children they don't want and can't afford. The Europeans are further along and they are more prosperous, because they don't have the Jesusland idiots trying to give civil rights to spooge.

It is easy to focus on Trump vs. Biden, but they are only the symptom. The actual cause has to do with the breakdown of our society in general.

No, guy, the real problem was people on YOUR side elected Trump to troll our side. On some level, you all knew he was unfit to be president, but it was a big massive fuck you to everyone you hate. The problem is, Trump fucked us all.
You are stupid, post #13. The difference between a medicine and a poison is the amount, and why you are not a physician. Hydroxychloroquine contains an atom of chlorine.
Decades of bad presidents, and then the best one in history emerges. The one who simultaneously gets everything done that was supposed to be done for decades by the likes of Biden. But Mac still bitches because he sometimes says bad words.

It is amazing indeed.
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Decades of bad presidents, and then the best one in history emerges. The one who simultaneously gets everything done that was supposed to be done for decades by the likes of Biden. But Mac still bitches because he sometimes says bad words.

It is amazing indeed.
Mac, like most others affected by TDS, lacks the ability to distinguish between personality and policy.

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