How did Jan 6th affect you and your family personally?

I was accused of being there, and literally had to prove I haven't been further east than Albuquerque in 7 years. They never showed up, but called my phone. Claimed phone records showed my phone there.of course since I used my phone records to prove my innocence, that was a homeland security lie. Additionally I had records to show I was volunteering at a food bank in st John's az on Tuesday, bought gas in snowflake az on wed(1/6) and bought gas in Gallup NM on Friday.
Proving innocence. What has become of American justice?
It happened in 1954 when the Puerto Rican militants stormed the Capitol.
They did not take the building (storm the capital). They entered the viewing areas and opened fire. Much more violent, yet less poignant. They were fighting for independence (perhaps stupidly). The group that attacked the Constitution on Jan. 6 was much more shocking. If they had been armed, the effect would not have been all that much worse. Perversely, it might almost have been better if, indeed, these cowardly imbeciles had used firearms.
Dont look over here at the economy and sending billions of dollars to fund war in Ukraine and baby food shortages and gas prices and food prices…..LOOK AT THE PEOPLE WHO ALMOST TOOK OVER THE GOVERNMENT! :auiqs.jpg:
It showed us how vulnerable our democratic way of life is,
Especially since we have NEVER been a democracy, you useless twit!

and how easily it can be attacked and manipulated by a cult-like movement.
Especially like the months-long riots in 350 cities killing or injuring over 2000 police doing billions of damage to property by BLM over some bum felon. Never did we think this could happen to America. Never. Ever.

As proud Americans, it concerns us deeply. As parents, that concerned is doubled.

Then democrats STOLE a national election sending the USA further over the cliff and J6 was the result.

Oh, the GOOD news? Fox TV COULD ghave aired the J6 fiasco last night but instead aired the normal time slot programming, MASTERCHEF. Even better, it was a RERUN! :laughing0301:
It annoyed my wife and I for a few weeks because it was all over the place. On TV's when we went out to eat, on the radio, constantly allover the news.

So we were annoyed by how overplayed it was. Other than that it didn't effect us at all.
Damn, do you know how pitifully weak you sound?....I'm almost embarrassed for you...Almost.

Real Americans are made of much sterner stuff there Skippy.
If not for bed wetters like macturd we'd all be speaking....

Well.... we'd be dead generations ago and euroweenie imperial colonialists would be snuffing out the last of the africans before they turned on east asia.

It didn’t. Order was restored in a few hours on the same day Biden was sworn in on time there have been no other riots at the Capital since. It was an ugly and embarrassing day but it was not Pearl Harbor, 9-11 or the attack on Fort Sumter combined as some like to make it out to be.
For me and my family…..nothing.

What has affected me and my family is inflation and the useless lockdowns, useless masks mandates, and unconstitutonal mandates to force people to take an experimental gene therapy drug.

Jan 6th? Nothing.

It is a distraction by the Dems because they cannot run on anything they have accomplished.

In hindsight my family was disappointed the January 6th protestors failed to do more for their country. That's an open-ended statement by the way. Beyond that, Jan 6th isn't even a Lite Brite bulb sized blip on the radar.
Seems to be the case. I got on their radar because I have been very active in preserving private property owners rights relative to the feds releasing Mexican grey wolves in our area.
So much in society has become so distorted and exaggerated! The connection to history, especially recent, is not very present. It is little understood why and how we made the society we have. The successes and the failures are lost. Only twisted remnants reduced to clichés echo throughout what passes for discussion. No dynamism guides us, no spirit leads. What worked in the past no longer does and nothing better has been built.
January 6th confirmed my belief that Trump is a bloated, self centered, narcissistic, power grabbing, stupid, irrational, loudmouth, lunatic that thinks of himself rather than anyone else including the American people and our rules of government.
The cult clutches their pearls over Jan 6th….could you imagine these utter faggots if we had a real threat?

If it was up to these cowards, the Nazis would have won.
January 6th confirmed my belief that Trump is a bloated, self centered, narcissistic, power grabbing, stupid, irrational, loudmouth, lunatic that thinks of himself rather than anyone else including the American people and our rules of government.
What were gasoline prices back a couple of years ago?

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