CDZ How did Islam fall so far behind?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017

Well, it should be pointed out first of all that Saudia Arabia seems to be trying to modernize least to some extent.

Yet.....we need to point out some things..............Ramadan fasting by pregnant women harms prenatal development

Yes...............They make pregnant women participate in that idiocy, too? Wow, just wow.

I used to work with an Iranian....very likeable and quite educated but steeped in Jew Hatred and he was not shy about it....he would talk about it without any qualms. I have seen others like this....they simply cannot understand how everyone does not share this with them.

I would add inbreeding to the list and the fact that Islam, thanks to its pure Bedouin provenance, is just anti-intellectual period.

The “Islamic Golden Age” consisted of a bunch of Persians who hadn’t been totally ground down yet.

Islam, the Barbaric Religion

Why Did the Islamic World Fall So Far Behind?

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The Middle East was doing fine until the cold war powers decided to bomb it into the stone age for the last 70 years.
Iran didnt fall back 1K years because of us. They were relatively prosperous until the revolution. THEY turned themselves into savages.
The Middle East was doing fine until the cold war powers decided to bomb it into the stone age for the last 70 years.
Iran didnt fall back 1K years because of us. They were relatively prosperous until the revolution. THEY turned themselves into savages.
Been to Detroit lately ? Chicago ? Joizzzey ? West Virginia ?
I know. Yer paw kiddlez is reel schmart and says they all live in caves wiff nunna that thar E lectricalicity er nuthin. Goats and camels.
islam is a barbaric, ignorant religion, suited only for holding people down, so that the mullahs can live off of them.
The Middle East was doing fine until the cold war powers decided to bomb it into the stone age for the last 70 years.
Iran didnt fall back 1K years because of us. They were relatively prosperous until the revolution. THEY turned themselves into savages.
Yeah, the revolution. Hmm, who installed that government that they revolted against? Hmm.
Islam isn't even a religion. It's a murderous mycoginistic death cult and that's they way the males in the cult like it.
Islam was crafted in very cynical fashion by a serial murderer and rapist to invest in himself a sense of Godly power. This was intended to bind his warriors to him so they could continue their mission of living off the fruits of others. They didn't create anything. They didn't develop anything. They STOLE it.

Islam has some religious aspects due to the way it was designed, but it is really quite political in nature and is a manifesto for continuous war until all submit. It really should be called Mohammadism, since they consider this murderer, thief and rapist to be the worlds most perfect man.

This entire supremacist ideology is built around Mohammad's exploits, so is it any wonder why they are primitive? They never created anything to begin with, but merely stole it. As they conquered tribe after tribe, they benefitted from the creativity of those tribes, but the central mission was always to conquer and take.

The rejection of modernity is pretty much hardwired into Islam. It looks to the past and emulates a murderer and rapist rather than looking to the future.
I get the impression the OP thinks the word "Islam" somehow represents some kind of single entity, a monolith.

Kind of like pretending somebody in Colorado taking a survey identifying as "Christian" even though they're not active is the same thing as a KKK group lynching somebody, an Eric Rudolph planting a bomb, or a Lord's Resistance Army soldier conducting an execution because "hey they're all Christians".

Blanket generalizations just save SO much time and effort don't they?
This is a great topic. No doubt we'll see posts blaming the West, and no doubt we'll see the term "Islamophobe", and no doubt we'll see deflection to Christianity ("the Crusades!") of course (anything to avoid/change the subject), but the question remains: How can any religion have such dominance over its members that it literally retards fundamental growth?

It's a mystery to me, but it's very heartening to see brave Muslims such as Maajid Nawaz in Britain trying to bring about a Reformation of the religion, to make it more liberal, to jettison its barbaric fundamentalist influences, to bring it a bit closer to the 21st century. He's risking his life in his efforts. Good luck to him.
Islam was crafted in very cynical fashion by a serial murderer and rapist to invest in himself a sense of Godly power. This was intended to bind his warriors to him so they could continue their mission of living off the fruits of others. They didn't create anything. They didn't develop anything. They STOLE it.

Islam has some religious aspects due to the way it was designed, but it is really quite political in nature and is a manifesto for continuous war until all submit. It really should be called Mohammadism, since they consider this murderer, thief and rapist to be the worlds most perfect man.

This entire supremacist ideology is built around Mohammad's exploits, so is it any wonder why they are primitive? They never created anything to begin with, but merely stole it. As they conquered tribe after tribe, they benefitted from the creativity of those tribes, but the central mission was always to conquer and take.

The rejection of modernity is pretty much hardwired into Islam. It looks to the past and emulates a murderer and rapist rather than looking to the future.
Their religion is silly, yes, as are all others; but the rest of your post is just brainwashed rambling.
We can only hope that the information science has already provided us will help to transcend the limitations established religions impose on the human spirit.
The Middle East was doing fine until the cold war powers decided to bomb it into the stone age for the last 70 years.
Iran didnt fall back 1K years because of us. They were relatively prosperous until the revolution. THEY turned themselves into savages.
Yeah, the revolution. Hmm, who installed that government that they revolted against? Hmm.
You mean the Prime minister they overthrew? Wasnt that during the last monarch of irans rule?
The Middle East was doing fine until the cold war powers decided to bomb it into the stone age for the last 70 years.
Iran didnt fall back 1K years because of us. They were relatively prosperous until the revolution. THEY turned themselves into savages.
Yeah, the revolution. Hmm, who installed that government that they revolted against? Hmm.
You mean the Prime minister they overthrew? Wasnt that during the last monarch of irans rule?
The Shah they overthrew. He was too supportive of liberal policy and globalism. His opponents convinced people that foreigners were suspicious, that Iran was being taken advantage of, that the country was forgetting its reigious values and becoming too secular, that they need a stronger military... they needed to make Iran great again.
This is a great topic. No doubt we'll see posts blaming the West, and no doubt we'll see the term "Islamophobe", and no doubt we'll see deflection to Christianity ("the Crusades!") of course (anything to avoid/change the subject), but the question remains: How can any religion have such dominance over its members that it literally retards fundamental growth?

It's a mystery to me, but it's very heartening to see brave Muslims such as Maajid Nawaz in Britain trying to bring about a Reformation of the religion, to make it more liberal, to jettison its barbaric fundamentalist influences, to bring it a bit closer to the 21st century. He's risking his life in his efforts. Good luck to him.

First things first, dude.

The first order of business should be to liberalize the left. It is now so far from Liberal that it is beginning to represent its antithesis.
How did Islam fall so far behind?

The answer is actually fairly simple. The Muslim culture has been an isolationist, closed society for centuries content that the man ruled supreme over women as their mere slaves and they had absolutely no reason to change until oil was discovered in their region and they discovered they liked money and wealth and are now slowly being forced to accept and even eventually adopt some of the influences of the West which uses their oil.

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