"how dare a Republican Latina woman run for Congress?" - Twitter CEO

Well, it is kinda hard to believe a Latino woman would run as a republican. I mean talk about working against your own best interests.....
And you know what her best interests are?

White people always think they know what our best interests are
Who is "our." Pretty racist thing to say.
The Republican Latina stands for hard work, the rule of law, religion, a sense of humor and the American dream. That's not twitters ideal. They're more for the humorless Democrat Latina who plays the victim and thinks all Republicans are racist.
Well, it is kinda hard to believe a Latino woman would run as a republican. I mean talk about working against your own best interests.....
And you know what her best interests are?
We know what they should be.

And how would you know that? Because people of a certain type should always vote a certain way? Gosh, we should just suspend all elections then and count votes on “what they should be”.
I would know that because republicans are racists. Well may be not all. Either racists or illiterates.

What a stupid thing to believe.
The Republican Latina stands for hard work, the rule of law, religion, a sense of humor and the American dream. That's not twitters ideal. They're more for the humorless Democrat Latina who plays the victim and thinks all Republicans are racist.

The democrats have abandoned all that and favor Illegals and fraud
Well, it is kinda hard to believe a Latino woman would run as a republican. I mean talk about working against your own best interests.....

There is no longer a Republican party, as it has been hijacked by the divisive grifter Trump. Maybe she can help bring back Republican values to the congress.
Republican Party is the big tent party. We have room for many points of view
Well, it is kinda hard to believe a Latino woman would run as a republican. I mean talk about working against your own best interests.....
And you know what her best interests are?
I know they aren't the fear and hatred of brown people

Like your fear of “brown people” being conservative?
And you know what her best interests are?
We know what they should be.

And how would you know that? Because people of a certain type should always vote a certain way? Gosh, we should just suspend all elections then and count votes on “what they should be”.
I would know that because republicans are racists. Well may be not all. Either racists or illiterates.

Well lots of Latinos hate black people, and lots of blacks hate Latinos and Asians. So where do those racists go?
Those arent racists. They are just prejudice. Only whites can be racist here in the US.
Got to love the crazy. Look up the definition of racist it does not say only white. That only whites can be racist was made up to excuse the racist remarks made by people of color. They actually think others buy into that.
Well, it is kinda hard to believe a Latino woman would run as a republican. I mean talk about working against your own best interests.....
Want to elaborate on what her "own best interests" are, Crep?

She clearly believes in the Second Amendment, and doesn’t like communism. But Dems like Creep know what are her “best interests”. She should be complaining about her rights being taken away by evil white conservatives. Although I’ve yet to hear what actual rights are ever denied to “people like her”.

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