How can yall continue to support him?

Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

The ghosts of Buchanan, Grant and Harding would like a word with you.

Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

Not really. What he's done is fairly divisive, but you can't call it worst ever when the guys who hold that title had notoriously corrupt administrations full of scandal, or did nothing to prevent or even took action of the Civil War.
I'm convinced this administration is purposely blocking efforts to cleanup the Gulf; there is no other explanation. Nobody is this stupid/incompetent.

It seems to be that the worse this gets, the better it plays for their agenda.

you are that dumb, must be a rummel grad
economist predict 3% growth this year, Obama has stimulus left to juice his reelection.

Tea baggers will implode.
That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................
....More-commonly-referred-to as The Teabagger Syndrome.



A) You are absolutely the most comical poster on this board, you attempt to disguise your stupidity and complete lack of anything of substance to add to a thread with multicolored posts, but it doesn't work, it just makes you look like a stupid child rather than a stupid adult. unfair, to use (actual) recordings & photos to bust (totally-clueless) Teabaggers. :rolleyes:

The ghosts of Buchanan, Grant and Harding would like a word with you.

Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

Not really. What he's done is fairly divisive, but you can't call it worst ever when the guys who hold that title had notoriously corrupt administrations full of scandal, or did nothing to prevent or even took action of the Civil War.

Buchanan was a dungerhead , no doubt, I mean the idiot vetoed building more colleges cus he thought there were already too many educated people, just as one example. But I don't think you can blame the Civil War on him. And honestly, we have people talking Civil War now, BO has been THAT divisive. Especially odd considering he ran on a platform of bipartisanship, but then once elected tosses that idea right out the window.

Lie after lie after lie from this man, that's what's most disappointing. I could live with him using his power to pass his agenda, that's the spoils of winning, but the dishonest tactics are an embarrassment to the Office of President and to our nation. And I am sickened that so many people support t hat, I'm doubly sickened when the very people who rightly criticized Bush for his deceptions are willing to let Obama slide on his. That is pathetic.

OK, I did leave out the apostrophe, I'm pretty bad about that.

   /yɔl/ Show Spelled[yawl] Show IPA
   /yuˈɔl, yɔl/ Show Spelled[yoo-awl, yawl] Show IPA
–pronoun Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S.
(used in direct address to two or more persons, or to one person who represents a family, organization, etc.): You-all come back now, hear? Tell your mother it's time you-all came to visit us.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

Easy...thanks for asking

President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

That is just in the economic sector....would you like to hear more?

But wait........ I thought the bailouts were Bush's idea? At least that's what we hear from the left anytime someone complains about them.

As for the UE rate, you and I both know that the number are being fudged due to many factors. By the reckoning of most experts we aren't even close to out of this recession.

If that is the best you can do, I invite you to rethink your position.

Thanks for lets move on to the wars

Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become more engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.

There is more Con want to hear it?
Last edited:
Easy...thanks for asking

President Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years. The financial sector was in a panic and GM, Chrysler and most major banks were on the verge of collapse. If they collapsed, we would be in a Depression right now. Upon taking office, Obama shored up the banks and provided a bailout to the automakers to save this critical manufacturing sector.
Almost immediately, the plunging stock markets reversed themselves and have rebounded 60%. By all accounts, we have emerged from recession and are starting a slow but steady recovery.
In Jan 2009, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We have had positive jobs growth in 4 of the last 5 months and unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10.2% to its current 9.5%
Ronald Reagan, at this point in his Presidency had unemployment rise to 10.8% before he saw a reverse

That is just in the economic sector....would you like to hear more?

But wait........ I thought the bailouts were Bush's idea? At least that's what we hear from the left anytime someone complains about them.

As for the UE rate, you and I both know that the number are being fudged due to many factors. By the reckoning of most experts we aren't even close to out of this recession.

If that is the best you can do, I invite you to rethink your position.

Thanks for lets move on to the wars

Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become mopre engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.

There is more Con want to hear it?

Inheriting two wars is daunting,, we're agreed. But of course you don't give Bush any slack for inheriting 9/11 so I don't really understand how you now claim "mercy"

As for his policies in those two wars. Obviously we are nowhere near out of Iraq, which he said he would accomplish.

It could be argued that he has weakened our image abroad, and in fact I agree with that argument. For instance, you don't announce to the world that you have no inention of using your nuclear arsenal.

He and his regime have repeatedly spit in Israel's face. While seemingly coddling the Muslims.

It is true that he stepped up drone attacks, and those are being vilified by the world community; which means that BO is oddly enough doing something that the rest of the world hates because he thinks it's important for OUR national security , hey there was this other President that did that and he was accused of not caring what the world thought.

Do I need to mention GITMO? What about civilian trials for terrorists? What about how terrorists are handled if apprehended in the US? More cluster fucks from the President of cluster fucks.

What about the silly ass ROE he has our men operating under?

YEs Rightwinger, please do continue..............
So, which part of him do you think I'm against? The young part? He's actually older than me.
Young for a president

The Democrat part? I've actually voted Democrat in 4 out of 5 Presidential elections I've been eligible to vote in.
I don't believe that for a millisecond, but even if it's true, you're clearly a Republican now. I know I know, you're a rightist independent. Everyone on this board is an independent. So whatever, you're a republican now, or an independent who has no divergence from the Republican manifesto and who will vote Republican in every election you get a chance to.

That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................

Maybe you do, maybe not. You certainly don't hate him for any good reasons. Here's a guy who took office in the absolute worst of circumstances, and by just about any measure, the country is better off now than it was before he got here. You may say any improvements had nothing to do with Barack, and maybe that's true, but you can't act like the clusterfuck that was here before he got in, is somehow his fault.

What could this man do to win your approval? I want a real answer, not "Act like a leader" or "Balance the budget" or any other noise. I want a specific move the man can make that would win you over.

There is none. There's a very powerful communication force working for the opposition, which has convinced you that every move he makes is wrong. You, like most Republicans (sorry, are you another "independent?") don't even weigh pros and cons of these decisions anymore - It's just all cons. I can guarantee if you had the distinct honor of a private WH tour with Barack, you wouldn't so much as approve of the way he hangs the fucking toilet paper.
Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

Not really. What he's done is fairly divisive, but you can't call it worst ever when the guys who hold that title had notoriously corrupt administrations full of scandal, or did nothing to prevent or even took action of the Civil War.

Buchanan was a dungerhead , no doubt, I mean the idiot vetoed building more colleges cus he thought there were already too many educated people, just as one example. But I don't think you can blame the Civil War on him. And honestly, we have people talking Civil War now, BO has been THAT divisive. Especially odd considering he ran on a platform of bipartisanship, but then once elected tosses that idea right out the window.

Buchanan did shit to prevent the Civil War, that's why he was a horrible president. He thought it was illegal for states to secede, but also thought it was illegal to go to war over it. Essentially, he did nothing but punt it off on his successor, Lincoln.

Barack Obama hasn't done anything worthy of causing a civil war. He's done what he thinks is right, and the polarized political climate today has reacted as it did with Bush and Clinton. Plus, don't pin all the blame on Obama solely, it's not like Republicans in Congress aren't guilt-free either.

Lie after lie after lie from this man, that's what's most disappointing. I could live with him using his power to pass his agenda, that's the spoils of winning, but the dishonest tactics are an embarrassment to the Office of President and to our nation. And I am sickened that so many people support t hat, I'm doubly sickened when the very people who rightly criticized Bush for his deceptions are willing to let Obama slide on his. That is pathetic.

What dishonest tactics, and what lies? I'm personally disappointed Gitmo is still open, and that he's kept parts of Bush's wiretapping policies, but on the whole he's making pretty good headway on what he promised us.

I don't really see him doing anything drastically different than any other president has done.
So, which part of him do you think I'm against? The young part? He's actually older than me.
Young for a president

The Democrat part? I've actually voted Democrat in 4 out of 5 Presidential elections I've been eligible to vote in.
I don't believe that for a millisecond, but even if it's true, you're clearly a Republican now. I know I know, you're a rightist independent. Everyone on this board is an independent. So whatever, you're a republican now, or an independent who has no divergence from the Republican manifesto and who will vote Republican in every election you get a chance to.

That only leaves one thing. The old race card rears its ugly head again. Can't be that I object to his stances on everything, must be that I hate him cuz he's black..............................................

Maybe you do, maybe not. You certainly don't hate him for any good reasons. Here's a guy who took office in the absolute worst of circumstances, and by just about any measure, the country is better off now than it was before he got here. You may say any improvements had nothing to do with Barack, and maybe that's true, but you can't act like the clusterfuck that was here before he got in, is somehow his fault.

What could this man do to win your approval? I want a real answer, not "Act like a leader" or "Balance the budget" or any other noise. I want a specific move the man can make that would win you over.

There is none. There's a very powerful communication force working for the opposition, which has convinced you that every move he makes is wrong. You, like most Republicans (sorry, are you another "independent?") don't even weigh pros and cons of these decisions anymore - It's just all cons. I can guarantee if you had the distinct honor of a private WH tour with Barack, you wouldn't so much as approve of the way he hangs the fucking toilet paper.

I really don't care what you believe as far as my voting record goes. It is what it is. McCain in 2008 was my first Republican vote for President, and not because I thought he was a great candidate but because I knew BO was not. Had nothing to do with skin color or party.

You want specifics of what BO could do to win me over? Ok

1) Stop blaming Bush for every god damned thing that goes wrong. I'm tired of hearing it
2) Listen to some real economists who are unanimously saying "stop spending"
3) Fire Eric Holder , and start sticking to his promise of racial equality
4) Stop lying
5) Close the southern border of this nation, and do something to get those who are already here legalized or deported
6) Tell the world that Gitmo is vital to our national security and that they can fuck off if they don't like it
7)Pull out of Iraq completely. Not just combat troops, but all personnel, tell Iraq good luck
8)Admit that we are in fact at war with Muslim terrorists
9)Stop kowtowing to other nations
10)Actually attempt to work with Republicans instead of making stupid comments like "now john the election is over so nanny nanny boo boo"

If he did those ten things I wouldn't consider him the worst President ever and depending on who else runs in 2012 I might even vote for him. But we both know he'll do none of them.

I could of course name lots of other things I'd like to see him do.
The sad and frightening truth is that there are those that do not care about any positive outcome for our country. They are the same suspects that have been there all along.

They are the lobbyists and those that the lobbyists represent. Not all of them but many of them. We did not elect these fiends yet they have more power than any one of our elected representatives including the president.

They are easy to find yet they have somehow convinced many of you that they are the good guys.

Do good guys sell weapons?

Do good guys kill every attempt to make this a cleaner ..healthier world?

Do good guys hold Americans hostage when they are sick and dying when they are the most vulnerable?

These are only a few examples.

Ask yourselves why the health care bill ended up so badly. ...but not for the health care corps.

Ask yourself what benefit the media receives by pitting us against each other. The cash cow for them is election cycles. They make a fortune on air time during elections.

I'll stop now. Please think for YOURSELVES!

Those questions require a certain amount to introspection. Not gonna happen. These are people who think "Marxist, Fascist, Socialist and Communist" are all interchangeable words. Taxes are the lowest in 50 years and they are complaining that taxes are killing the economy.

For Republicans, the last 10 years have been nothing but one boogeyman after another. Sometimes two or three at the same time. I don't remember in my lifetime when a political party has worked so tirelessly to frighten it's base. They are walking around shell shocked.

What world are you living in? Taxes are at their lowest? For one thing, that's just a lie.....
....'Cause...lemme guess....that's what THEY SAY!!!.....right?? :rolleyes:
Not really. What he's done is fairly divisive, but you can't call it worst ever when the guys who hold that title had notoriously corrupt administrations full of scandal, or did nothing to prevent or even took action of the Civil War.

Buchanan was a dungerhead , no doubt, I mean the idiot vetoed building more colleges cus he thought there were already too many educated people, just as one example. But I don't think you can blame the Civil War on him. And honestly, we have people talking Civil War now, BO has been THAT divisive. Especially odd considering he ran on a platform of bipartisanship, but then once elected tosses that idea right out the window.

Buchanan did shit to prevent the Civil War, that's why he was a horrible president. He thought it was illegal for states to secede, but also thought it was illegal to go to war over it. Essentially, he did nothing but punt it off on his successor, Lincoln.

Barack Obama hasn't done anything worthy of causing a civil war. He's done what he thinks is right, and the polarized political climate today has reacted as it did with Bush and Clinton. Plus, don't pin all the blame on Obama solely, it's not like Republicans in Congress aren't guilt-free either.

Lie after lie after lie from this man, that's what's most disappointing. I could live with him using his power to pass his agenda, that's the spoils of winning, but the dishonest tactics are an embarrassment to the Office of President and to our nation. And I am sickened that so many people support t hat, I'm doubly sickened when the very people who rightly criticized Bush for his deceptions are willing to let Obama slide on his. That is pathetic.

What dishonest tactics, and what lies? I'm personally disappointed Gitmo is still open, and that he's kept parts of Bush's wiretapping policies, but on the whole he's making pretty good headway on what he promised us.

I don't really see him doing anything drastically different than any other president has done.

I didn't say he has done anything worthy of a Civil War, I said we have people talking about it. No I don't blame BO for everything. Congress as a whole is a worthless collection of dirt bags, that doesn't excuse Obama though.

What dishonest tactics? Are you serious? Must we rehash the whole Conrhusker kickback and other issues, or can you just admit that yes, he is the atypical Chicago politician?

What lies? Where to start...

no more ear marks
end no bid contracts
allow five days of public comments before signing bills
televised debates on healthcare reform
no family making less than $250K will see ANY form of tax increases
close gitmo
out of iraq
Racial equality

UGH the list could stretch on for decades. Don't be one of those losers who won't admit that BO has lied plenty.

You don't see him doing anything different than any other President? Hmm how odd, because he ran on a campaign of in fact being different than any other President.
Seriously, this guy is the worst President EVER

He hasn't done ANYTHING right since taking over

I won't bother to rehash all his gaffes and fuck ups, there's no need, but Jesus Christ, it's not as if he's just having a few things go wrong, An honest person would have to conclude that he he has fucked up every single thing he has put his hands on.

He can't lead. He just doesn't have it it him. If yall really cared about your causes you would want better leadership.

For real, any of you still feel that he is the right man for the job , please tell us why; because frankly I think the only people who continue to support him do so for one reason, skin color.

The ghosts of Buchanan, Grant and Harding would like a word with you.

Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

....Especially when you're allowed to lie.

1) Stop blaming Bush for every god damned thing that goes wrong. I'm tired of hearing it
What is the correct answer to the following questions:
- Under what administration did our economic system implode to near-collapse; A situation you're now having to deal with?
- Under what administration did we get embroiled in 2 unwinnable occupations (No longer referring to them as wars would be a good start; They are, by definition, occupations); A situation you're now having to deal with?
- Under what administration was half of our current aggregate debt accumulated; A situation you're now having to deal with?
2) Listen to some real economists who are unanimously saying "stop spending"
Very specifically, where do you want to stop spending? Non-military discretionary spending is about $400 billion this year. The deficit is about $1.2T. This is due to economic slowdown and automatic stabilizers that kick in to prevent further bleeding. Cutting government spending and raising taxes are the only short term solutions, and both work to exacerbate the economic turmoil.
3) Fire Eric Holder , and start sticking to his promise of racial equality
Send Barack an e-mail, I'm sure he'll blow him out on account of your not liking him.
4) Stop lying
5) Close the southern border of this nation, and do something to get those who are already here legalized or deported
Far more complicated than that. No president in American history has had a cure-all for that particular situation.
6) Tell the world that Gitmo is vital to our national security and that they can fuck off if they don't like it
So, our need for a military base in Cuba is, in your eyes, more important than the entire fucking world's view of us?
7)Pull out of Iraq completely. Not just combat troops, but all personnel, tell Iraq good luck
As anxious as I am to say I agree, again, more complicated than that. Smarter would have been to stay out of that shit hole altogether.
8)Admit that we are in fact at war with Muslim terrorists
We're not at war with anyone. A war is a conflict between the armed forces of two or more sovereign nations. Unless you can tell me the sovereign nation(s) we're at "War" with, there is no war. We are pursuing criminals who are part of a criminal enterprise.
9)Stop kowtowing to other nations
You'll have to be more specific. But this peckerwood "Ah we should tell the whole world to fuck off" is, in addition to being rather immature, potentially very dangerous.
10)Actually attempt to work with Republicans instead of making stupid comments like "now john the election is over so nanny nanny boo boo"
He did try, and his record shows it. Unfortunately, in doing so he alienated a lot of his own base, while the Republicans have given him the perpetual middle finger. He's still trying. I for one, think his naive attempts at "Bipartisanship" have been his #1 stumbling block.

If he did those ten things I wouldn't consider him the worst President ever and depending on who else runs in 2012 I might even vote for him. But we both know he'll do none of them.

I could of course name lots of other things I'd like to see him do.

As per usual, you got nothin.
But wait........ I thought the bailouts were Bush's idea? At least that's what we hear from the left anytime someone complains about them.

As for the UE rate, you and I both know that the number are being fudged due to many factors. By the reckoning of most experts we aren't even close to out of this recession.

If that is the best you can do, I invite you to rethink your position.

Thanks for lets move on to the wars

Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become mopre engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.

There is more Con want to hear it?

Inheriting two wars is daunting,, we're agreed. But of course you don't give Bush any slack for inheriting 9/11 so I don't really understand how you now claim "mercy"

As for his policies in those two wars. Obviously we are nowhere near out of Iraq, which he said he would accomplish.

It could be argued that he has weakened our image abroad, and in fact I agree with that argument. For instance, you don't announce to the world that you have no inention of using your nuclear arsenal.

He and his regime have repeatedly spit in Israel's face. While seemingly coddling the Muslims.

It is true that he stepped up drone attacks, and those are being vilified by the world community; which means that BO is oddly enough doing something that the rest of the world hates because he thinks it's important for OUR national security , hey there was this other President that did that and he was accused of not caring what the world thought.

Do I need to mention GITMO? What about civilian trials for terrorists? What about how terrorists are handled if apprehended in the US? More cluster fucks from the President of cluster fucks.

What about the silly ass ROE he has our men operating under?

YEs Rightwinger, please do continue..............

Slack for inheriting 9-11? Are you out of your mind?

Clinton was holding weekly cabinet level meetings with his top terrorism advisor, Clark, on terror. He warned the Bush administration that terror would be their biggest challenge. The first cabinet level meeting that Clark was to take part in in the Bush admin was, ironically, scheduled for 9-11. The Bush admin stated, publically, concerning Clinton's warnings, that "Clinton had a fixation concerning Bin Laden".

Over the summer of 2001, there were over 50 warnings from reputable sources about an attack on the US. Some specific as to method and target. Not only did Bush do nothing, he went on vacation during the time that the warnings stated that attack could take place.

Bush and his administration did not inherit 9-11, they actively made it possible.
But wait........ I thought the bailouts were Bush's idea? At least that's what we hear from the left anytime someone complains about them.

As for the UE rate, you and I both know that the number are being fudged due to many factors. By the reckoning of most experts we aren't even close to out of this recession.

If that is the best you can do, I invite you to rethink your position.

Thanks for lets move on to the wars

Obama took office in the midst of two wars. A daunting task for any President. Complicating his mission was a global mistrust of the US due to his predecessors misleading rationale for starting an unnecessary war, bullying tactics and single minded strategy
He ordered the withdrawal of troops from the hot zones in Iraq and turned over control of those regions to Iraqi forces.
As promised, he turned the wars away from nation building into a war on terrorism again. He plussed up the troop strength in Afganistan and allowed US forces to retake territory surrendered to the Taliban when that other president invaded Iraq.
Obama also rebuilt international alliances and convinced them to become mopre engaged in Afghanistan. Most importantly, he engaged Pakistan as an equal partner and assisted their attempts to retake Taliban stronholds on the Afghan border.
He has intensified drone strikes to kill key AlQaida and Taliban leaders.

There is more Con want to hear it?

Inheriting two wars is daunting,, we're agreed. But of course you don't give Bush any slack for inheriting 9/11 so I don't really understand how you now claim "mercy"

As for his policies in those two wars. Obviously we are nowhere near out of Iraq, which he said he would accomplish.

It could be argued that he has weakened our image abroad, and in fact I agree with that argument. For instance, you don't announce to the world that you have no inention of using your nuclear arsenal.

He and his regime have repeatedly spit in Israel's face. While seemingly coddling the Muslims.

It is true that he stepped up drone attacks, and those are being vilified by the world community; which means that BO is oddly enough doing something that the rest of the world hates because he thinks it's important for OUR national security , hey there was this other President that did that and he was accused of not caring what the world thought.

Do I need to mention GITMO? What about civilian trials for terrorists? What about how terrorists are handled if apprehended in the US? More cluster fucks from the President of cluster fucks.

What about the silly ass ROE he has our men operating under?

YEs Rightwinger, please do continue..............


President Obama is the first president to pass a comprehensive nationwide healthcare plan. After over 100 years of trying, the US has joined the rest of the industrialized world in ensuring that its citizens have access to healthcare.
In spite of massive lobbying by the insurance industry and rampant fear mongering and misinformation generated from the right, president Obama along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid managed to hammer out a deal long after most considered healthcare to be dead.
Is the bill flawless.?....hell no
Is there more to be done?....hell yes

But the bill did establish the groundwork for comprehensive coverage for all Americans. Despite repeated attempts by Republicans to rip it up and lame promises of "we will help you this time, no really, trust us, we republicans want Americans to hae access to healthcare"...Obama pushed through a deal that will be a hallmark of his presidency

Damn....and its only been 18 months so far....pretty impressive

There is want to hear?
1) Stop blaming Bush for every god damned thing that goes wrong. I'm tired of hearing it
What is the correct answer to the following questions:
- Under what administration did our economic system implode to near-collapse; A situation you're now having to deal with?
- Under what administration did we get embroiled in 2 unwinnable occupations (No longer referring to them as wars would be a good start; They are, by definition, occupations); A situation you're now having to deal with?
- Under what administration was half of our current aggregate debt accumulated; A situation you're now having to deal with?
2) Listen to some real economists who are unanimously saying "stop spending"
Very specifically, where do you want to stop spending? Non-military discretionary spending is about $400 billion this year. The deficit is about $1.2T. This is due to economic slowdown and automatic stabilizers that kick in to prevent further bleeding. Cutting government spending and raising taxes are the only short term solutions, and both work to exacerbate the economic turmoil.

Send Barack an e-mail, I'm sure he'll blow him out on account of your not liking him.


Far more complicated than that. No president in American history has had a cure-all for that particular situation.

So, our need for a military base in Cuba is, in your eyes, more important than the entire fucking world's view of us?

As anxious as I am to say I agree, again, more complicated than that. Smarter would have been to stay out of that shit hole altogether.

We're not at war with anyone. A war is a conflict between the armed forces of two or more sovereign nations. Unless you can tell me the sovereign nation(s) we're at "War" with, there is no war. We are pursuing criminals who are part of a criminal enterprise.

You'll have to be more specific. But this peckerwood "Ah we should tell the whole world to fuck off" is, in addition to being rather immature, potentially very dangerous.
10)Actually attempt to work with Republicans instead of making stupid comments like "now john the election is over so nanny nanny boo boo"
He did try, and his record shows it. Unfortunately, in doing so he alienated a lot of his own base, while the Republicans have given him the perpetual middle finger. He's still trying. I for one, think his naive attempts at "Bipartisanship" have been his #1 stumbling block.

If he did those ten things I wouldn't consider him the worst President ever and depending on who else runs in 2012 I might even vote for him. But we both know he'll do none of them.

I could of course name lots of other things I'd like to see him do.

So I attempt to give you specifics and you dismiss them as "nothing?" Duly noted, and I will not attempt to engage you as adult any further.

That's liberals in a nutshell. They don't want a debate, they want an agreement.
As per usual, you got nothin.
Three bad Presidents I concede; but Obama seems to be up to the challenge of winning the "honor."

Not really. What he's done is fairly divisive, but you can't call it worst ever when the guys who hold that title had notoriously corrupt administrations full of scandal, or did nothing to prevent or even took action of the Civil War.

Buchanan was a dungerhead , no doubt, I mean the idiot vetoed building more colleges cus he thought there were already too many educated people, just as one example. But I don't think you can blame the Civil War on him. And honestly, we have people talking Civil War now, BO has been THAT divisive. Especially odd considering he ran on a platform of bipartisanship, but then once elected tosses that idea right out the window. could he possibly miss all o' that maturity, with which "conservatives" operate?


Lie after lie after lie from this man, that's what's most disappointing.

Failure, to do so, would make YOU a Liar.

(We already know you lie about taxes. Try to show some improvement.)​

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