

Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
How Bad Is It? Even Ann Coulter Has Turned On Conservatives - The Daily Beast

First, let us give the requisite nod to the rich irony of one of the GOP’s most cynical button-pushers professing outrage over ambitious conservatives’ desire to profit personally at the expense of the party’s greater good. This is, after all, a woman who has grown rich and famous fueling Republicans’ image as a pack of extremist nutjobs with made-to-inflame statements such as: “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks”; “We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say”; “I have never seen people”—meaning the 9/11 widows—“enjoying their husbands’ death so much”; “I don’t really like to think of it as murder. It was terminating [abortion provider George] Tiller in the 203rd trimester”; “I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo”; and “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president.”

Now that that’s out of the way, back to Coulter’s tête-à-tête with Hannity. Part of what made her rant so interesting was that it clearly caught her host off guard. When Hannity expressed dissatisfaction with the current intramural GOP warfare, he was inviting Coulter to tear into the soft underbelly of people like Sen. John McCain, Rep. Peter King, and other assorted RINO squishes who don’t believe that crashing the global economy is the best way to run a nation. Instead, Coulter gouged a string of fellow conservatives, leaving Hannity struggling to get a word in edgewise. Coulter heaped special scorn on Dick Cheney’s elder daughter. “Why should we be having—and I love Liz Cheney—but why should we be having a rancorous primary against a good Republican senator other than for Liz Cheney’s ego?” she demanded. This put poor Hannity, a loud-and-proud Liz fan, in an awkward position. But when he gently protested that, far from being an egomaniacal climber Liz Cheney is genuinely “more conservative” than her opponent Mike Enzi, Coulter slapped him down: “No, she isn’t.” Hannity was left to whine meekly, “She’s not a shyster, so let’s be clear.”

She may reveal herself as a Bill Maher clone any minute lol...what a bunch of anything for a buck sell outs...:eusa_whistle:
Democrats have traditionally been the party that had to marshal together a more diverse group of people and ideals. Now, Republicans may still mostly look alike - but they are tearing each other apart like a pack of rabid dogs.

This may turn out to be a positive, because apparently they have some issues to work out and maybe they will emerge even stronger on the other side of this?????
Franky I know you're used to lockstep libs, but here's a news flash, republicans and conservatives don't always agree on every topic and aren't afraid to discuss them. So just drop back in your lib echo chamber and enjoy the show.
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Franky I know you're used to lockstep libs, but here's a news flash, republicans and conservatives don't always agree on every topic and aren't afraid to discuss them. So just drop back in your lib echo chamber and enjoy the show.

Good one, "Lib Echo Chamber" :eusa_clap:. More like "The World According to 'Not Fox' ".

Nobody marches in lock step like the pseudo-conservatives in the GOP. The Dems are a distant second to the masters of lockstep.
Actual truth is so repetitive lol- the brainwashed inmates are splitting the GOP- couldn't happen to a greedier bunch of bought off lying hypocrites andthieves...
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Franky I know you're used to lockstep libs, but here's a news flash, republicans and conservatives don't always agree on every topic and aren't afraid to discuss them. So just drop back in your lib echo chamber and enjoy the show.

Give how incredibly out of the ordinary this is, yes, Republicans and Conservatives do agree on every topic and the only way one makes it to the top is to learn to stay on message.
Franky I know you're used to lockstep libs, but here's a news flash, republicans and conservatives don't always agree on every topic and aren't afraid to discuss them. So just drop back in your lib echo chamber and enjoy the show.

Give how incredibly out of the ordinary this is, yes, Republicans and Conservatives do agree on every topic and the only way one makes it to the top is to learn to stay on message.

Given all the threads the libs have started about republicans eating their own, I think your comment just shows how out of touch you really are. But that's OK it's a symptom of obamabotzombieness.
Franky I know you're used to lockstep libs, but here's a news flash, republicans and conservatives don't always agree on every topic and aren't afraid to discuss them. So just drop back in your lib echo chamber and enjoy the show.

Give how incredibly out of the ordinary this is, yes, Republicans and Conservatives do agree on every topic and the only way one makes it to the top is to learn to stay on message.

Given all the threads the libs have started about republicans eating their own, I think your comment just shows how out of touch you really are. But that's OK it's a symptom of obamabotzombieness.

I was going to make a post showing showing that certain Republicans vote for pieces of legislation Americans for Prosperity supported but then I realized it is a one-to-one correlation and there is no point. I was surprised just how much local legislation Americans for Prosperity takes an interest in.
It is true that first Jeb comes out an is skewered for being soft of "illegals," and then RandianPaul is skewered by the Israel First crowd.

It's because most so-called "conservatives" today are more interested in anyone and everyone else but America and Americans. We take a backseat to the Dems and the RINOs.
Give how incredibly out of the ordinary this is, yes, Republicans and Conservatives do agree on every topic and the only way one makes it to the top is to learn to stay on message.

Given all the threads the libs have started about republicans eating their own, I think your comment just shows how out of touch you really are. But that's OK it's a symptom of obamabotzombieness.

I was going to make a post showing showing that certain Republicans vote for pieces of legislation Americans for Prosperity supported but then I realized it is a one-to-one correlation and there is no point. I was surprised just how much local legislation Americans for Prosperity takes an interest in.

What, you don't think lib organizations take an interest in local legislation, you must be a real political rookie, or like I said, just out of touch.
Given all the threads the libs have started about republicans eating their own, I think your comment just shows how out of touch you really are. But that's OK it's a symptom of obamabotzombieness.

I was going to make a post showing showing that certain Republicans vote for pieces of legislation Americans for Prosperity supported but then I realized it is a one-to-one correlation and there is no point. I was surprised just how much local legislation Americans for Prosperity takes an interest in.

What, you don't think lib organizations take an interest in local legislation, you must be a real political rookie, or like I said, just out of touch.

Such as?
How Bad Is It? Even Ann Coulter Has Turned On Conservatives - The Daily Beast

First, let us give the requisite nod to the rich irony of one of the GOP’s most cynical button-pushers professing outrage over ambitious conservatives’ desire to profit personally at the expense of the party’s greater good. This is, after all, a woman who has grown rich and famous fueling Republicans’ image as a pack of extremist nutjobs with made-to-inflame statements such as: “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks”; “We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say”; “I have never seen people”—meaning the 9/11 widows—“enjoying their husbands’ death so much”; “I don’t really like to think of it as murder. It was terminating [abortion provider George] Tiller in the 203rd trimester”; “I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo”; and “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president.”

Now that that’s out of the way, back to Coulter’s tête-à-tête with Hannity. Part of what made her rant so interesting was that it clearly caught her host off guard. When Hannity expressed dissatisfaction with the current intramural GOP warfare, he was inviting Coulter to tear into the soft underbelly of people like Sen. John McCain, Rep. Peter King, and other assorted RINO squishes who don’t believe that crashing the global economy is the best way to run a nation. Instead, Coulter gouged a string of fellow conservatives, leaving Hannity struggling to get a word in edgewise. Coulter heaped special scorn on Dick Cheney’s elder daughter. “Why should we be having—and I love Liz Cheney—but why should we be having a rancorous primary against a good Republican senator other than for Liz Cheney’s ego?” she demanded. This put poor Hannity, a loud-and-proud Liz fan, in an awkward position. But when he gently protested that, far from being an egomaniacal climber Liz Cheney is genuinely “more conservative” than her opponent Mike Enzi, Coulter slapped him down: “No, she isn’t.” Hannity was left to whine meekly, “She’s not a shyster, so let’s be clear.”

She may reveal herself as a Bill Maher clone any minute lol...what a bunch of anything for a buck sell outs...:eusa_whistle:
She's talking about the Republican ESTABLISHMENT that have LOST the will to FIGHT as they have been in Washington far too long...

NICE TRY.:eusa_hand:
I love left wingers making commentary on any player on the right when they have absolutely no clue on the ebb and flow within the party. I threw Coulter and Ingraham under the bus because their man was and is Christie.

'Nuff said.
When the girls went after Palin, Mark Levin went after Annie and Laura. It was a big deal. How many know about this?

I bet not many libs knew that this fight has been brewing for quite some time.
Actual truth is so repetitive lol- the brainwashed inmates are splitting the GOP- couldn't happen to a greedier bunch of bought off lying hypocrites andthieves...

None that are right of center march in lock step like the left do.
How Bad Is It? Even Ann Coulter Has Turned On Conservatives - The Daily Beast

First, let us give the requisite nod to the rich irony of one of the GOP’s most cynical button-pushers professing outrage over ambitious conservatives’ desire to profit personally at the expense of the party’s greater good. This is, after all, a woman who has grown rich and famous fueling Republicans’ image as a pack of extremist nutjobs with made-to-inflame statements such as: “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks”; “We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say”; “I have never seen people”—meaning the 9/11 widows—“enjoying their husbands’ death so much”; “I don’t really like to think of it as murder. It was terminating [abortion provider George] Tiller in the 203rd trimester”; “I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo”; and “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president.”

Now that that’s out of the way, back to Coulter’s tête-à-tête with Hannity. Part of what made her rant so interesting was that it clearly caught her host off guard. When Hannity expressed dissatisfaction with the current intramural GOP warfare, he was inviting Coulter to tear into the soft underbelly of people like Sen. John McCain, Rep. Peter King, and other assorted RINO squishes who don’t believe that crashing the global economy is the best way to run a nation. Instead, Coulter gouged a string of fellow conservatives, leaving Hannity struggling to get a word in edgewise. Coulter heaped special scorn on Dick Cheney’s elder daughter. “Why should we be having—and I love Liz Cheney—but why should we be having a rancorous primary against a good Republican senator other than for Liz Cheney’s ego?” she demanded. This put poor Hannity, a loud-and-proud Liz fan, in an awkward position. But when he gently protested that, far from being an egomaniacal climber Liz Cheney is genuinely “more conservative” than her opponent Mike Enzi, Coulter slapped him down: “No, she isn’t.” Hannity was left to whine meekly, “She’s not a shyster, so let’s be clear.”

She may reveal herself as a Bill Maher clone any minute lol...what a bunch of anything for a buck sell outs...:eusa_whistle:

How old is this story? Didn't we already cover this in a thread when she made the comment 7 months ago?

Guess it must be a show news day...

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