House to Investigate Feds


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Absolutely necessary to examine the Trump administration's pathetic, life endangering response to the pandemic.

And before Republicans get their shorts in a wad, remember the House's totally political Benghazi investigation of Hillary when they were in charge.

"What goes around, comes around!"

Absolutely necessary to examine the Trump administration's pathetic, life endangering response to the pandemic.

And before Republicans get their shorts in a wad, remember the House's totally political Benghazi investigation of Hillary when they were in charge.

"What goes around, comes around!"
Who is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?

While Pelosi was handing out impeachment pens, and Schumer was whimpering in his beer over McConnell making him look like a simpering bitch, Trump was the only entity doing something about this.
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
You mean the briefings that said that the virus was not human-to-human contagious and that only animals could get it? The one the WHO was promoting on behalf of their butt masters, China? That briefing?
If this BS is going to continue beyond the next Trump election victory there will be violence....
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
Actually no one knew it was here in november then, but it is proof that this isolation is a hoax to crash the economy. It was here in november and everyone got together for thanksgiving and christmas. People got sick and survived. I believe i had it at the end of november and beginning of December. It sucked but it's no reason to crash a great economy over.

Absolutely necessary to examine the Trump administration's pathetic, life endangering response to the pandemic.

And before Republicans get their shorts in a wad, remember the House's totally political Benghazi investigation of Hillary when they were in charge.

"What goes around, comes around!"


Remember that in November.
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
Actually no one knew it was here in november then, but it is proof that this isolation is a hoax to crash the economy. It was here in november and everyone got together for thanksgiving and christmas. People got sick and survived. I believe i had it at the end of november and beginning of December. It sucked but it's no reason to crash a great economy over.
In truth, in November, or maybe December, the WHO knew about this virus and they were saying that it wasn't dangerous to humans and that it was an animal-to-animal transfer vector.

I'm pretty sure that the US medical authorities in the CDC took note of those statements and passed them along to the President. Early in January, doctors and the media were saying that the C19 virus was nothing to worry about and that the flu was much more dangerous.

As I said, while Pelosi was celebrating her soft coup attempt and Schumer was winning about witnesses, Trump was actually starting the first concrete actions against the spread.

The problem is, he didn't do enough to close our borders completely. That much I will blame him for. But the left and the media bear the lions share of blame in this whole fiasco. Just like they will bear the entire burden of the upcoming wave of deaths from this insane policy of social isolation over developing herd immunity.

Those promoting the current policy should be criminally charged.
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
You mean the briefings that said that the virus was not human-to-human contagious and that only animals could get it? The one the WHO was promoting on behalf of their butt masters, China? That briefing?
Lame RWNJ deflections. Long debunked.

Absolutely necessary to examine the Trump administration's pathetic, life endangering response to the pandemic.

And before Republicans get their shorts in a wad, remember the House's totally political Benghazi investigation of Hillary when they were in charge.

"What goes around, comes around!"


Remember that in November.

The ads are writing themselves:

"It's totally under control."

"Anyone who wants a test can get a test".

"I have always known it was a real pandemic."

"I take no responsibility at all."
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
You mean the briefings that said that the virus was not human-to-human contagious and that only animals could get it? The one the WHO was promoting on behalf of their butt masters, China? That briefing?
Lame RWNJ deflections. Long debunked.
It has never been debunked. you're choice to belief it has is all on you.

Absolutely necessary to examine the Trump administration's pathetic, life endangering response to the pandemic.

And before Republicans get their shorts in a wad, remember the House's totally political Benghazi investigation of Hillary when they were in charge.

"What goes around, comes around!"
Still hoping that lie gains some traction I see.
is going to investigate the totally life-endangering policy of social isolation that will cause far more deaths in the coming months than the original onset of this virus?
You mean the policy that wouldn't be necessary if the tRump *administration* had payed attention to briefings they had been getting since November.

That one?
Actually no one knew it was here in november then, but it is proof that this isolation is a hoax to crash the economy. It was here in november and everyone got together for thanksgiving and christmas. People got sick and survived. I believe i had it at the end of november and beginning of December. It sucked but it's no reason to crash a great economy over.
Nobody said we knew it was here in November.

Do try to keep up for a change, won't you?

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