Hottest day globally in the satellite record!

Any actual temperatures to support your claims...or is "falsifying anomalies for fun and profit" as good as it gets with you?
In the UAH satellite record, the whole month of February had a +0.83C anomaly. That's the highest monthly anomaly ever for UAH.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for Feb. 2016: +0.83 deg. C (new record) « Roy Spencer, PhD

For the RSS satellite record, Dr. Mears has announced v4.0 is coming out, fixing previous errors. In his words.

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The new dataset shows substantially increased global-scale warming relative to the previous version of the dataset, particularly after 1998.

Hence, it would appear yet another denier talking point is doing a crash and burn. Deniers can and will switch to declaring the satellite measurements are now part of the conspiracy, but that will be seen as weak and desperate.
In the UAH satellite record, the whole month of February had a +0.83C anomaly. That's the highest monthly anomaly ever for UAH.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for Feb. 2016: +0.83 deg. C (new record) « Roy Spencer, PhD

For the RSS satellite record, Dr. Mears has announced v4.0 is coming out, fixing previous errors. In his words.

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The new dataset shows substantially increased global-scale warming relative to the previous version of the dataset, particularly after 1998.

Hence, it would appear yet another denier talking point is doing a crash and burn. Deniers can and will switch to declaring the satellite measurements are now part of the conspiracy, but that will be seen as weak and desperate.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for January, 2016: +0.54 deg C « Roy Spencer, PhD

At 0.83, February is literally off their chart. Going to be hard to deny the warming now.
In the UAH satellite record, the whole month of February had a +0.83C anomaly. That's the highest monthly anomaly ever for UAH.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for Feb. 2016: +0.83 deg. C (new record) « Roy Spencer, PhD

For the RSS satellite record, Dr. Mears has announced v4.0 is coming out, fixing previous errors. In his words.

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The new dataset shows substantially increased global-scale warming relative to the previous version of the dataset, particularly after 1998.

Hence, it would appear yet another denier talking point is doing a crash and burn. Deniers can and will switch to declaring the satellite measurements are now part of the conspiracy, but that will be seen as weak and desperate.

+0.83 "anomaly".................


Guys pwns himself with his own words!!!:up:
Im my field, if I went mental every time there was an "anomaly" on the landscape, Id have been in my box decades ago.:coffee:

You people simply must search for more meaningful stuff in your lives. I promise.........these little silly'd throw them over your shoulder like 90% of the rest of the planet.:spinner:
You people simply must search for more meaningful stuff in your lives. I promise.........these little silly'd throw them over your shoulder like 90% of the rest of the planet.:spinner:

These are miserable empty people's all they have and the thought of being without it terrifies them...ergo the growing hysteria and desperation in every post they make.

Did you see mann has put his name to a paper that refutes the so called pause buster....trying to save a bit of credibility....trying to eek out a few more dollars before the crazy train goes right over the cliff....el nino is drawing to a close and the cooling is going to begin soon...the pause has been tough on actual cooling trend will probably put an end to the hoax.
So, how you deniers plan to justify hating the RSS group now and calling the measurements fraudulent, given your open adoration of RSS in the past?

Yeah, I get that consistency is not a denier strong point, but your inconsistency surely has to have some limits, right?

But then, maybe not. Look at BEST. Deniers are well-practiced at spinning on a dime and instantly hating the people they previously loved, should those people dare to contradict cult dogma in even the tiniest way.
Oh my, changing from 'it ain't happening' to 'well, it doesn't matter anyway'. LOL Going to be another interesting year. And this is going to be part of the political debate. How can one trust anyone that is repeatedly wrong concerning the what is presently happening? And the GOP and it's minions have totally been wrong.
In the UAH satellite record, the whole month of February had a +0.83C anomaly. That's the highest monthly anomaly ever for UAH.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for Feb. 2016: +0.83 deg. C (new record) « Roy Spencer, PhD

For the RSS satellite record, Dr. Mears has announced v4.0 is coming out, fixing previous errors. In his words.

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The new dataset shows substantially increased global-scale warming relative to the previous version of the dataset, particularly after 1998.

Hence, it would appear yet another denier talking point is doing a crash and burn. Deniers can and will switch to declaring the satellite measurements are now part of the conspiracy, but that will be seen as weak and desperate.

UAH V6 Global Temperature Update for January, 2016: +0.54 deg C « Roy Spencer, PhD

At 0.83, February is literally off their chart. Going to be hard to deny the warming now.

^ Chart shows no warming for three decades
The changes in RSS from v3.3 (black) to v4.0(blue). It destroys the "pause" nonsense.


Deniers, don't be left out. Other deniers are already calling Dr. Mears a fraud, even though RSS until today was dataset they swore was the bestest ever. You know you have to join them. The cult commands it.

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