Horror Author Sassy Stephen King compares the villains in his books to President Trump

King's early work was spectacular. The Stand was inspired. The Shining and Salem's Lot are classics in the Horror genre. He lost that spark of genius.
Wait, are we talking about the Stephen King who had a bunch of 12-year-olds have sex in "It" because it was (as is commonly said to excuse such) "essential to the plot"? That guy? He's worried about children?

He should have retired after The Dark Tower series.
I said earlier that I have never read any of his books, but I will admit that I have The Langoliers film because I love actor Bronson Pinchot so much. :) :) :)

God bless you and Bronson always!!!

I'm afraid the villain here is an attention starved leftist author who churns out mediocre horror novels like a sausage factory churns out hot dogs. For most Americans Trump is no villain at all.

For more than half the country, Trump is a spoiled idiot.

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