Hooch for your Pooch

More on this story. Anyone want to try it? ;)


There is something so wrong here! With that said, I had a Cocker Spaniel that loved beer! I mean, she tore through the garbage, yanked out cans and licked them dry. She was also known to drink from a glass, left on a coffee table. Then again, she also 'stole' the filet roast on the Sunday before she died.
I gave my germans Sheppard Dog some beer one day while I was smoking a brisket. I don't drink anymore but I do use beer and wine to cook with sometimes. Anyways she kind of liked it but the fizz she didn't like so I gave her my extra can and she lapped up a 16 oz by herself. I don't know if she got drunk but she did sleep a fair bit more than usual.

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