Honest debate: Libs...would the "AR15-pistol" w 10 Rd mag still be an "Assault Weapon"

Don't you think it makes sense to set a reasonable limit to fire rate and ammo capacity? Isn't that just common sense?

The fire rate is already set, you are a jackass. It is a semi-auto rifle. One round fired for each pull of the trigger.

My how stupid you fucktards are.

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Wow, what a pleasure this guy is to talk with. Thanks for joining the conversation... Now kindly fuck off

Go fuck yourself you ignoramus. If you don't understand the first fucking thing about guns, shut your stupid pie hole and learn. Dumbfuckers want to spout off like they know something when they don't know shit. Stop getting your fucked up opinions handed to you by some left wing douchebag group of control freaks and learn something.

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Ok buddy, just cause you say so... You're a joke and a mindless drone... Keep it up with the tough guy front though, it makes you look super smart

You are the joke. Mr fucking know it all because you were told so by your liberal douchebag betters. Come back when you can think for yourself shit breath.

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Nice one!

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