Homosexuals should not be accepted into U.S. military forces.

Just because you know 1 gay person who is too afraid to serve, therefore believing that gays shouldn't serve hardly counts as a consensus Bag Lady Ollie.

70 percent of the military says they've got no problem. BTW.........don't you think that kicking out an Arabic linguist serving in combat on the front lines when we've only got 500 TOTAL in the military is a waste of good resources?

If you don't, then tell me how many Americans you know that speak Arabic. Then tell me how many who DO speak Arabic are willing to serve? That is one of the hardest language specialties to find in recruiting.

Think Daniel Choi.
Just because you know 1 gay person who is too afraid to serve, therefore believing that gays shouldn't serve hardly counts as a consensus Bag Lady Ollie.

70 percent of the military says they've got no problem. BTW.........don't you think that kicking out an Arabic linguist serving in combat on the front lines when we've only got 500 TOTAL in the military is a waste of good resources?

If you don't, then tell me how many Americans you know that speak Arabic. Then tell me how many who DO speak Arabic are willing to serve? That is one of the hardest language specialties to find in recruiting.

Think Daniel Choi.

Breaking the established rules is not the way we make our military stronger. And people can be taught a language.
Just because you know 1 gay person who is too afraid to serve, therefore believing that gays shouldn't serve hardly counts as a consensus Bag Lady Ollie.

70 percent of the military says they've got no problem. BTW.........don't you think that kicking out an Arabic linguist serving in combat on the front lines when we've only got 500 TOTAL in the military is a waste of good resources?

If you don't, then tell me how many Americans you know that speak Arabic. Then tell me how many who DO speak Arabic are willing to serve? That is one of the hardest language specialties to find in recruiting.

Think Daniel Choi.

Breaking the established rules is not the way we make our military stronger. And people can be taught a language.

Really? wanna tell that to the Tuskeege Airmen? How about the Buffalo Soldiers?

On the day that Fillipinos were allowed to serve in something OTHER THAN service billets (steward, cook), it made the whole Navy stronger.

And anyone can be taught a language? You do realize that Arabic is one of the toughest languages to learn, right?

Like I said, just because you know a gay person who is scared to serve, doesn't mean that your (or their) opinion is the right one.

All NATO countries allow their military to serve openly, and I've not seen any kind of negative impact.

Try again stupid..........
You have a right to your opinion and your opinion of me. Of course that opinion is wrong. It is obvious you don't know me and did not really follow my links I have posted in this thread. Now the people who automatically call people names seldom understand basic facts. Things like, did you know that my eldest step son is gay? And do you know he agrees with me that gays should not serve openly? Did you read the controversial articles I posted from Military.com? Did you understand when I said I will support the law? Did you read where I will still continue to support the numerous veterans organizations and continue to put in volunteer time at the local VA Clinic?
Yes. I have read your stance on the matter. The focus of it appears to stem from unsupported speculation, believing the ability to mention ones sexuality as equivalent to the changes that occurred when women were able to join the armed forces. The basis of this completely unsupported speculation is that other people don't like it too. This is called circular reasoning. People who draw reasonable opinions do so based on facts, evidence, and support to their beliefs. You do so based on...... articles that other people agree with you.

Now let's examine my opinion of you being a bigot. You believe that the identification of a specific group of people should be prohibited in the participation in the armed forces. Now let's look at the definition of the word bigot: "one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance", where intolerance is defined as: "unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression" or "unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights". Yeah, I'd say that describes you pretty well. It's great that your son is gay, but perhaps you should be fighting for his rights to be secured so that all normal and reasonable differences are ACCEPTED in this country instead of pushing everyone into the closet because of your fears and unsupported speculation.
You have a right to your opinion and your opinion of me. Of course that opinion is wrong. It is obvious you don't know me and did not really follow my links I have posted in this thread. Now the people who automatically call people names seldom understand basic facts. Things like, did you know that my eldest step son is gay? And do you know he agrees with me that gays should not serve openly? Did you read the controversial articles I posted from Military.com? Did you understand when I said I will support the law? Did you read where I will still continue to support the numerous veterans organizations and continue to put in volunteer time at the local VA Clinic?
Yes. I have read your stance on the matter. The focus of it appears to stem from unsupported speculation, believing the ability to mention ones sexuality as equivalent to the changes that occurred when women were able to join the armed forces. The basis of this completely unsupported speculation is that other people don't like it too. This is called circular reasoning. People who draw reasonable opinions do so based on facts, evidence, and support to their beliefs. You do so based on...... articles that other people agree with you.

Now let's examine my opinion of you being a bigot. You believe that the identification of a specific group of people should be prohibited in the participation in the armed forces. Now let's look at the definition of the word bigot: "one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance", where intolerance is defined as: "unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression" or "unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights". Yeah, I'd say that describes you pretty well. It's great that your son is gay, but perhaps you should be fighting for his rights to be secured so that all normal and reasonable differences are ACCEPTED in this country instead of pushing everyone into the closet because of your fears and unsupported speculation.

I was enlisted when they first started to allow women on seagoing vessels. My next sea tour I was serving on a forward deployed unit (carrier) and we had women pilots. Now? They're allowing women to serve in all sorts of billets.

And yes........my Navy DID get stronger when we allowed women to serve on combat vessels.

Repealing DADT is not only the right thing to do, but after the first bit of adjustment period, it will seem like a silly fight.

And no.........just like you can't sexually harass women or men if you're the opposite gender, you can't harass people of the same gender if you're gay. The UCMJ is quite clear on those rules.

The only people I could see protesting this are closeted individuals who are afraid of their own sexuality, or those who are simply ignorant bigots who need to leave the military ANYWAY.
A good internet friend of mine changed my mind about gays serving openly. He was a good Marine, but he couldn't hide who he was anymore...so he got out. The Corps lost out, he lost out, and America lost out. Nobody won.

Actually, the Marines won by getting rid of a homo pervert in their ranks. :clap2:

You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.
I was a Personnelman. It is one of the only 13 rates allowed to volunteer for SEALs (didn't qualify, because my vision was not correctable to 20/70), as well as the ONLY RATE that has a go anywhere, do anything capability?
If I remember right Personnelman is basicly a Teacher?
theres a lot more to getting a (NEC) 5326 selection than eyesight

No Jose he worked in personnel, he was basically a clerk typist. And today he is a braggart.
And without support personnel, you would not have been able to do your job, no matter what it was.

So tell me, was SFC your major achievement in life SFC Ollie?

Successfully raised 7 children, each of which lives their own lives and do not live on government handouts.
Weren't you the one who said one of his sons was living with him, picking through trash each week and selling it under the table at flea markets to avoid taxes? :eusa_eh:

I also wouldn't say that figuring out how to get a woman pregnant and not abandoning the children is a major life achievement. At least brag that they went to college or something.

Um, I am not bragging, I was asked a question. And I did have one son living with me, he never picked trash, and has since moved to Europe and gotten married.

Bragg about them? One is a member of the entertainers guild. One is a dental hygienist. Another is a Registered Nurse. Another is a Farm worker. Another is a shift supervisor at a manufacturing plant. One works for the US Government and one is a Homemaker like her mother. Now do go stick your nose in someone else business.
A good internet friend of mine changed my mind about gays serving openly. He was a good Marine, but he couldn't hide who he was anymore...so he got out. The Corps lost out, he lost out, and America lost out. Nobody won.

Actually, the Marines won by getting rid of a homo pervert in their ranks. :clap2:

You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.

You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.
Actually, the Marines won by getting rid of a homo pervert in their ranks. :clap2:

You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.

You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.

Whenever I end up in a combat tour, I am going to trust my fellow soldiers. Whether gay or Muslim, I don't care. It doesn't change their capability as a soldier, or their loyalty to their comrades.

I wouldn't want a military that judges based on personal beliefs, I want a military that judges on character, and above all, capability as a comrade in arms.
Actually, the Marines won by getting rid of a homo pervert in their ranks. :clap2:

You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.

You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.
No need to bring groups into it, because that will just devolve into posting stories about "a Muslim Soldier did this!" vs. "a gay Soldier did that!"

On a personal basis, one-on-one, face to face, I'd trust my gay friend John next to me armed. I would not trust Sunni Man. Their sexuality/religion have nothing to do with it. Their character does.
You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.

You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.
No need to bring groups into it, because that will just devolve into posting stories about "a Muslim Soldier did this!" vs. "a gay Soldier did that!"

On a personal basis, one-on-one, face to face, I'd trust my gay friend John next to me armed. I would not trust Sunni Man. Their sexuality/religion have nothing to do with it. Their character does.
Ah, I see your point.
You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.
No need to bring groups into it, because that will just devolve into posting stories about "a Muslim Soldier did this!" vs. "a gay Soldier did that!"

On a personal basis, one-on-one, face to face, I'd trust my gay friend John next to me armed. I would not trust Sunni Man. Their sexuality/religion have nothing to do with it. Their character does.
Ah, I see your point.
10 Problems With Obama's 'Don't Ask' Report - HUMAN EVENTS

1. Report creates an answer to a question it failed to ask: “Do you favor repeal?” The report states “We did not poll the military or conduct a referendum on the overall question of whether to repeal the current [DADT] law.”

2. Costs associated with repeal. The report estimates repeal will cost $30-$40 million for the expansion of benefits eligibility, privacy accommodations, and sensitivity training.

3. CRWG silenced many who opposed repeal. The CRWG conducted 95 face-to-face information exchange forums, 140 small focus group sessions and sponsored two web-based sites to gather confidential comments. The report admits “the majority of views expressed [in these fora] were against repeal of the current policy.” But that opposition was not quantified, according to the report, because it was too hard.

4. Who says homosexuals are any more perfect than anyone else? The report indicates many expressed discomfort with sharing bathroom facilities or living quarters with those they know to be homosexual. In spite of these concerns the report does not endorse separate bathroom facilities or living quarters.

5. Report fails to highlight survey’s flaws. The report’s service member survey was emailed to 400,000 active and reserve personnel but only 28% responded, or five percent of the 2.2 million military force. The report does not explain how the Defense Manpower Data Center selected those respondents. Was it a true random sample or were those deployed excluded?

Further, the Air Force (39% responded) and Coast Guard (54% responded) enjoyed a disproportionate advantage to the much larger Army (19% responded). The report fails to account for this dramatic difference.

So basically the survey was a 10 month waste of time and money and proves nothing. And I only hit the highlights. Please follow the link and read more.

10 Problems With Obama's 'Don't Ask' Report - HUMAN EVENTS
Actually, the Marines won by getting rid of a homo pervert in their ranks. :clap2:

You're wrong, but that's the normal state of affairs for you.

I'd rather to into battle with my gay friend John than you, any day. I wouldn't trust you anywhere near with me a weapon.

You bring up a valid point that needs bringing up....whom do you trust (based on past track records) with a weapon near you in a firefight....a gay soldier or a Muslim soldier. Awkward, but needs to be asked.

I would trust them both equally if one was not a homophobe.
Sunni Man would frag the gay soldier given the oppurtunity.
:beer: A good internet friend of mine changed my mind about gays serving openly. He was a good Marine, but he couldn't hide who he was anymore...so he got out. The Corps lost out, he lost out, and America lost out. Nobody won.
Maybe you'll be allowed back in once they repeal DADT.
I haven't left. I retire in two months with 20 years of service.

Oh, you thought you were insulting me? What's wrong with being gay? :confused:

Nothing. Do you think something is wrong with being gay, homophobe?:eusa_whistle:

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