Homosexual marriage

Perhaps they're just relying on a few hundred millenia of evolution to do right by them.

However ... by the laws of evolution it is possible for it to be more natural than most want to admit. When a species population exceeds the limit of the natural resources there are evolutionary triggers that will work to stop them from breeding successfully.

An interesting idea that I offer as well from time to time. But hardly a proven fact or even a mildly supported theory or hypothesis. Cancer, mother nature and competition for resources have been doing a pretty bang-up job in that department and probably don't need any help.

Really ... with our population still growing at one per second?
I Tell you all, American must move to criminalize Homosexuality, and have all Homosexuals and lesbians
arrested with extreme prejudice.!

Why do you care? Did a gay man steal your woman?
No, I just think that Homosexuality is a cancer on our society. It confuses young impressionable children also.This scurge of Homosexuality must be banned permanently.!!
I Tell you all, American must move to criminalize Homosexuality, and have all Homosexuals and lesbians
arrested with extreme prejudice.!

Why do you care? Did a gay man steal your woman?
No, I just think that Homosexuality is a cancer on our society. It confuses young impressionable children also.This scurge of Homosexuality must be banned permanently.!!

Why do you care? Did a gay person get that promotion you really really wanted?
As a matter of fact, one thing that sexuality and race have in common - and it is quite an important one IMO - is that you don't get to choose them before or after you're born.

I think that is the point previous posters were trying to make in using the example of inter-racial marriage being illegal some time ago:

Well, thank you SO MUCH for jumping in to clarify for me something I already knew quite well, and had already addressed in order to get to the point of saying that it was irrelevant. While you're at it, why don't you helpfully inform me that the sky is blue, just in case I wasn't aware of it?

And then perhaps you could go back and read the part where other people said the exact same thing you just did, and I then - with perfect comprehension of what they had said - addressed it? Consider the possibility that I'm not disagreeing with you because I just don't get your brilliant point. Maybe I disagree with you because I got your point perfectly, and still thought you were wrong.

Next time you want to throw in your two cents, try to make a different two cents than the one someone else ALREADY threw in, and we then spent six pages hashing over.

Bully for you. So does every other homosexual "marriage" advocate on this board, which would explain why they've all said the exact same thing already. Your personal opinion and belief on the subject doesn't convince me any more than theirs did.

Anyone who thinks marriage is a big fiscal advantage in life has clearly never known anyone who got divorced.

That would be because you clearly haven't bothered to read the damned thread before barging into it and parroting statements that have already been made and answered ad nauseam.

Here's an idea. How about they just go about their lives and relationships privately, without asking anyone else to get involved and have opinions, and the rest of us oblige by not getting involved or caring.

Yeah, well, they already do that, so I guess that's taken care of. Now how about the homosexuals follow suit, and stop bothering everyone?

No one asked. That's the point. We would all like to stop being asked if we think it's right, and then hearing hissy fits when we dare to give an answer other than the desired one.

Yes, because if you let one special interest group get away with redefining things and twisting society to suit them, others are going to come along and use that as a springboard to do the same thing for themselves.

Yeah, and with the homosexuals, the defining term is "marriage". They want to change the definition of that term, and pedophiles want to change the definition of "consenting adult". If you accede to the first, on what grounds are you planning to deny the second?

I guess all the arguments have been beaten to death and beyond by now... :eusa_whistle:

But you just had to waste time and space pointlessly stating them again, didn't you?

You know, sweetie, you soooo didn't have to either read or respond to what I wrote. I will write my opinion WHETHER OR NOT it's been said before IF I feel like it and YOU, babyface, can't do anything about it. So why don't you just take some Motrin and get yourself something to chew on...

One, I'm not your sweetie. You should be that lucky. Two, I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. Three, you may write your opinion if you want. No one said you couldn't. Just remember that I ALSO retain the right to write MY opinion, which is that you are an ignorant twit wasting everyone's time by reposting things that have already been said because you couldn't be bothered to read the thread. Four, I already have something to chew on: your ignorant liberal ass, which now has a new hole torn in it. Enjoy. :)
No, I just think that Homosexuality is a cancer on our society. It confuses young impressionable children also.This scurge of Homosexuality must be banned permanently.!![/QUOTE]

Should they (homosexuals) be exterminated ? How far would you go?
No, I just think that Homosexuality is a cancer on our society. It confuses young impressionable children also.This scurge of Homosexuality must be banned permanently.!![/QUOTE]

Should they (homosexuals) be exterminated ? How far would you go?[/QUOTE]

We must remove them from the society, by what ever means available.
Homosexuality is abnormal, biologically backwards.
One, I'm not your sweetie. You should be that lucky. Two, I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. Three, you may write your opinion if you want. No one said you couldn't. Just remember that I ALSO retain the right to write MY opinion, which is that you are an ignorant twit wasting everyone's time by reposting things that have already been said because you couldn't be bothered to read the thread. Four, I already have something to chew on: your ignorant liberal ass, which now has a new hole torn in it. Enjoy. :)

I'm sorry... but simply bitching at somebody because they posted something similar to what's already been said isn't stating an opinion ... you could have said it in one little sentence, instead of that you used up half a fucking page to show us all how insecure your little ass is...

Oh, and you wish... dumbass...
We must remove them from the society, by what ever means available.
Homosexuality is abnormal, biologically backwards.

"Remove them from society".....Do you have a moustache? Your words ring of Nazism.
Just remove the word marriage:

California's top election official gave two Southern California college students the go-ahead Tuesday to start collecting signatures for a proposed ballot initiative that would end marriage as a state-sanctioned institution.

Ali Shams, 22, a senior at the University of California, San Diego, and Kaelan Housewright, 21, a student at the California Institute of the Arts, want all couples to be eligible only for domestic partnerships, the designation now reserved for elderly couples and same-sex couples who can not legally wed.

The two friends, who say they are straight, submitted their proposal to the secretary of state in late December in response to the gay marriage ban that California voters approved in November.

Their constitutional amendment would repeal the ban, known as Proposition 8, and strike the word "marriage" from licenses, tax forms and other state documents while retaining the rights and responsibilities of marriage for domestic partners.

"The purpose of which is to provide equality amongst all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, without offending the religious sect," the pair wrote in their application for an initiative title and summary. "Legally speaking, 'Marriage' itself would become a social ceremony, recognized by only non-governmental institutions."

Secretary of State Debra Bowen said the pair must gather nearly 700,000 signatures by early August to get the initiative on the June 2010 primary ballot.

Proposal to Remove "Marriage" from State Laws
The homosexuals will not stop until they have achieved equality. They are the "blacks" of the 21st century who seek justice. They will prevail. Give them equality NOW !
Just remove the word marriage:

California's top election official gave two Southern California college students the go-ahead Tuesday to start collecting signatures for a proposed ballot initiative that would end marriage as a state-sanctioned institution.

Ali Shams, 22, a senior at the University of California, San Diego, and Kaelan Housewright, 21, a student at the California Institute of the Arts, want all couples to be eligible only for domestic partnerships, the designation now reserved for elderly couples and same-sex couples who can not legally wed.

The two friends, who say they are straight, submitted their proposal to the secretary of state in late December in response to the gay marriage ban that California voters approved in November.

Their constitutional amendment would repeal the ban, known as Proposition 8, and strike the word "marriage" from licenses, tax forms and other state documents while retaining the rights and responsibilities of marriage for domestic partners.

"The purpose of which is to provide equality amongst all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, without offending the religious sect," the pair wrote in their application for an initiative title and summary. "Legally speaking, 'Marriage' itself would become a social ceremony, recognized by only non-governmental institutions."

Secretary of State Debra Bowen said the pair must gather nearly 700,000 signatures by early August to get the initiative on the June 2010 primary ballot.

Proposal to Remove "Marriage" from State Laws

It'll never happen, they'll lose all that money on those marriage licenses. California is already broke, maybe now isn't the time to try to take money away from them?
We must remove them from the society, by what ever means available.
Homosexuality is abnormal, biologically backwards.

"Remove them from society".....Do you have a moustache? Your words ring of Nazism.

Oh yes I wear a moustache. I also think that Hitler was a great man.Zeig Heil, Heil Hitler.
We must exterminate all Homosexuals and lesbians from the American Society.Thats what
the AIDS Virus was all about.!?
We must remove them from the society, by what ever means available.
Homosexuality is abnormal, biologically backwards.

"Remove them from society".....Do you have a moustache? Your words ring of Nazism.

Oh yes I wear a moustache. I also think that Hitler was a great man.Zeig Heil, Heil Hitler.
We must exterminate all Homosexuals and lesbians from the American Society.Thats what
the AIDS Virus was all about.!?

He would have thrown your black ass in the oven too. You would have been considered just as low as any other of the races they hated, and in your particular case, they would have been right to end your pitiful existance.

On a side note, i find it funny that a black man like yourself that constantly complains about descrimination, talks exactly the same way those old KKK leaders used to. You are as pathetic and ignorant as they were.
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"Remove them from society".....Do you have a moustache? Your words ring of Nazism.

Oh yes I wear a moustache. I also think that Hitler was a great man.Zeig Heil, Heil Hitler.
We must exterminate all Homosexuals and lesbians from the American Society.Thats what
the AIDS Virus was all about.!?

He would have thrown your black ass in the oven too. You would have been considered just as low as any other of the races they hated, and in your particular case, they would have been right to end your pitiful existance.

On a side note, i find it funny that a black man like yourself that constantly complains about descrimination, talks exactly the same way those old KKK leaders used to. You are as pathetic and ignorant as they were.

So many people who support Adolf Hitler really don't understand that. It's sad.
Perhaps they're just relying on a few hundred millenia of evolution to do right by them.

However ... by the laws of evolution it is possible for it to be more natural than most want to admit. When a species population exceeds the limit of the natural resources there are evolutionary triggers that will work to stop them from breeding successfully.

An interesting idea that I offer as well from time to time. But hardly a proven fact or even a mildly supported theory or hypothesis. Cancer, mother nature and competition for resources have been doing a pretty bang-up job in that department and probably don't need any help.

I read at least one study with rat populations that offers some support. Higher population density led to more homosexual behavior. I can't think of the source and probably no longer have access to it.

I Tell you all, American must move to criminalize Homosexuality, and have all Homosexuals and lesbians
arrested with extreme prejudice.!

Um. Sorry even if homosexuality was "bad" the cops have better things to do.
I read at least one study with rat populations that offers some support. Higher population density led to more homosexual behavior. I can't think of the source and probably no longer have access to it.

I saw something on that study a while ago to ... but can't remember it all or find any links to it online now. However there have been others which have shown the same results for many mammals, it seems to be our form of population control, though for reptiles it usually turns into violence toward their own, which humans may also be mimicking now since we have ignored our population growth for too long.

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