Homosexual marriage

Hi N4m:

Don't make your argument on the back of the writings of quasi-literate, pre-enlightenment desert dwellers who didn't even understand that germs cause disease. That's not a good source for your biological assertions.

If you do not believe God and His Living Word, then nothing in any of my posts is directed at you. You present your case and I will present mine and everyone can decide for themselves. 1Corinthians 11:19. There are no homosexuals in my kingdom, because,

“Every morning I will destroy all the wicked of the land, So as to cut off from the city of the Lord all those who do iniquity.” Psalm 101:8.



The huge flaw, not everyone believes in your myths, nor does everyone who does believe in your myths use them to justify violence and hatred.

Even if your myths are correct are you not COMMANDED to not judge? If your god is truly jealous then wouldn't he be really pissed you are taking away his right to judge people when they die?
Like I said before, I don't know why anyone who's not gay would give a shit if two homos wanted to get married.

And now I add, whether they were born that way or developed perverted tendencies (as sunni suggests) doesn't make a bit of difference. Either way, they're not bothering me so why should I give a shit?

But as far as that other thread is concerned, it is my business when they feel entitled to preach their propaganda to my children.
Are you against sex education in general?


Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?
Are you against sex education in general?


Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?

Yep. But I wouldn't trust the school to make that happen.

And sex education in Jr High and High School is one thing. Reading books like the King and King to kindergarten kids is something else entirely.

Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?

Yep. But I wouldn't trust the school to make that happen.

And sex education in Jr High and High School is one thing. Reading books like the King and King to kindergarten kids is something else entirely.

True ... the problem is the majority of parents don't teach their kids anything, all they do is demonize sex as a whole and the kids tend to make more mistakes. Oddly, the idea of sex ed was basically formed by the parents who did teach their kids but wanted to make their own kids safer by ensuring those who were not taught anything wouldn't pose a risk to their own. Sorry for straying completely off topic ... not feeling well today and the original topic has been talked to death.
Are you against sex education in general?


Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?

Actually, if my kids were to turn out to be gay, I wouldn't be as concerned about them catching anything. Because you can catch anything no matter what hole you stick it in. The key is to use condoms.

I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?

Actually, if my kids were to turn out to be gay, I wouldn't be as concerned about them catching anything. Because you can catch anything no matter what hole you stick it in. The key is to use condoms.

I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

You are correct ... and oddly the transmissions of STDs among the gay communities are and the decline in many areas, while those in the straight or bi communities are on the rise. I just needed a feel for where Mani was coming from is all.
Homosexuals are sick and unnatural individuals. I want to see them have the right to marry so that they will no longer stalk our children. Homosexuals are born, God makes them that way to test us normal Christian people. God has given the world the AIDS virus and it is God's will that the homosexuals get AIDS and die. He will judge them and He will not judge them kindly for they will be cast out and there will be weeping and knashing of teeth in the eternal firey pits of hell.

Then what if one of your kids turns out gay? Wouldn't you want them to know the safe way to handle themselves so they don't catch anything?

Actually, if my kids were to turn out to be gay, I wouldn't be as concerned about them catching anything. Because you can catch anything no matter what hole you stick it in. The key is to use condoms.

I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

You are correct ... and oddly the transmissions of STDs among the gay communities are and the decline in many areas, while those in the straight or bi communities are on the rise. I just needed a feel for where Mani was coming from is all.

Yeah...sorry to jump into a conversation. I just saw the mention of sex ed and gays, so I thought I'd chime in.

In other conversations that I have had in the past regarding gays and sex ed in school, there is a segment of the population that thinks that gay sex is taught, and actually encouraged. in school. I really find it hard to believe that anyone would actually think this.

All that is taught and should be taught are (1) facts (such as unprotected anal sex has a higher rate of transmission of certain STDs than vaginal sex), (2) personal preferences (i.e. some people are hetero, some are gay, some are bi-), (3) and abstinence should be encouraged, but also use of condoms for all sexual practices should be emphasized.

Anything less than what I outlined above, would make sex ed classes an absolute waste of time.

And I hope that the weirdos that are afraid of sex ed in school don't think that there is a lab portion of the class...because there ain't!
Homosexuals are sick and unnatural individuals. I want to see them have the right to marry so that they will no longer stalk our children. Homosexuals are born, God makes them that way to test us normal Christian people. God has given the world the AIDS virus and it is God's will that the homosexuals get AIDS and die. He will judge them and He will not judge them kindly for they will be cast out and there will be weeping and knashing of teeth in the eternal firey pits of hell.


For a gun hating, liberal wannabe, you are really messed up. AIDs can be transmitted to anyone through more than just sex, sex is just the most common form of transmission and any form of sex can transmit it. If there was even a chance your god was real, I would rather spend eternity with all the loving gay people I have met in hell than see the vile scum he would allow into his heaven .. like you for example.
Homosexuals are sick and unnatural individuals. I want to see them have the right to marry so that they will no longer stalk our children.

Are you one of those All-Gays-Are-Pedophile freaks?

And a Canadian to boot, eh?
I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

What a load of crap, no offense.

If you're concerned about your child's self-esteem then you suck as a parent. Again, no offense. If you love and respect them as individuals, and give them positive attention, they will have a heathly self-image and no amount of assholes around them in the real world will convince them otherwise. Those that are depressed and want to kill themselves most likely have parents that make them feel evil, sinful and worthless. So if you're not that kind of parent, you shouldn't be worried about that.
All that is taught and should be taught are (1) facts (such as unprotected anal sex has a higher rate of transmission of certain STDs than vaginal sex), (2) personal preferences (i.e. some people are hetero, some are gay, some are bi-), (3) and abstinence should be encouraged, but also use of condoms for all sexual practices should be emphasized.

Ok, now that's reasonable.
I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

What a load of crap, no offense.

If you're concerned about your child's self-esteem then you suck as a parent. Again, no offense. If you love and respect them as individuals, and give them positive attention, they will have a heathly self-image and no amount of assholes around them in the real world will convince them otherwise. Those that are depressed and want to kill themselves most likely have parents that make them feel evil, sinful and worthless. So if you're not that kind of parent, you shouldn't be worried about that.

Not entirely true ... being social beings our family only accounts for about half our self-image while young, and children spend a lot of time in school thus increasing the amount of influence non-family members has on their development. Though this is often more negative it can sometimes be positive (an experience I had with a bully in school would be a great example of such). The problem with your logic is you forget the "peer factor", the simple fact that people will place more stock in what their peers say or do than those outside of this peer group. So it is important to have their peers behave in a manner that is less damaging to them. However, even though this is natural for humans, it shouldn't have as much of an impact on them, it's again that they spend more time in the schools than they do with their parents. One reason I am for home schooling and smaller schools, but to get smaller schools we will need a lower population.
If you're concerned about your child's self-esteem then you suck as a parent.

Why would someone who is concerned about their child's self-esteem "SUCK AS A PARENT"?

I would think the opposite to be true: a parent that doesn't give a shit about their child's self-esteem would suck as a parent.

If you love and respect them as individuals, and give them positive attention, they will have a heathly self-image and no amount of assholes around them in the real world will convince them otherwise.

Wishful thinking.

Those that are depressed and want to kill themselves most likely have parents that make them feel evil, sinful and worthless.

That may be true in some cases, but not all.

So if you're not that kind of parent, you shouldn't be worried about that.

I'm definitely not the kind of parent that makes my kids feel evil, sinful and worthless. And I hope that all of the kids in their schools will not be the kind of kids that make others feel evil, sinful and worthless. Unfortunately, I don't have much control over them.
"..For a gun hating, liberal wannabe, you are really messed up. AIDs can be transmitted to anyone through more than just sex, sex is just the most common form of transmission and any form of sex can transmit it. If there was even a chance your god was real, I would rather spend eternity with all the loving gay people I have met in hell than see the vile scum he would allow into his heaven ..."

I've never claimed to hate guns. Promoting gun control does not mean that you automatically hate guns. That being said, AIDS is a disease that primarily affect homosexuals. You my child have fallen for the politically correct theory that AIDS is transmitted by normal people - it isn't.

God is real and based on your comments you have no chance whatsoever of spending eternity with people like me in Heaven. You my child are doomed to the eternal fires of hell.
I'd be more concerned that they would be depressed or want to kill themselves because they would be convinced by everyone around them that being gay is evil, sinful, and that gays are worthless sub-humans. I wouldn't want my child to feel that way about themselves.

Therefore, I think that it is important that tolerance is taught in schools. Tolerance for others choices and cultures.

What a load of crap, no offense.

If you're concerned about your child's self-esteem then you suck as a parent. Again, no offense. If you love and respect them as individuals, and give them positive attention, they will have a heathly self-image and no amount of assholes around them in the real world will convince them otherwise. Those that are depressed and want to kill themselves most likely have parents that make them feel evil, sinful and worthless. So if you're not that kind of parent, you shouldn't be worried about that.
Que? That might be the stupidest thing I've ever seen you post. Especially if you let on subliminally that you disapprove of gays and one of your kids turns out to be gay. Kids aren't idiots, nor are Mommy and Daddy the only influences that matter to them.
You all missed my point (or at least most of it anyway). And I see now that that's my fault not yours. Unfortunately I don't care enough to clarify.
Homosexuals are sick and unnatural individuals. I want to see them have the right to marry so that they will no longer stalk our children. Homosexuals are born, God makes them that way to test us normal Christian people. God has given the world the AIDS virus and it is God's will that the homosexuals get AIDS and die. He will judge them and He will not judge them kindly for they will be cast out and there will be weeping and knashing of teeth in the eternal firey pits of hell.


So wait according to you God makes homosexuals so that he could then give them AIDS, kill them and send them to hell?

Your God is really sadistic and should probably seek help.
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And I hope that the weirdos that are afraid of sex ed in school don't think that there is a lab portion of the class...because there ain't!

Dude that would make a great SNL sketch although as it stands it's only part of a Monty Python sketch.

Although it would also make school a lot more interesting.

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