Hollywood Hell: Crimes/Traffic [American Dogma?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does America's Hollywood culture sometimes feel like a giant experiment?

If so, who are the sages/doctors?

Does anyone even care?


"The strangest news-story about two Hollywood celebrity kids surfaced the other day, involving Colin Hanks (son of super-celebrity Tom Hanks!) and Kate Hudson (daughter of movie-star couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn!). Apparently, Colin and Kate were involved in the murder of various 'Hollywood groupie kids.' Colin and Kate lured impressionable teenagers whom they befriended back to their place and murdered them out of spite towards Hollywood's celebrity culture. Why? Perhaps Colin and Kate resented how they were treated/raised as children of celebrities. Is this story too bizarre to be believable, folks? You decide..."


"Of course, we know of countless stories and folklore and even gossip/chat about infamous or conspiracies involving La La Land (Hollywood) and some have even become best-sellers of high-profile films, such as L.A. Confidential (Russell Crowe). Aspiring actresses being exploited, raped, and then murdered; movie moguls being killed by government officials for exploring taboo topics; celebrity kids involved in undisclosed crimes; the list goes on, folks(!). Maybe it's America's brand of networking-oriented consciousness/imagination that makes the stories that come out of La La Land representative of a special 'pluralism aesthetic.' Why, for example, do Americans make more horror-films than any other nation? Are Americans hypnotized by the 'concept' of appearance?"


"The Hollywood 'Walk of Fame' features the names of various well-known characters/personalities in the history of American cinema and the industry in general. A celebrity son/daughter such as Colin Hanks and Kate Hudson might peruse the names and notice their parents' names on this illustrious/canonical walkway and wonder what their personal obligations are to U.S. history. We might empathize with Colin and Kate for their 'special plight' in feeling trapped by the feeling of glitter and cameras, until of course, we hear news of real crimes that such celebrity kids might be involved in and then feel compelled to be more responsible journalists. Of course, Americans have not always been...responsible journalists(!)."


"So let's continue with this hypothetical strange Hollywood celebrity-kids news-story. So apparently, Colin Hanks lured Hollywood groupie-teens back to his 'lair' where he dressed up as Leatherface (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic American horror-film franchise Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and then slaughtered them and then incinerated their bodies and disposed of the ashes to get rid of any evidence of murder. The teens were then listed as more 'disappearances' in Tinseltown. Meanwhile, Kate Hudson lured groupies back to her own 'lair' where she drugged them to a state of intoxication and then pounced on their bellies until they bled to death; she then incinerated their bodies likewise so the victims would simply be listed as more Tinseltown disappearances. Colin and Kate would then draw eerie stick-figure doodles of Leatherface and/or the wispy helpless doomed-mermaid like bodies of their victims(!). Does this sound crazy...or like something out of a deranged American celebrity-imagination tabloid?"


"There's nothing intrinsically wrong with entreating fantasies or even creative nightmares in the artistic medium of cinema. It's in the post-production 'society' of vanity/glamour that we find all the ills/vices of a world gone blind to the needs of everyday people as dollars are churned out so fast that no one takes the time to actually notice what young men and women are actually thinking about the proverbial American Dream(!). In other words, what is it about 'American Dogma' that has led us up the wrong path towards strange psychosis? When did Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe's Hollywood become a thing of more pornographic or even more psychotic copycat-crime imagination (e.g., Natural Born Killers)?"


"When we see a slick actor depicting a cool policeman in a high-profile action-adventure film produced in Hollywood (USA) such as Terminator 2: Judgment Day, we might get the notion that 'American Dogma' is all about play-acting, clubhouse daydreams, youthful campfires, and of course Halloween-esque masquerade. However, who's actually taking stock of all this incredible traffic of outrageous justice-daydream storytelling? In other words, is there a strange 'Hollywood Hell' being created by an invisible force of traffic neglect (e.g., Celebrity)? Do American journalists care about reporting on the civics veracity behind celebrity-world crime-stories (e.g., Wonderland)?"


"The next time you decide to take your kids to a high-profile justice-daydream themed Hollywood (USA) film, perhaps one adapted from a fantastic/graphic comic book such as Spawn or Deadpool, you might consider what kinds of images your kids are about to be exposed to while watching the intense film(!). This isn't rocket-science, but some of it can actually/ironically feel like some kind of rather serious 'psyche-archaeology.' We notice cool actors dressed as weirdo-superheroes and then hear stories about omen-curses on the production-set of the film (e.g., The Crow), so we're compelled to wonder if film-making 'imagination' is akin to American superstition! How should we respond as adults?"


TRUMP: Are you a fan of Hollywood, Carter?
CARTER: I'm a fan of Clark Gable and Tom Cruise, Mr. President!
TRUMP: That's cool; celebrity-imagination is 'American Dogma.'
CARTER: Well, we need as many sages as we do groupies...
TRUMP: Sure; parental supervision is a necessity.
CARTER: We don't want American consumerism/entertainment to be a circus!
TRUMP: No, and we don't want celebrities getting away with crimes...
CARTER: Isn't that what Woody Allen's film Celebrity is all about, sir?
TRUMP: I believe it is, Carter; this is the age of great expectations!
CARTER: Maybe Hollywood needs its own sheriffs and doctors...
TRUMP: Responsible journalism will breed solid media!
CARTER: Hail to E! News, then, sir...



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