History's top villians of Science

Naui since 72. I've managed to survive this long without your help.
you dive alone?
i didnt know NAUI taught that

I took the course so I could get air. Try getting air without a naui or padi card.

Diving alone is no more dangerous than flying alone.

That "sharing the air" makes good tv but in reality if you have a serious problem at 90 feet you are going to die with or without a witness.
never had a problem with my SSI(Scuba Schools International) cards
you dive alone?
i didnt know NAUI taught that

I took the course so I could get air. Try getting air without a naui or padi card.

Diving alone is no more dangerous than flying alone.

That "sharing the air" makes good tv but in reality if you have a serious problem at 90 feet you are going to die with or without a witness.
never had a problem with my SSI(Scuba Schools International) cards

Not familiar with that school. You get my point though. The training is valuable but the safety of two half assed divers is not equal to or greater than one that checks his gear and knows his ability.
I took the course so I could get air. Try getting air without a naui or padi card.

Diving alone is no more dangerous than flying alone.

That "sharing the air" makes good tv but in reality if you have a serious problem at 90 feet you are going to die with or without a witness.
never had a problem with my SSI(Scuba Schools International) cards

Not familiar with that school. You get my point though. The training is valuable but the safety of two half assed divers is not equal to or greater than one that checks his gear and knows his ability.
true, but if you have a buddy with you, if something happens you have a greater chance of help and survival
i have dived alone, as in not with a buddy, but i was in a supervisory role at the time with an instructor present
Here's one you won't expect: Pythagoras.

That's right! The Father of Geometry. When he found that certain equations didn't fit with his perception of how the world should be, he and his followers knowingly suppressed their findings. Plato took up and expanded the same philosophy which then over the centuries influenced Christian doctrine. Information was limited to only the select few (i.e. when the Library at Alexandria was burned to keep the public from learning and only the clergy could read, especially since everything was written in Latin). Carl Sagan believed that had it not been for Pythagoras, we could already have interstellar travel.

I'd say old Pythagoras is the #1 villain to science.

Didn't Pythagoras also believe that FARTS are the soul?
Bush did more damage to the nation's scientific prowess than holding up stem cell research. He promoted evangelical agenda, over science, he politicized the scientific process, he put political hacks in jobs that should be held by trained professionals, and he edited science reports to reflect his political and religious agenda.


I am not a backer of W, but it is unfair to say that he stood in the way of science. By denying government funding, he did not stop research. Research could continue if funding was avaliable elsewhere. It was. The research continued.

James Hanson said in public on countless occasions that he was being muzzled by the administration. If he was being muzzled, how did we know of the restraint that he suffered? Best example of not being muzzled in the recent political past.

Bush's stand on stem cell research is a reflection of his belief of when life begins. Under American Law, Constitutionally, a citizen is nothing until he is born. Unborn is therefore not a citizen and has no rights. This is a legal thing. Morality is not on this same page. If a zygot and the succeeding stages of pre-natal development will certainly become a person if not acted upon by outside influence, can we not assume that this is a person?

Scott Peterson's jail sentence says that we can. This conviction has become American Law.

If Scott Peterson can be convicted of murder in the death of the unborn son of his murdered wife, does not some doubt exist, under law, that an unborn person is a person? If this is accepted, and apparently it has been, we are not at this point talking about a scientific issue, but rather one of timing.

Megele experimented on human beings. Bush attempted to stop experimentation on what he saw as human beings. Bush is charachterized as a monster and yet if someone had stopped Mengele, that someone would be a hero.

There are at least two standards in use here.

Regarding the political hacks, nothing new here and nothing to argue about. Always has happened, always will. I cringe as often watching the obama appointees as i cringed watching the Bush appointees. They're all doing a heck of a job!

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