Hispanics Hate Trump

'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to engage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!
These are all very strong accusations against the president.
Do you have a proof or any link that the president is engage in human trafficking?
Do you have proof that he is releasing any illegals or criminals to the public?
Do you have any proof that our borders are open so illegals can just walk in to US?
Give me one proof on any of these. I SM WAITING.
you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.

No, it doesn't. that said, the constitution is pretty clear, if you are born here, you are a citizen.

Deal with it.

Yes, entering the country illegally IS a crime. But until we start punishing the rich white people who hire these people to pick their lettuce and raise their kids and put up drywall when you get a bunch of them hanging outside the Home Depot, then we are all going to have to tolerate them, won't we?

We have this group of people because on some level, we all wanted these people here. Now we have to deal with them.
If you look at the history of illegal immigration in the US, immigration policy and attitudes toward illegal immigration has swung back and forth widely. We offer amenity and within few years we want to deport 11 million people. We opened our boarders in the 20th century and allowed farmers to bring in as many Mexican workers as they wanted with no thought of sending them back. A few years later, INS was rounding up anything that looked Mexican and deporting them. Today, the Mexican government is accused of dumping their unwanted citizens on us and not too many years ago Mexico was protesting the US stealing their workers.
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'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to engage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!
These are all very strong accusations against the president.
Do you have a proof or any link that the president is engage in human trafficking?
Do you have proof that he is releasing any illegals or criminals to the public?
Do you have any proof that our borders are open so illegals can just walk in to US?
Give me one proof on any of these. I SM WAITING.

Wait no longer.

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal immigrant rapists, murderers: report - Washington Times

OPEN BORDERS ABUSE: Cameras At the US-Mexico Border Capture Unreal Images ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily
"It has nothing to do with newly purchased land back then", and thank you for a smart statement. Maybe Rota and the others will stop talking about the past.

We deal with what we have now. More than 11 mm illegals, millions of birth right citizens, and the need to control immigration.

One, the illegals most of them are not going "home" because they are home.

Two, the birthright citizens and most of the other legal Hispanics are going to vote against anyone who talks deportations and walls.

So, Three, lets set down and talk reform.

yeah, we get it. 'reform' to you leftists means 'amnesty' and new dem voters. We know what this is really about, but whats funny is that the hispanic population is also turning away from the dem/lib party. Most hispanics are family oriented, religious, hard working people who embrace freedom and free enterprise. They are seeing through the fraud that is dem/liberalism.

You libs had your chance and you blew it with the kenyan fraud. I find that very funny..
I'm glad you mentioned. Most hispanics are family oriented hardworking, free enterprise, freedom.
Are you serious? Have you forgotten something??? Their entire freedom are being threatened right this second.

No one is threatening the ones here legally. NO ONE. If you are in this country illegally you should be concerned. You broke our laws, you are a criminal.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.
Actually it is complicated, very complicated. Have you looked at our immigration law? Our laws are filled with loopholes for staying and delaying deportation. Deportation is only an option and never required.

In immigration court, the burden of proof is on the government. For example, the defendant does not have to prove citizenship; the government does. This is why 56% to 68% of the defends that have lawyers walk. Since in a civil court, government does not have to provide legal council for those that can't afford it, only 8% of those that defend themselves win. If the government had to provide council for all that could not afford it, hardly anyone would be deported.
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Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
We are now deporting 80% more criminals than we were 6 years ago. We use to treat illegal aliens felons in immigration court the same as everyone else.

Illegal immigrants convicted of felonies in human trafficking, firearms, drugs, rape, murder, and a long list of other felonies, are now not allowed any of the reliefs in immigration court available to non-felons. After the deportation order is signed by the judge, deportation is expedited often taking only 3 day, not 30 days as is common for most deportations.

Believe it or not, the immigration law gives the person being deported a choice of where he wants to be go. Travel documents, visas, and other documents must be obtained from that country before deportation. If that country delays the deportation, the person remains in detention. There happens to be about 23 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia, that delay approvals. Some of the countries never approve some of these deportations. Therefore the federal courts have ordered the deportees released. SCOTUS has establish a maximum of 180 days to deport someone. What needs to happen is for Congress to change immigration law so our government will have a voice in where these people are deported. I suppose the only thing keeping all illegal immigrant felons from choosing one of these shit hole countries, is many cases are approve and the deportee are deported there.
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'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to engage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!
These are all very strong accusations against the president.
Do you have a proof or any link that the president is engage in human trafficking?
Do you have proof that he is releasing any illegals or criminals to the public?
Do you have any proof that our borders are open so illegals can just walk in to US?
Give me one proof on any of these. I SM WAITING.

Wait no longer.

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal immigrant rapists, murderers: report - Washington Times

OPEN BORDERS ABUSE: Cameras At the US-Mexico Border Capture Unreal Images ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily
I do not question the facts of your link but I question the meaning and timing of your link.
1. This has been a very hot topics for at least 2 months and you are providing a link because I ASK? Why no one else posted such link aside from you?
2. Read your link again. Saldana explained WHY she released these criminals by following the law. You may want to educate yourself the law of deporting legal or illegal immigrants that committed HEINOUS crimes.
3. Use of camera at the border. Good ICE are doing their job. Currently they are also using drones.
4. These links did not answer all the questions I asked to Easyt65......Since Easyt cannot answer....Can you provide a link or where is....Obama involvement in human trafficking? Bringing in and release illegals? Open borders? Support of sanctuary cities?
"It has nothing to do with newly purchased land back then", and thank you for a smart statement. Maybe Rota and the others will stop talking about the past.

We deal with what we have now. More than 11 mm illegals, millions of birth right citizens, and the need to control immigration.

One, the illegals most of them are not going "home" because they are home.

Two, the birthright citizens and most of the other legal Hispanics are going to vote against anyone who talks deportations and walls.

So, Three, lets set down and talk reform.

yeah, we get it. 'reform' to you leftists means 'amnesty' and new dem voters. We know what this is really about, but whats funny is that the hispanic population is also turning away from the dem/lib party. Most hispanics are family oriented, religious, hard working people who embrace freedom and free enterprise. They are seeing through the fraud that is dem/liberalism.

You libs had your chance and you blew it with the kenyan fraud. I find that very funny..
I'm glad you mentioned. Most hispanics are family oriented hardworking, free enterprise, freedom.
Are you serious? Have you forgotten something??? Their entire freedom are being threatened right this second.

No one is threatening the ones here legally. NO ONE. If you are in this country illegally you should be concerned. You broke our laws, you are a criminal.
Yeah right.
One way or the other legal immigrants from Mexico are somewhat related or know someone at that are here illegally. They all understand the hard life from their country and sympathize each other. What made you think they are not furious or threatened?
I can assure you that..
1. High percentage of these legal or illegal immigrants support deportations of immigrants that committed heinous crimes.
2. Legal immigrants do not support deportations.
3. High percentage of these anchor babies that are eligible to vote will vote in 2016 election.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.


In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
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Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.


In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
Trump is a moron who appeals to morons.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
We are now deporting 80% more criminals than we were 6 years ago. We use to treat illegal aliens felons in immigration court the same as everyone else.

Illegal immigrants convicted of felonies in human trafficking, firearms, drugs, rape, murder, and a long list of other felonies, are now not allowed any of the reliefs in immigration court available to non-felons. After the deportation order is signed by the judge, deportation is expedited often taking only 3 day, not 30 days as is common for most deportations.

Believe it or not, the immigration law gives the person being deported a choice of where he wants to be go. Travel documents, visas, and other documents must be obtained from that country before deportation. If that country delays the deportation, the person remains in detention. There happens to be about 23 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia, that delay approvals. Some of the countries never approve some of these deportations. Therefore the federal courts have ordered the deportees released. SCOTUS has establish a maximum of 180 days to deport someone. What needs to happen is for Congress to change immigration law so our government will have a voice in where these people are deported. I suppose the only thing keeping all illegal immigrant felons from choosing one of these shit hole countries, is many cases are approve and the deportee are deported there.
We are deporting more....but not in step with the numbers that are flooding our borders....which are exponentially more than z80 percent. So take your meaningless number and shove it up your ass.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
Yeah, rich lololol. Of course they wouldn't have to in the first place, because neither is a traitor.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
We are now deporting 80% more criminals than we were 6 years ago. We use to treat illegal aliens felons in immigration court the same as everyone else.

Illegal immigrants convicted of felonies in human trafficking, firearms, drugs, rape, murder, and a long list of other felonies, are now not allowed any of the reliefs in immigration court available to non-felons. After the deportation order is signed by the judge, deportation is expedited often taking only 3 day, not 30 days as is common for most deportations.

Believe it or not, the immigration law gives the person being deported a choice of where he wants to be go. Travel documents, visas, and other documents must be obtained from that country before deportation. If that country delays the deportation, the person remains in detention. There happens to be about 23 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia, that delay approvals. Some of the countries never approve some of these deportations. Therefore the federal courts have ordered the deportees released. SCOTUS has establish a maximum of 180 days to deport someone. What needs to happen is for Congress to change immigration law so our government will have a voice in where these people are deported. I suppose the only thing keeping all illegal immigrant felons from choosing one of these shit hole countries, is many cases are approve and the deportee are deported there.
We are deporting more....but not in step with the numbers that are flooding our borders....which are exponentially more than z80 percent. So take your meaningless number and shove it up your ass.
Numbers, like facts, confuse you. The truth, being inconsistent with what you believe, must be ignored.
Wow, now Carson leads in Wisconsin, at least in one poll. I wonder if this is the start of a shift?

I have to ask frankly, is there enough Republicans who would vote for Carson to make him viable. I mean he suffers from the same "problem" as Obama...
I don't think for most GOP that race is an issue with Carson.

The issue would be "can he pull centrists" to make up the vote he needs to POTUS.
Donald Trump is getting a raw deal. If you saw him announce for president, you know that Illegal Immigration was his THIRD point. Illegal Immigrants are costing the United States $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. We simply can not afford to carry 12,000,000 freeloaders any more. This is a matter of money, not race. Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers


Donald Trump's FIRST issue is JOBS, which was also the main issue of the 2012 presidential election. Hispanics felt the same way as the rest of the nation. Trump believes, and so do I, that when election day arrives Hispanics will vote for JOBS and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's TAX REFORM plan is his SECOND issue, and has been complimented even by liberals. The Trump Plan offers no filing income tax for those making under $50,000 a year! Making bankers and hedge fund managers pay their fair share of taxes! And, a plan to encourage the Fortune 500 to bring their money back from off-shore banks and into the American economy!

If you watched the Democratic Debate, both Clinton and Sanders lumped ALL immigrants together, and did not specifically mention the Wetbacks. In my opinion "lunch pail, working-class Democrats" realize that low-wage workers are a threat to their income, their unions, their future jobs, and their way of life. Middle-class voters will reject Washington insiders Clinton and Sanders for the fresh face of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a WHEELER DEALER with practical solutions. Mr. Trump will kick our economic enemies, China and Mexico, down the food-chain.

In the end, I believe the Republican Party will realize that Donald Trump is the only Republican that can win the 2016 general election.
I hope so. I like Carson but I just can't see him winning. I could see Trump and Carson together...that would be awesome.
Certainly would be awesome. For Hillary. If either Trump or Carson had to be questioned, under oath, like Hilkary was this week, they would collapse.
What is it that you know about Carson or Trump that would cause them to be questioned?
You have an obligation to bring this information to public view, I think its something that the voters should know going into the elections.

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