'His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete

"While there are many big issues that the Democrats have been very wrong about for many years, they’ve been really, really wrong about almost everything since the beginning of the Obama era. That, for me, is when I stopped finding much to agree with them about. Emboldened by a thoroughly corrupt media that aids and abets the alt-reality the Dems live in, they’ve gotten progressively (pun most definitely intended) worse in recent years.

Of all the big, awful ideas to come from the Democrats recently, the “defund the police” movement was perhaps the worst.

His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters when he perpetuated the lie about Michael Brown that gave us the Ferguson riots in 2014."

From his self-professed ignorance-based racist claim about how the Cambridge Police were racist and 'stupid' for arresting his racist pal to his perpetuation of the le about Michael Brown, Barry demonized Police as racists, setting the stage for the 2020 George Floyd incident that opened the door for the domestic terrorists Antifa and Marxist-based BLM ignited riots / destruction.

Democrats rallied together to support these domestic terrorists who looted, damaged, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, destroyed minority-owned businesses, demonized the police, attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive, and resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US. They also initiated a war on police US-wide, one in which police have been hunted, ambushed, and murdered, undermining authority and putting US American lives in danger.

Democrats openly declared their support for the disastrous policy of 'Defund the Police', which - predictably - resulted in an explosion in violent crime and homicides across the US as many police officers walked away. Homicides in Portland, for example, have risen 800%.

NY, who praised its Police officers and 1st Responders as heroes after 9/11/01 have now villainized the police to the point where many of them have quit / retired. New York City was one of the first of the Big Blues (Democrat-run cities) that have rushed to defund the police. Surprise! Recently, however, 'de Blasio just performed the “Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops” when saying he now wanted to flood the streets with police. Too bad he made so many of them leave the profession.' de Blasio allowed a huge 'BM' and 'Defund The police' be painted on NY streets but now ays he wants to flood the streets on NY wit hcops because of how crime in NYT has exploded.

"The Democrats’ lust to condemn all police because of the actions of very few — and because Obama told them to hate copshas led to murder, rapes, and robberies. While all of that very real violence is going on, the psychotic lefties are insisting that the real threat to America is a few weirdos who went apes**t on January 6, 2021, and may or may not have been Trump supporters.

Democrats are wrong about everything.

That’s important to remember."


The GQP is no more the Party of Police than it is the Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

Neither party has much to be proud of.
The goal of obama, and the dems is to destroy police departments and establish a national “police force” run by the party

The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete

"While there are many big issues that the Democrats have been very wrong about for many years, they’ve been really, really wrong about almost everything since the beginning of the Obama era. That, for me, is when I stopped finding much to agree with them about. Emboldened by a thoroughly corrupt media that aids and abets the alt-reality the Dems live in, they’ve gotten progressively (pun most definitely intended) worse in recent years.

Of all the big, awful ideas to come from the Democrats recently, the “defund the police” movement was perhaps the worst.

His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters when he perpetuated the lie about Michael Brown that gave us the Ferguson riots in 2014."

From his self-professed ignorance-based racist claim about how the Cambridge Police were racist and 'stupid' for arresting his racist pal to his perpetuation of the le about Michael Brown, Barry demonized Police as racists, setting the stage for the 2020 George Floyd incident that opened the door for the domestic terrorists Antifa and Marxist-based BLM ignited riots / destruction.

Democrats rallied together to support these domestic terrorists who looted, damaged, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, destroyed minority-owned businesses, demonized the police, attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive, and resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US. They also initiated a war on police US-wide, one in which police have been hunted, ambushed, and murdered, undermining authority and putting US American lives in danger.

Democrats openly declared their support for the disastrous policy of 'Defund the Police', which - predictably - resulted in an explosion in violent crime and homicides across the US as many police officers walked away. Homicides in Portland, for example, have risen 800%.

NY, who praised its Police officers and 1st Responders as heroes after 9/11/01 have now villainized the police to the point where many of them have quit / retired. New York City was one of the first of the Big Blues (Democrat-run cities) that have rushed to defund the police. Surprise! Recently, however, 'de Blasio just performed the “Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops” when saying he now wanted to flood the streets with police. Too bad he made so many of them leave the profession.' de Blasio allowed a huge 'BM' and 'Defund The police' be painted on NY streets but now ays he wants to flood the streets on NY wit hcops because of how crime in NYT has exploded.

"The Democrats’ lust to condemn all police because of the actions of very few — and because Obama told them to hate copshas led to murder, rapes, and robberies. While all of that very real violence is going on, the psychotic lefties are insisting that the real threat to America is a few weirdos who went apes**t on January 6, 2021, and may or may not have been Trump supporters.

Democrats are wrong about everything.

That’s important to remember."

Obama had the Taskforce for 21st Century Policy which was designed to restore confidence in and respect for Law enforcement.

Trump threw it out and egged the police on to violence.
The goal of obama, and the dems is to destroy police departments and establish a national “police force” run by the party

Hard to imagine you could promote such stupid lies in view of the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing.

The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete

"While there are many big issues that the Democrats have been very wrong about for many years, they’ve been really, really wrong about almost everything since the beginning of the Obama era. That, for me, is when I stopped finding much to agree with them about. Emboldened by a thoroughly corrupt media that aids and abets the alt-reality the Dems live in, they’ve gotten progressively (pun most definitely intended) worse in recent years.

Of all the big, awful ideas to come from the Democrats recently, the “defund the police” movement was perhaps the worst.

His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters when he perpetuated the lie about Michael Brown that gave us the Ferguson riots in 2014."

From his self-professed ignorance-based racist claim about how the Cambridge Police were racist and 'stupid' for arresting his racist pal to his perpetuation of the le about Michael Brown, Barry demonized Police as racists, setting the stage for the 2020 George Floyd incident that opened the door for the domestic terrorists Antifa and Marxist-based BLM ignited riots / destruction.

Democrats rallied together to support these domestic terrorists who looted, damaged, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, destroyed minority-owned businesses, demonized the police, attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive, and resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US. They also initiated a war on police US-wide, one in which police have been hunted, ambushed, and murdered, undermining authority and putting US American lives in danger.

Democrats openly declared their support for the disastrous policy of 'Defund the Police', which - predictably - resulted in an explosion in violent crime and homicides across the US as many police officers walked away. Homicides in Portland, for example, have risen 800%.

NY, who praised its Police officers and 1st Responders as heroes after 9/11/01 have now villainized the police to the point where many of them have quit / retired. New York City was one of the first of the Big Blues (Democrat-run cities) that have rushed to defund the police. Surprise! Recently, however, 'de Blasio just performed the “Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops” when saying he now wanted to flood the streets with police. Too bad he made so many of them leave the profession.' de Blasio allowed a huge 'BM' and 'Defund The police' be painted on NY streets but now ays he wants to flood the streets on NY wit hcops because of how crime in NYT has exploded.

"The Democrats’ lust to condemn all police because of the actions of very few — and because Obama told them to hate copshas led to murder, rapes, and robberies. While all of that very real violence is going on, the psychotic lefties are insisting that the real threat to America is a few weirdos who went apes**t on January 6, 2021, and may or may not have been Trump supporters.

Democrats are wrong about everyt

That’s important to remember."

Obama had the Taskforce for 21st Century Policy which was designed to restore confidence in and respect for Law enforcement.

Trump threw it out and egged the police on to violence.
egged the police? The only english use of the word EGGED ---
is what is done on Halloween ----which involves throwing eggs
at houses or cars ---or even people. "restore confidence..." ?

The GQP is no more the Party of Police than it is the Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

Neither party has much to be proud of.
They only support the police when it suits.
Gun grabbing cops on big city employees union wages, salaries, benefits, and pension plans LOVE. the Democrat Party.

They're working cops on the beat, after all. That's their job, to beat us into submission to city ordinances.

The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete

"While there are many big issues that the Democrats have been very wrong about for many years, they’ve been really, really wrong about almost everything since the beginning of the Obama era. That, for me, is when I stopped finding much to agree with them about. Emboldened by a thoroughly corrupt media that aids and abets the alt-reality the Dems live in, they’ve gotten progressively (pun most definitely intended) worse in recent years.

Of all the big, awful ideas to come from the Democrats recently, the “defund the police” movement was perhaps the worst.

His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters when he perpetuated the lie about Michael Brown that gave us the Ferguson riots in 2014."

From his self-professed ignorance-based racist claim about how the Cambridge Police were racist and 'stupid' for arresting his racist pal to his perpetuation of the le about Michael Brown, Barry demonized Police as racists, setting the stage for the 2020 George Floyd incident that opened the door for the domestic terrorists Antifa and Marxist-based BLM ignited riots / destruction.

Democrats rallied together to support these domestic terrorists who looted, damaged, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, destroyed minority-owned businesses, demonized the police, attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive, and resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US. They also initiated a war on police US-wide, one in which police have been hunted, ambushed, and murdered, undermining authority and putting US American lives in danger.

Democrats openly declared their support for the disastrous policy of 'Defund the Police', which - predictably - resulted in an explosion in violent crime and homicides across the US as many police officers walked away. Homicides in Portland, for example, have risen 800%.

NY, who praised its Police officers and 1st Responders as heroes after 9/11/01 have now villainized the police to the point where many of them have quit / retired. New York City was one of the first of the Big Blues (Democrat-run cities) that have rushed to defund the police. Surprise! Recently, however, 'de Blasio just performed the “Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops” when saying he now wanted to flood the streets with police. Too bad he made so many of them leave the profession.' de Blasio allowed a huge 'BM' and 'Defund The police' be painted on NY streets but now ays he wants to flood the streets on NY wit hcops because of how crime in NYT has exploded.

"The Democrats’ lust to condemn all police because of the actions of very few — and because Obama told them to hate copshas led to murder, rapes, and robberies. While all of that very real violence is going on, the psychotic lefties are insisting that the real threat to America is a few weirdos who went apes**t on January 6, 2021, and may or may not have been Trump supporters.

Democrats are wrong about everyt

That’s important to remember."

Obama had the Taskforce for 21st Century Policy which was designed to restore confidence in and respect for Law enforcement.

Trump threw it out and egged the police on to violence.
egged the police? The only english use of the word EGGED ---
is what is done on Halloween ----which involves throwing eggs
at houses or cars ---or even people. "restore confidence..." ?

Check any dictionary.

egg on
slang To urge someone to do something, often something mischievous. A noun or pronoun can be used between "egg" and "on."
Trevor's never been in trouble before, so I'm sure his friends egged him on to start the food fight.
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Egg on - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

The Morning Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete

"While there are many big issues that the Democrats have been very wrong about for many years, they’ve been really, really wrong about almost everything since the beginning of the Obama era. That, for me, is when I stopped finding much to agree with them about. Emboldened by a thoroughly corrupt media that aids and abets the alt-reality the Dems live in, they’ve gotten progressively (pun most definitely intended) worse in recent years.

Of all the big, awful ideas to come from the Democrats recently, the “defund the police” movement was perhaps the worst.

His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama firmly established the Democrats as the political party of cop-haters when he perpetuated the lie about Michael Brown that gave us the Ferguson riots in 2014."

From his self-professed ignorance-based racist claim about how the Cambridge Police were racist and 'stupid' for arresting his racist pal to his perpetuation of the le about Michael Brown, Barry demonized Police as racists, setting the stage for the 2020 George Floyd incident that opened the door for the domestic terrorists Antifa and Marxist-based BLM ignited riots / destruction.

Democrats rallied together to support these domestic terrorists who looted, damaged, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, destroyed minority-owned businesses, demonized the police, attempted to burn local police and federal agents alive, and resulted in BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US. They also initiated a war on police US-wide, one in which police have been hunted, ambushed, and murdered, undermining authority and putting US American lives in danger.

Democrats openly declared their support for the disastrous policy of 'Defund the Police', which - predictably - resulted in an explosion in violent crime and homicides across the US as many police officers walked away. Homicides in Portland, for example, have risen 800%.

NY, who praised its Police officers and 1st Responders as heroes after 9/11/01 have now villainized the police to the point where many of them have quit / retired. New York City was one of the first of the Big Blues (Democrat-run cities) that have rushed to defund the police. Surprise! Recently, however, 'de Blasio just performed the “Triple-Lindy of Flip-Flops” when saying he now wanted to flood the streets with police. Too bad he made so many of them leave the profession.' de Blasio allowed a huge 'BM' and 'Defund The police' be painted on NY streets but now ays he wants to flood the streets on NY wit hcops because of how crime in NYT has exploded.

"The Democrats’ lust to condemn all police because of the actions of very few — and because Obama told them to hate copshas led to murder, rapes, and robberies. While all of that very real violence is going on, the psychotic lefties are insisting that the real threat to America is a few weirdos who went apes**t on January 6, 2021, and may or may not have been Trump supporters.

Democrats are wrong about everyt

That’s important to remember."

Obama had the Taskforce for 21st Century Policy which was designed to restore confidence in and respect for Law enforcement.

Trump threw it out and egged the police on to violence.
egged the police? The only english use of the word EGGED ---
is what is done on Halloween ----which involves throwing eggs
at houses or cars ---or even people. "restore confidence..." ?

Check any dictionary.

egg on
slang To urge someone to do something, often something mischievous. A noun or pronoun can be used between "egg" and "on."
Trevor's never been in trouble before, so I'm sure his friends egged him on to start the food fight.
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Egg on - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

Now it's Egg On Your Face...dumbass.

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