Hillary's biggest gaffe during the debate...It will come back to haunt her if she's the nominee


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Should I post what your party's candidates have said about Democrats?
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?

I don't know because I find her answer to be accurate.

Democrats do look at Republicans as their greatest enemy. They put Republicans on top of the list that includes criminals, terrorists, rapists, murderers......

Democrats always side with evil because liberals are evil. They side with criminals over police, they side with terrorists over our military, they side with criminals over armed citizens, they side with abortion doctors over pro-life advocates. They side with theft over working.

Hilarious saying Republicans are her number one enemy puts Republicans on the list of good people, and that's not so bad.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Should I post what your party's candidates have said about Democrats?

If you have anything that compares to what she said please post it.
Republicans was last in the list of several things she listed as enemies. Among those others were pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies.
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She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .
Republicans was last in the list of several things she listed as enemies. Among those others were pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies.

Which are also stupid comments. Thanks..
She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Don't voters want a candidate that will work with the other side? I realize that's not what you want and frankly that's not what I want either ...but that's what a large portion of the voters want.
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She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Don't voters want a candidate that will work with the other side? I realize that's not what you want and frankly that's not what I want either ...but that's what a large portion of the voters want.

She can't even work with her own side. Little does Timmy know that it's Obama's people that leaked the e-mail stuff to the New York Times and it's Obama's people trying to bring Hillary down.

But it must be Bush's fault. :boohoo:
Another Hillary Blatant Lie, is when she speaks of helping the middle class/cares for the middle class. She can't be serious,,,Hillary hates the middle class, she is for Obama-Care that is making it impossible for anyone in the middle class to save for themselves and their childrens future. and in many cases, could put them into bankruptcy.
I thought that was one of the most insulting and unpresidential things someone running for potus could possibly say. If voted in she will continue obama's divisiveness agenda. How's that leadership? How's that good for the country? These retarded leftists are obviously from some other era, they are too old and crinkle-headed to run anything.
Lets see....How much of the Republican debate was spent attacking Hillary?

Yet, Hillary fights back and Republicans go into full pout mode
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Should I post what your party's candidates have said about Democrats?

Post whatever you want. You said it was wrong when it was done. Typical lefty response will be "you did it". If you claim it was wrong when Republicans did it, why does it suddenly become OK when yours do it? That's what your arguing.
Hillary isn't going to repeat Obama's mistakes. He reached out repeatedly to Republicans...and got his hand smacked each and every time. Everyone knows the Republicans aren't going to treat her any differently than they treated Obama. Hillary knows it too.
It's wrong if either side does it. Rs and Ds are suppose to balance each other out, bring different ideas to the table, compromise on what's best for this country. Neither side is much good at it. To call half the country 'enemy' is wrong and is especially wrong coming from one running for - or who is - potus.

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