Hillary to go live any minute. They've got to knock this sucker down

I'm watching her now.

She wants full and complete facts.

She is confident that emails will not change conclusion in July.

Looking forward to focusing on challenges of American people.
We don't know the facts, calling for FBI to release all information it has.
She didn't answer the question on whether she's worried the new emails will reveal that she sent or recieved classified information.
She's trying to change the subject. I saw Weiner do that in the documentary about him, when asked about his scandal.
Why would the FBI release the details of their investgation??
It's a bluff. If the FBI did what she said and revealed everything they knew, it would be even worse for her.
I wonder how hard it was to wake her up for this.

What she sez will be a fore gone conclusion

Okay it seems from comments it's a press conference, we don't get this stuff on our Continent, campaign stops etc.

So the FBI reopening the email situation must have legs or else Hillary wouldn't be doing this, I expect her cheerleaders in the MSM won't ask her any difficult questions and then they'll take to the airwaves to spin things for her, somehow it'll be Donald Trump's fault or Vladimir Putin's fault or both their fault :rolleyes-41:
She took two questions, typical hildabitch answers.

She clearly wants to get at the bottom of all this. (wink)

"She clearly wants to get at the bottom of all this. (wink)"

Is this a groping comment? If so, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo OFFENDED :eek-52: :tongue:

I demand a Safe Space NOW or I'll have a bedwetting tantrum :blowup::rolleyes-41:

Did you think this was a micro-aggression directed at you?
If so, I will voluntarily seek retraining at the nearest counseling center.
Not a Hillary bot but if you read the original FBI reports and the title of the new investigation, three things stand out:

Her implicit claims of neurological incompetence were and are bullet-proof in the eyes of the FBI.

The investigation into her has ended.

This is an investigation into her staff.

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