Hillary Supporters, Which Hillary Do You Support?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hard to stomach 13 minutes of Hillary contradicting herself, but worth it.

Is she so used to lying that she honestly doesn't know what the truth is anymore or is she suffering from dementia? How can anyone possibly believe a word she says?

Hard to stomach 13 minutes of Hillary contradicting herself, but worth it.

Is she so used to lying that she honestly doesn't know what the truth is anymore or is she suffering from dementia? How can anyone possibly believe a word she says?

I've been trying to get the hag to take her truth serum with no success.
It's really not about Hillary. It's about the indoctrination of a socialist mindset in our schools and workplaces. America has been dumbed down to the point of wanting - needing a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to tell them how to live their lives. This is why Hillary will win, no matter how many laws she breaks. It's the total meltdown of a once great country into a Godless cesspool of dependency.
With the media propping her up and the Dems refusing to call her on this shit, Hillary doesn't have to worry about all the videos of her saying this or that because she knows most in the media won't put her on the spot. Even when questions are asked, they don't show a video of her saying something, such as that marriage is between a man and a woman or that she opposes gay marriage so she gets away with claiming she never said those things. I always wonder why the interviewers don't show her video of what she said and make it impossible to deny it. In one part, she tried to make the interviewer sound like they were being unreasonable pressing her on that. What an ego this bitch has.

Hillary is a bullshit pro, like many politicians. Seeing a montage of videos of her directly contradicting herself, or just lying, is undeniable proof that she cannot be trusted. Using video of past statements is the way the media should approach politicians who flip flip or lie and the liars should be made to explain instead of being allowed to deny they ever said it. Of course, they often claim something is taken out of context, but in many cases, the video speaks for itself. Hillary lied about being shot at by snipers. Her account and the video are nothing alike. She insists she told it the way she remembered it. Either she lied or she is losing her mind and neither is acceptable. She has had several stances on gay marriage. The bad part is that she claims otherwise. It's one thing if a politician claims to have "evolved" on a matter, but Hillary outright lies.

She lies and doesn't worry about being called on it. Many of her supporters just don't care because they think she'll do something for them. Anyone with a clue knows that she has lied more times than she's told the truth. The fact that anyone would believe a word she says now either means they are idiots or they understand her true agenda and support that. They know lies are all a necessary part of changing (read: destroying) America and they go along.
If Hillary gets nominated, I hope this video finds it's way into a campaign ad for her opponent.
If Hillary gets nominated, I hope this video finds it's way into a campaign ad for her opponent.
She will merely deny everything and say it is a right wing conspiracy. And the liberal pukes will agree with her and cough up another donation.

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