Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.
Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That's some fancy footwork.
Nothing changes the fact she had a secret illegal private server installed in her bathroom. God knows how many countries hacked her server. Russia and Israel for sure.
She attempted to destroy government emails. She was caught red handed.
Her little fucking rat Blumenthal was the gateway to her email server.
Fucking poetic justice.
Hillary has been in close proximity to sensitive government documents for decades.
And she was too fucking dumb/careless, as Obama calls her, to at least clue in that some of the emails coming to her server were very sensitive and potentially harmful to US interests if any hacker got ahold of them?
That is mind numbing stupid or she is so fucking nihilistic she believed she was too 'smart' to ever be caught......or both.
The bitch has had her little chat with Comey now. Two-three weeks before the FBI recommends felony charges be brought. It's irrelevant what Lynch does then.
Hillary will waddle off to her multimillion dollar mansion and drink herself to death in Huma's arms.
That's some funny shit. Even funnier than you claiming you owned 7 FF franchises after claiming you owned only 5. :lmao:
Noted that you consider communication between the US Secretary of State and foreign heads of state to be "petty clerical work". No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Has anyone said that's what the magical supposed e-mails were?

Oh, yeah, and if no one takes me seriously, why do I have five times as many ratings as you do?

Totally irrelevant to the sensitivity of the information she left unprotected. I don't recall seeing you in the meeting, so obviously you have no idea what those emails contained. You're screaming in a hurricane, hoping to be heard.

You don't either. But what I do have is watching you guys for 25 years accuse this woman of everything under the sun, up to and including murder, and never being able to prove any of it.

Which would not have been possible without Newt's work.

Newt was thrown out by his own people. That's how effective Newt was.
Noted that you consider communication between the US Secretary of State and foreign heads of state to be "petty clerical work". No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Has anyone said that's what the magical supposed e-mails were?

Oh, yeah, and if no one takes me seriously, why do I have five times as many ratings as you do?

Totally irrelevant to the sensitivity of the information she left unprotected. I don't recall seeing you in the meeting, so obviously you have no idea what those emails contained. You're screaming in a hurricane, hoping to be heard.

You don't either. But what I do have is watching you guys for 25 years accuse this woman of everything under the sun, up to and including murder, and never being able to prove any of it.

Which would not have been possible without Newt's work.

Newt was thrown out by his own people. That's how effective Newt was.

Obviously there is something to this or the FBI wouldn't be investigating.

In fact , it has been PROVEN that classified material went through her server. The only question is , who is culpable.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows Hillary has been around sensitive government documents for decades.
If she couldn't at least intuit what was a potentially sensitive document, 'marked' or otherwise, at this stage in her life.......to the point that Obama called what she did "careless" then what the fuck business does she have to be the CIC?????
I mean some of your LIBs REALLY need to wise up.

Good point. She's had years of experience so it stands to reason that she'd be less likely to mishandle information.
The facts do not back that up do they?
The FBI has uncovered hundreds of very sensitive emails dealing with national security, counter intelligence, some so secret they will never be disclosed.
The fact is she was as Obama' said '"careless". And she wants people to believe she will change her decades long pattern of flat out criminal behaviour once she is the President? REALLY.
For Christ sake she had to return the fucking sterling silver flatware she stole from the White House on the way out the door!!!!!!

The FBI hasn't said what they've uncovered at all. They aren't responsible for the classification of the contents in any way.
Isn't it interesting that so many Hillary asshole lickers on this forum were claiming "official FBI sources have said no crimes were committed"?
Then when it's pointed out to them there's no way ANY FBI employee would EVER make that claim the Hillary ass lickers ran away.
Now, you're one of them is claiming no one at the FBI has said what they have or have not uncovered. See the fucking irony?
Probably not.
I swear, after Zimmerman walked and then the cop who put the world out of it's misery and offed 'BIG MIKE' and all the 'man-bun' LIBs here were proven to be idiots I thought I'd had enough enjoyment at the expense of these morons. But no! I get to this time rub Hillary's fat dirty ass in your LIB faces when the FBI MOABS Hillary.
Do you all EVER get tired of looking like idiots?
LIBs are "emotional hemophiliacs".
Life IS good!
Noted that you consider communication between the US Secretary of State and foreign heads of state to be "petty clerical work". No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Has anyone said that's what the magical supposed e-mails were?

Oh, yeah, and if no one takes me seriously, why do I have five times as many ratings as you do?

Totally irrelevant to the sensitivity of the information she left unprotected. I don't recall seeing you in the meeting, so obviously you have no idea what those emails contained. You're screaming in a hurricane, hoping to be heard.

You don't either. But what I do have is watching you guys for 25 years accuse this woman of everything under the sun, up to and including murder, and never being able to prove any of it.

Which would not have been possible without Newt's work.

Newt was thrown out by his own people. That's how effective Newt was.

Obviously there is something to this or the FBI wouldn't be investigating.

In fact , it has been PROVEN that classified material went through her server. The only question is , who is culpable.
Start with the owner of the private server.......Hillary.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That's some fancy footwork.
Nothing changes the fact she had a secret illegal private server installed in her bathroom. God knows how many countries hacked her server. Russia and Israel for sure.
She attempted to destroy government emails. She was caught red handed.
Her little fucking rat Blumenthal was the gateway to her email server.
Fucking poetic justice.
Hillary has been in close proximity to sensitive government documents for decades.
And she was too fucking dumb/careless, as Obama calls her, to at least clue in that some of the emails coming to her server were very sensitive and potentially harmful to US interests if any hacker got ahold of them?
That is mind numbing stupid or she is so fucking nihilistic she believed she was too 'smart' to ever be caught......or both.
The bitch has had her little chat with Comey now. Two-three weeks before the FBI recommends felony charges be brought. It's irrelevant what Lynch does then.
Hillary will waddle off to her multimillion dollar mansion and drink herself to death in Huma's arms.

The server was neither secret nor illegal nor proven to have been hacked.

Your narrative is nothing more than RW media bullshit.
It doesn't have to be any of those things to be a foolish thing to do. A parent who allows a toddler to play unsupervised beside a busy street is negligent whether the child is harmed or not.

Foolish is one thing. Criminal is an entirely different thing.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows Hillary has been around sensitive government documents for decades.
If she couldn't at least intuit what was a potentially sensitive document, 'marked' or otherwise, at this stage in her life.......to the point that Obama called what she did "careless" then what the fuck business does she have to be the CIC?????
I mean some of your LIBs REALLY need to wise up.

Good point. She's had years of experience so it stands to reason that she'd be less likely to mishandle information.
The facts do not back that up do they?
The FBI has uncovered hundreds of very sensitive emails dealing with national security, counter intelligence, some so secret they will never be disclosed.
The fact is she was as Obama' said '"careless". And she wants people to believe she will change her decades long pattern of flat out criminal behaviour once she is the President? REALLY.
For Christ sake she had to return the fucking sterling silver flatware she stole from the White House on the way out the door!!!!!!

The FBI hasn't said what they've uncovered at all. They aren't responsible for the classification of the contents in any way.
Isn't it interesting that so many Hillary asshole lickers on this forum were claiming "official FBI sources have said no crimes were committed"?
Then when it's pointed out to them there's no way ANY FBI employee would EVER make that claim the Hillary ass lickers ran away.
Now, you're one of them is claiming no one at the FBI has said what they have or have not uncovered. See the fucking irony?
Probably not.
I swear, after Zimmerman walked and then the cop who put the world out of it's misery and offed 'BIG MIKE' and all the 'man-bun' LIBs here were proven to be idiots I thought I'd had enough enjoyment at the expense of these morons. But no! I get to this time rub Hillary's fat dirty ass in your LIB faces when the FBI MOABS Hillary.
Do you all EVER get tired of looking like idiots?
LIBs are "emotional hemophiliacs".
Life IS good!

You're trying to make a point about Clinton supporters being foolish while you use the exact same thinking as a detractor.
I would say that puts you squarely in the idiot circle.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows Hillary has been around sensitive government documents for decades.
If she couldn't at least intuit what was a potentially sensitive document, 'marked' or otherwise, at this stage in her life.......to the point that Obama called what she did "careless" then what the fuck business does she have to be the CIC?????
I mean some of your LIBs REALLY need to wise up.

Good point. She's had years of experience so it stands to reason that she'd be less likely to mishandle information.
The facts do not back that up do they?
The FBI has uncovered hundreds of very sensitive emails dealing with national security, counter intelligence, some so secret they will never be disclosed.
The fact is she was as Obama' said '"careless". And she wants people to believe she will change her decades long pattern of flat out criminal behaviour once she is the President? REALLY.
For Christ sake she had to return the fucking sterling silver flatware she stole from the White House on the way out the door!!!!!!

The FBI hasn't said what they've uncovered at all. They aren't responsible for the classification of the contents in any way.
Isn't it interesting that so many Hillary asshole lickers on this forum were claiming "official FBI sources have said no crimes were committed"?
Then when it's pointed out to them there's no way ANY FBI employee would EVER make that claim the Hillary ass lickers ran away.
Now, you're one of them is claiming no one at the FBI has said what they have or have not uncovered. See the fucking irony?
Probably not.
I swear, after Zimmerman walked and then the cop who put the world out of it's misery and offed 'BIG MIKE' and all the 'man-bun' LIBs here were proven to be idiots I thought I'd had enough enjoyment at the expense of these morons. But no! I get to this time rub Hillary's fat dirty ass in your LIB faces when the FBI MOABS Hillary.
Do you all EVER get tired of looking like idiots?
LIBs are "emotional hemophiliacs".
Life IS good!

Who is being emotional?
Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
Noted that you consider communication between the US Secretary of State and foreign heads of state to be "petty clerical work". No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Has anyone said that's what the magical supposed e-mails were?

Oh, yeah, and if no one takes me seriously, why do I have five times as many ratings as you do?

Totally irrelevant to the sensitivity of the information she left unprotected. I don't recall seeing you in the meeting, so obviously you have no idea what those emails contained. You're screaming in a hurricane, hoping to be heard.

You don't either. But what I do have is watching you guys for 25 years accuse this woman of everything under the sun, up to and including murder, and never being able to prove any of it.

Which would not have been possible without Newt's work.

Newt was thrown out by his own people. That's how effective Newt was.

Obviously there is something to this or the FBI wouldn't be investigating.

In fact , it has been PROVEN that classified material went through her server. The only question is , who is culpable.
If that were true, it would mean someone is guilty of whatever is being investigated.
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That's some fancy footwork.
Nothing changes the fact she had a secret illegal private server installed in her bathroom. God knows how many countries hacked her server. Russia and Israel for sure.
She attempted to destroy government emails. She was caught red handed.
Her little fucking rat Blumenthal was the gateway to her email server.
Fucking poetic justice.
Hillary has been in close proximity to sensitive government documents for decades.
And she was too fucking dumb/careless, as Obama calls her, to at least clue in that some of the emails coming to her server were very sensitive and potentially harmful to US interests if any hacker got ahold of them?
That is mind numbing stupid or she is so fucking nihilistic she believed she was too 'smart' to ever be caught......or both.
The bitch has had her little chat with Comey now. Two-three weeks before the FBI recommends felony charges be brought. It's irrelevant what Lynch does then.
Hillary will waddle off to her multimillion dollar mansion and drink herself to death in Huma's arms.

The server was neither secret nor illegal nor proven to have been hacked.

Your narrative is nothing more than RW media bullshit.
It doesn't have to be any of those things to be a foolish thing to do. A parent who allows a toddler to play unsupervised beside a busy street is negligent whether the child is harmed or not.

Foolish is one thing. Criminal is an entirely different thing.
I see. So someone running o be the President of the United States who did something "foolish" and "careless" with US government documents in your view is qualified to be the next President?
Why don't you LIBs drag a fucking crack head off the street to be President. I'm sure they won't be anymore "foolish" or "careless" than Hillary.
Wait a minute! You all already did that with Obama.
That POS goes through 100 grams a day!
Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!
Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That's some fancy footwork.
Nothing changes the fact she had a secret illegal private server installed in her bathroom. God knows how many countries hacked her server. Russia and Israel for sure.
She attempted to destroy government emails. She was caught red handed.
Her little fucking rat Blumenthal was the gateway to her email server.
Fucking poetic justice.
Hillary has been in close proximity to sensitive government documents for decades.
And she was too fucking dumb/careless, as Obama calls her, to at least clue in that some of the emails coming to her server were very sensitive and potentially harmful to US interests if any hacker got ahold of them?
That is mind numbing stupid or she is so fucking nihilistic she believed she was too 'smart' to ever be caught......or both.
The bitch has had her little chat with Comey now. Two-three weeks before the FBI recommends felony charges be brought. It's irrelevant what Lynch does then.
Hillary will waddle off to her multimillion dollar mansion and drink herself to death in Huma's arms.

The server was neither secret nor illegal nor proven to have been hacked.

Your narrative is nothing more than RW media bullshit.
It doesn't have to be any of those things to be a foolish thing to do. A parent who allows a toddler to play unsupervised beside a busy street is negligent whether the child is harmed or not.

Foolish is one thing. Criminal is an entirely different thing.
I see. So someone running o be the President of the United States who did something "foolish" and "careless" with US government documents in your view is qualified to be the next President?
Why don't you LIBs drag a fucking crack head off the street to be President. I'm sure they won't be anymore "foolish" or "careless" than Hillary.
Wait a minute! You all already did that with Obama.
That POS goes through 100 grams a day!

Foolish or careless in political terms, yes. Obviously in hindsight it was dumb.There is no evidence that her server was compromised or otherwise unsecured.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!

What have they said the nature of the investigation is?
It's called due diligence. Mostly to satisfy the raging dupes I suspect.
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!

What have they said the nature of the investigation is?
It's called due diligence. Mostly to satisfy the raging dupes I suspect.

You fucking moron the FBI isn't into the habit of opening investigations just to satisfy people you believe are dupes. Jim Comey is almost universally thought of as a man with integrity among those who know of him.
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.

Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!

What have they said the nature of the investigation is?
It's called due diligence. Mostly to satisfy the raging dupes I suspect.
I see now. The FBI conducts extensive INVESTIGATIONS into possible criminal behavior just to satisfy the "dupes"?
That would be news to anyone employed by the FBI.
You really ought to wise up pal.
With each post you are looking more and more like a fool.
Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!

What have they said the nature of the investigation is?
It's called due diligence. Mostly to satisfy the raging dupes I suspect.

You fucking moron the FBI isn't into the habit of opening investigations just to satisfy people you believe are dupes. Jim Comey is almost universally thought of as a man with integrity among those who know of him.

Who ordered it? The FBI is in the habit of following orders. Investigations also clear people of wrongdoing there " moron".
Those 22 emails were upgraded to TS upon review for release. That means it was upgraded because it could not be released. It doesn't mean it would be classified also on the server but that as of the review it could not be made public. None of these emails were ever meant to be public. It could be as simple as not wanting discussions and processes of the State Dept made public to the world. They may contain information that could compromise ongoing negotiations or other operations. It never had to be classified on the server for that to be the case.
That makes no sense. If information is classified, it doesn't matter where it is. IOW, it's either classified or not. Leaving it out where it can be easily accessed is the issue.

No. It's not classified until it is. If the sole reason to classify it is so it cannot be made public, then the classification has no need in the email server.

Let's say the State Dept had ongoing operations in a particular region and the official position of the US to it's foreign partners is one thing and what is discussed through email within State is another. Maybe even enough to jeopardize relations if it were public. In that case, routine communications could be classified for the sole purpose of blocking their release. It in no way means they were classified at all in the server or that anyone did anything wrong.

This is the more likely scenario as State has said repeatedly that none of these were classified at the time.
So now explain why the FBI has been INVESTIGATING!!!!! Hillary and her fucking private server/emails for months?
Nothing better to do? Bored? Too many agents with nothing to do? Too much money in the budget?
Go ahead and explain.
This ought to be fucking hilarious!

What have they said the nature of the investigation is?
It's called due diligence. Mostly to satisfy the raging dupes I suspect.
I see now. The FBI conducts extensive INVESTIGATIONS into possible criminal behavior just to satisfy the "dupes"?
That would be news to anyone employed by the FBI.
You really ought to wise up pal.
With each post you are looking more and more like a fool.

We'll see who "wised up" soon enough.
Can't wait for those tearful conspiracy rants from the dupes when she's cleared.
Noted that you consider communication between the US Secretary of State and foreign heads of state to be "petty clerical work". No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Has anyone said that's what the magical supposed e-mails were?

You seem very certain that you know what's in them. Like I said, I don't recall seeing you in any of the meetings. There was that one guy that sat in the back and picked his nose the whole time. Was that you?

Oh, yeah, and if no one takes me seriously, why do I have five times as many ratings as you do?

1. Because you post more frequently than I do?
2. Because those who give you ratings are more easily amused than those who give them to me?
3. Because you've been around here longer than I have?

Are you sure you didn't think about any of those before you posted that?

Totally irrelevant to the sensitivity of the information she left unprotected. I don't recall seeing you in the meeting, so obviously you have no idea what those emails contained. You're screaming in a hurricane, hoping to be heard.

You don't either. But what I do have is watching you guys for 25 years accuse this woman of everything under the sun, up to and including murder, and never being able to prove any of it.

If you have no idea what's in them, why are you so certain there's nothing sensitive that she should have better protected? You know, stuff that is so sensitive that it can't be released in any form? You can't have it both ways. Also, what I'm accusing her of doing is easily proven. If you are Secretary of State and you funnel ALL your official correspondence through a poorly secured private server to the exclusion of all official channels and leave the most sensitive of sensitive information on it, you're being remarkably careless. Now, what were you ranting on about again?

Which would not have been possible without Newt's work.

Newt was thrown out by his own people. That's how effective Newt was.

Irrelevant. He led the way to the GOP taking the House for the first time in 40 some years. Without him setting the tone and the direction, Congress would not have been able to hold Bubba's feet to the fire as much as they did.

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