Hillary Continues To Attack, Minimize, Attempt To Undermine Bill's Victims


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Americans have lost count how many times Hillary testified under oath about how she 'can't recall' when asked questions by Congress....but she is now declaring her husband's victims are 'mis-remembering history'...


Hillary Continues Her Attacks on Bill Clinton's Victims

'In case you missed it late last week, twice failed Democrat presidential candidate and bitter loser Hillary Clinton accused the women who say Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them of "misremembering history." She also denied being part of the smear campaign run against them in an effort to protect Clinton at the White House.'

Ummmm, Hillary, dear....speaking of 'mis-remembering', maybe this will jog your lapsing / hypocritical memory:

'Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. https://t.co/mkD69RHeBL
Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 23, 2015'

...except those who make accusations against, Democrats, I guess. :p
According to Hillary:

'Anyone who refuses to accept election results are threats to our Democracy'


'Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.'

....except when SHE loses the Presidential election...again...or when Democrats, especially her husband, are the ones accused of the sexual misconduct.

Go figure....

There's a special place in hell reserved for her. What she did to her pervert husband's numerous victims, is unforgivable. She's pure evil.
Conservatives, Trumpkins especially, are quick and happy to lambaste Hillary and Bill Clinton for their words and deeds pertaining to how they interacted with the women who accused Bill of sexually assaulting/harassing them. Liberal, similarly, are quick and happy to condemn Trump for his sexual assaults of some 15 or so women. I suppose it's both groups' prerogative to do so; however, while both men's behavior toward women is nothing near saintly, there are salient and important differences:
  • The acts themselves -- Based on the women's claims, I suspect there's no material difference.
  • Investigation
    • Clinton -- Ken Starr, as part of the Lewinsky matter, investigated allegations of sexual wrongdoing Bill may have exacted upon the various women who accused him of such. Accordingly, there's no legitimacy to the claim that the women's claims were not indeed taken seriously.
      • During the investigation, the Democratic president told multiple misleading statements about his past affairs and accused Starr, a Republican, of leading a political witch hunt against him.
    • Trump -- As yet, there's been no formal investigation of Trump's lasciviousness.
      • Although there's been no investigation, Trump has told multiple misleading statements about his past affairs; moreover, he claims that any and every bit of scrutiny directed toward his behavior is a witch hunt. Also, he claims, like Clinton, that all the women who've accused him of sexual assault, harassment or rape are lying, that even as he has a confidential settlement agreement with at least one of his accusers.
  • Consequences
    • Clinton
      • The man was impeached by the House and tried by the Senate. He was acquitted by the Senate.
      • The most severe political penalty available to him, removal from office, was pursued, and there were political consequences for that being so. All the same, Clinton overcame them and finished his second term with what at the time (Perhaps still? I don't know.) was the highest approval rating of any president since World War II.
      • The statute of limitations had expired, so he could not be charged in a court of law.
      • Hillary Clinton voters think Clinton sexually abused, assaulted, harassed, whatever...the women who've accused him of doing so. A fact that's been reported by one of the most liberal news organizations one might find.

      • Insofar as the statute of limitations has expired and Bill is not running for anything and is essentially fully retired, there's not much that can be done.
    • Trump
      • There appear to be no formal or political consequences thus far.
        • He's not been impeached and AFAIK he's not stood trial in a criminal court of law.
        • Trump has at least one confidential settlement with one of his accusers. There is a pending civil case pertaining to Trump and another.
        • Voters, before election day, knew about the allegations and voted for him anyway. Indeed, even the "moral majority," evangelical Christians, voted for him, and in numbers notably surpassing those of George W. Bush who is himself an evangelical Christian.
        • As one can see from the chart above, Trump supporters, unlike Clinton supporters, reject the claims of Trump's accusers. Moreover, Republicans don't see sexual harassment as a "deal breaker."



          In a recent Quinnipiac poll, individuals were asked, "If a political candidate has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women, would you still consider voting for them if you agreed with them on the issues, or would you definitely not vote for them?"

          The results:
          -- Definitely not vote --> 62% (T); 41% (R); 81% (D)

          In the same poll, respondents were also asked, "As you may know, President Trump has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women, and is currently being sued by one of them in a defamation lawsuit. He has denied all of the accusations. If it is proven true that President Trump sexually harassed this or any other woman, do you think he should be impeached and removed from office or not?"

          The results:
          -- No (don't impeach/remove from office) --> 33% (T); 63% (R); 8% (D)
      • Insofar as Trump is in office and the statue of limitations have not expired for all the claims, something could be done. The poll results cited above suggest, however, that Republicans are largely not keen do something.
Looking at the situation, particularly as a practical matter, it's pretty clear to me that despite Republican's very vocal "moral high ground" rhetoric, they have absolutely no legitimate claim to it. I mean, seriously. Look at that Q-piac poll result. Even were it proven that Trump had sexually harassed a woman, 63% of Republicans are willing to let it go!!! In light of that, while I understand that Republicans may revel in "finger pointing" and enjoy advancing the guilt by association with Bill fallacious line, the fact is that they haven't a strong leg to stand on while doing so. Can you say "turpitudinous?" One needs to be able to for as goes the comparative analysis of the matter of Bill's and Trump's mistreatment of women, that's precisely what pervades the Republican political psyche.

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