Hidden depression


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Homeless folks are everywhere these days. This is what happens during a depression. And don’t tell yourself that this is not a depression. Can anyone imagine what our nation would look like if poor folks had to stand in soup kitchen lines today? We are in the midst of a hidden depression…the government sends the soup kitchen to the poor via the mail. No need to stand in line and the absence of those lines looks better for our greasy politicians. I know we have always had homeless and always will but I never thought our homeless problem would be ignored by media and hidden from view by our so called leaders.
It’s worse than ever and no one seems to care. If we had a different person from a different political party in charge we would hear nothing else but homeless issues.
Wake up you double standard liberal morons.
Homeless folks are everywhere these days. This is what happens during a depression. And don’t tell yourself that this is not a depression. Can anyone imagine what our nation would look like if poor folks had to stand in soup kitchen lines today? We are in the midst of a hidden depression…the government sends the soup kitchen to the poor via the mail. No need to stand in line and the absence of those lines looks better for our greasy politicians. I know we have always had homeless and always will but I never thought our homeless problem would be ignored by media and hidden from view by our so called leaders.
It’s worse than ever and no one seems to care. If we had a different person from a different political party in charge we would hear nothing else but homeless issues.
Wake up you double standard liberal morons.
U1 through U6 has been declining for nearly a year now.

We are not in a depression.
U1 through U6 has been declining for nearly a year now.

We are not in a depression
Really? Then what would you call it? After you answer that what would you call it if Bush were still in the White House?
Be honest...
U1 through U6 has been declining for nearly a year now.

We are not in a depression
Really? Then what would you call it? After you answer that what would you call it if Bush were still in the White House?
Be honest...
I am non-partisan, so I would say exactly the same thing if Bush was still around.

And don't forget, this "depression" started on his watch. We certainly were headed for an actual Depression that would have made the last one look like a picnic, but it was averted.

Or maybe I should say it was delayed. I believe we are in an even bigger bubble. The biggest in the history of the Universe. We are also way more over leveraged than we were before the 2007-2009 crash.

I call what we are in now the doldrums. Our economy is growing, but very sluggishly. And this is mostly due to the astronomical public and private debt overhang we are living under. As long as we have all this debt, the recovery from even the tiniest downturns will always be sluggish. It also puts the risk of being able to avert the next crash in the "damn near impossible" category.

But look. About the present situation, unemployment is always the last thing to recover after a crash. This is historical fact. You are looking at the tail and thinking it is wagging the dog.
Does anyone believe the government's proclaimed unemployment rate? You would have to be a dunce. The rate is far higher than 5.5%. The U-3 rate is a bogus joke.

Obama is a big joke too for proclaiming he saved the economy...but dupes believe.
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This is more likely the truth...sure is comparable to the Great Depression. In the age of government propaganda, many Americans are fooled into believing lies.


Released the day after the Jobs Report, the BLS found 92,898,000 Americans are not participating in the job force. That number, 23%, is the highest rate in more than thirty years.

The jobs Americans are finding are less than stellar. According to the Social Security Administration, 39% of Americans earn less than $20,000 a year, with 72% making less than $50,000. Not even half of American workers clock more than 30 hours a week. That income looks poor when the average American household possesses more than $15,000 in credit card debt, and more than $32,000 in student loan debt.

The fact that Americans are swimming in economic disarray should dispel any notion that the dishonest unemployment statistic shows any true improvement in the finances of Americans. 1 in 30 American children are currently homeless and homelessness rates rose in 31 states. Those are the true facts.
The 5.5 Unemployment Number Is A Total Lie
And don't forget, this "depression" started on his watch
I disagree with that. The economy started it's downturn during the election of 2008. The media induced and assisted downturn I might add. I don't know about you but my business was thriving until around 2009. That is when my depression started. Plus we had Pelosi and Reid pulling their strings as the leader of the house and senate the last 2 years of the Bush administration. When I saw those two fools actively working to undermine the economy for political purposes that is when I decided the Democrat party was something I wanted nothing to do with. That's when I changed my party affiliation.
Our Church feeds seven times a week and each week the numbers are growing.
Good, Jesus would approve, of feeding the poor and hungry that is.
Jesus would approve of feeding the poor and the hungry as long as you also introduce them to God and teach them a skill and show them the way. Just to feed and nothing else I believe is not what Jesus would want.
Our Church feeds seven times a week and each week the numbers are growing.
Good, Jesus would approve, of feeding the poor and hungry that is.
Jesus would approve of feeding the poor and the hungry as long as you also introduce them to God and teach them a skill and show them the way.
Huh, not sure what version of the Bible you have but I have half a dozen and that's not in any of them.
Huh, not sure what version of the Bible you have but I have half a dozen and that's not in any of them.
I'm not referring to the Bible...I presented what I believe Jesus would prefer. You seem to do that in every thread on this board. lol
Last time I looked Jesus was not the author of the Bible.
Whats the best way to help someone improve their situation in life? Feed them like cattle? or teach them to feed themselves? answer that honestly and you will discover the desire of Jesus. Just my opinion. I'm not a church goer but I'm honest with myself enough to see the truth and to speak it.
Does anyone believe the government's proclaimed unemployment rate? You would have to be a dunce. The rate is far higher than 5.5%. The U-3 rate is a bogus joke.

Obama is a big joke too for proclaiming he saved the economy...but dupes believe.
The same metrics are being used today that were used prior to Obama. You don't get to ask for a different measuring stick just because you don't like the letter that comes after the name of the current occupant of the White House.
And don't forget, this "depression" started on his watch
I disagree with that. The economy started it's downturn during the election of 2008. The media induced and assisted downturn I might add. I don't know about you but my business was thriving until around 2009. That is when my depression started. Plus we had Pelosi and Reid pulling their strings as the leader of the house and senate the last 2 years of the Bush administration. When I saw those two fools actively working to undermine the economy for political purposes that is when I decided the Democrat party was something I wanted nothing to do with. That's when I changed my party affiliation.
If you believe the crash turned on a dime, then you know absolutely nothing about its root causes. Crashes don't just happen. They are the result of a long term accumulation of mistakes.
As long as we have the huge public-private debt problem, our economy will suffer. No matter who is President.

Blaming the opposite party is for rubes. This mess was a bi-partisan effort. The sooner everyone in America wakes up to this fact, the sooner we will right our course.

You rubes are re-arranging chairs on the Titanic.
All of the food banks (run primarily by religious organizations) are seeing huge increases in people hitting them up. Working people are finding it harder and harder to feed their families as well, thanks to ever increasing inflation and skyrocketing housing/utilities costs.
If you believe the crash turned on a dime, then you know absolutely nothing about its root causes. Crashes don't just happen. They are the result of a long term accumulation of mistakes
That's right! 2 years of the house and the senate being run by Pelosi and Reid with their willing accomplices in the media turned a prosperous nation into a declining nation for political purposes... come on you can see that can't you?
All of the food banks (run primarily by religious organizations) are seeing huge increases in people hitting them up. Working people are finding it harder and harder to feed their families as well, thanks to ever increasing inflation and skyrocketing housing/utilities costs.

People are donating less to religious charities and more to secular ones.

Charitable giving to religious groups is down as philanthropy improves from the Great Recession - Religion News Service

American individuals, groups, foundations and corporations gave $335 billion in 2013 — a 3 percent increase from 2012 (adjusted for inflation). It’s the fourth consecutive year in which giving rose after taking a beating during the recession that officially ended in 2009.

But religious groups saw donations drop 1.6 percent from 2012 to 2013. That contrasts to healthy jumps in education (7.4 percent), the arts and humanities (6.3 percent) and environmental and animal groups (6 percent), according to the study released Tuesday (June 17), which Giving USA produced with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Behind the sad stats for religious groups, experts say, is Americans’ declining interest in religious institutions.

Maybe people are getting sick of all the hate coming from religious groups these days.

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