Hey Republicans

Nothing wrong with government, just as long as it's being led by the right people for we the people. Every 4 we hope to get as close to that as we can.
I disagree. It is impossible for government not to be corrupt and inefficient. Far too often you can add oppressive to that list.

On a good day the best you can say about government is that it is a necessary evil.
People who have been actual conservatives, who've brought actual conservative idea's to the table, have already decided. The Republican party who rejects these actual conservative principles for progressive ones, have decided.

"We the people" (the majority) have allowed the CINO's to overtake those of us who actually believe in sound money, small government and individual liberty. That's a given. We are dinosaurs, for sure. Maybe our ideology is out dated.
But BY GOD, I'll die calling you fake ass conservatives out, every time you pretend to be a conservative while supporting progressive BS.

Like a tranny, you can "identify" as a conservative all you want. But that still doesn't make you one.
I’m a “fake” conservative?

Maybe you can point out to me what makes me that in your mind.
What do you imagine that proves?
That was the first time he sided with Putin over American and allied intelligences service. He has never backed down from it. He has always been a Putin puppet.
You see it all that way, uhhh because when Trump entered the room he wasn't there to tow the party line or make friend's with anyone, and they knew it. Trump was there to straighten a lot of long time bull crap out. People with any kind of sense about the way the country had been slipping, well they knew what the deal was, and they supported Trump.

Trump was the bull in the China shop, and everyone was loving it, well maybe except those who were his target's.
But his ways were wrong. Wrong by the constitution, wrong by common decencies, wrong legally, morally, ethically and in the end, with his attempt to overthrow the election, just plain stupid and self serving, to boot. He is just plain bad news, to people that still love the constitution, rule of law, believe in honoring commitments, including oath to office or even marriage vows. He figures, like Hillary. If they fail to get it to court and prove it, he is as good as innocent, as if he never did it.
Not my kind of guy.
I disagree. It is impossible for government not to be corrupt and inefficient. Far too often you can add oppressive to that list.

On a good day the best you can say about government is that it is a necessary evil.
Until we went through the 60s, government was as close to what we needed in order to help us all get through some of the hardest times imaginable, but the 60s changed all of that, otherwise when the hippie's came out to play.
You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.

Yes we can as you can't tell us what to do.
But his ways were wrong. Wrong by the constitution, wrong by common decencies, wrong legally, morally, ethically and in the end, with his attempt to overthrow the election, just plain stupid and self serving, to boot. He is just plain bad news, to people that still love the constitution, rule of law, believe in honoring commitments, including oath to office or even marriage vows. He figures, like Hillary. If they fail to get it to court and prove it, he is as good as innocent, as if he never did it.
Not my kind of guy.
Your perspective, but who knows from where it is that you get your biases from.

Trump had to be the bull in the China shop, the proof is in the evidence of where the idiot Democrats have since taken the nation too. They were on their way to transforming the country, but Trump stepped forward in order to ruin their forward arrogant momentum. He was right to go where he went, because they were up to no good those Democrats were and well worse they still are.
That was the first time he sided with Putin over American and allied intelligences service. He has never backed down from it. He has always been a Putin puppet.
As the FBI and the DOJ just admitted, Putin was telling the truth. The DOJ was lying.

He has never "sided" with Putin, moron, but he believed Putin is more credible than the FBI or the American media, and he's right to believe that. We should abolish the FBI tomorrow.
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I’m a “fake” conservative?

Maybe you can point out to me what makes me that in your mind.

I'm pretty sure you understand my point in this thread. And I think most of you Trump supporters understand how Trump's not a Conservative. The problem may lie in the fact that actual conservatism is severely lacking in the GOP. So being party loyalist, yall cling to what you deem as your best option. You're best option being the one with the best odd's of beating the next democrat. And not the one that's the most conservative.
I've been watching this CINO shit show for 4 decades now. Election after election, the GOP kicking actual conservatives to under the bus, every damn time. Reagan over Goldwater, McCain and Romney over Ron Paul, Trump over Rand Paul.

I don't put all the blame on the voters. Mostly I blame the RNC leadership for pushing their chosen one, through the media. The media, our media (Fox News) is as guilty of this BS as MSNBC is for the democrat nomination. Some BS psy-ops brainwashing that makes people think they're making their own decisions on who to vote for. But in reality, they're just doing what they're told.

A good example is John McCain. No one really liked McCain. In fact, he practically disappeared off the radar for nearly a month. His poll numbers were in the toilet. Donations were squat. But suddenly reappeared on the campaign trail, crap loads of donations, rising the polls like a rocket, without a new plan, a new grand idea to save the world or even the party. His air time went from jokes to front runner status. It was magical. A God Dayum miracle.
And the voters just followed along with it without question. "Well, since the news say he's the front runner, then he must be." Why? Because those who have the money and power to put who ever the hell they want, wanted it to be done. The orders go to the party leadership. The party leadership send out their "reporting orders" to the media. And send down the marching orders to state party leaders. Who sends down those orders to local party chairmen.
Been there. Seen it with my own eyes. And so does everyone else who's involved with their local RNC party.
Are you involved with your local RNC party?
I suggest you get involved. It's a real eye opener. At least for someone who's not a party loyalist. If you're a loyalist, you'll probably love seeing all the people they throw under the bus, for the "good of the party."
You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.
The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority.
When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for.
Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner.

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You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it. You said "you know what those difference are" yet failed to explain what the difference is and your grammar sucks ass. So far you've proved nothing but a rant and make guys like conservatives happy we're not dumb fucked emotional fucks like your kind.

The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority. Oh sure right, we're only conservative when your kind are leftists. Makes perfect sense, nice rant.

When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Got it, right.

Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for. Sure, big govt. is a conservative's fault, you got us.

Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan. Yep that's it, we even came up with it.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner. Boehner is a cock, he even has a cock for a name and he's insane. A fucking RINO.
But his ways were wrong. Wrong by the constitution, wrong by common decencies, wrong legally, morally, ethically and in the end, with his attempt to overthrow the election, just plain stupid and self serving, to boot. He is just plain bad news, to people that still love the constitution, rule of law, believe in honoring commitments, including oath to office or even marriage vows. He figures, like Hillary. If they fail to get it to court and prove it, he is as good as innocent, as if he never did it.
Not my kind of guy.

Trump was correct about all that Russian crap. But he was powerless, and went about it all wrong. All that whining and crying he did, and is still doing, only made him look stupid. Of course, it emboldened his worshippers. Which also makes them whine and cry about it constantly.

How do you defeat the people who actually run the show, own the politicians and the media? You don't. At least I don't know of any way to do it. If I discovered a way to do it, who would I tell? The media? Write a book, that would never hit the shelves or even the Amazon book store.
Or maybe start some conspiracy based Youtube channel?
The powers that be put Trump in the White House. They also forced him out.

The oil companies needed their bust cycle. The rich fuckers that make a killing during a recession, needed a economic bust cycle. The military industrial complex needed their war. Trump didn't fit the bill, with his ego. So they put in a demented stooge who either wouldn't know what TF was going on. Or would keep his mouth shut.
You said "you know what those difference are" yet failed to explain what the difference is and your grammar sucks ass. So far you've proved nothing but a rant and make guys like conservatives happy we're not dumb fucked emotional fucks like your kind.

Ok, so you don't know what an actual conservative is. And yes, my grammar probably does suck, but that's irrelevant. I think you still understood what I said, even with the bad grammar. But you focus on the grammar instead of the point. That's the easy way out.

Oh sure right, we're only conservative when your kind are leftists. Makes perfect sense, nice rant.

Leftist? Let's see, conservatives support small government, sound money, liberty for all, the constitution as written, living within our means and not policing the world.
Republicans of today, like Trump, are closer aligned with moderate democrats than conservatives.
Example (again): Trump and Pelosi's spending spree's. Abolishing the debt ceiling for 2 years so the debt ceiling wouldn't make the news. Giving Ukraine billions. Banning bump stocks. Supporting taking peoples guns first, due process later<<< Things that leftist, or moderate democrats would do. But also things that Trump did.

I'm opposed to those kind of things, and yet, you call me a leftist. How's that even possible?

Sure, big govt. is a conservative's fault, you got us.

I really do. The size of government grew during Trumps 4 years.

Yep that's it, we even came up with it.

3 equal branches of government. The executive branch, Trump, approved it. So then there's that. The end result is still the same. Gender studies in Pakistan was Trump approved.

Boehner is a cock, he even has a cock for a name and he's insane. A fucking RINO.

We agree. But he still kicked Amash off the budget committee for trying to balance the budget. And they've not allowed another actual conservative on the committee since.

Get back with me when you can bring something intelligible to the table. All you bring is the same old party loyalist crap.
You work for Hillary don't you ?
No. I would not have worked for her, since she was like trump and unworthy of casting a vote for her, just as I would never work for trump.
Trump was correct about all that Russian crap. But he was powerless, and went about it all wrong. All that whining and crying he did, and is still doing, only made him look stupid. Of course, it emboldened his worshippers. Which also makes them whine and cry about it constantly.

How do you defeat the people who actually run the show, own the politicians and the media? You don't. At least I don't know of any way to do it. If I discovered a way to do it, who would I tell? The media? Write a book, that would never hit the shelves or even the Amazon book store.
Or maybe start some conspiracy based Youtube channel?
The powers that be put Trump in the White House. They also forced him out.

The oil companies needed their bust cycle. The rich fuckers that make a killing during a recession, needed a economic bust cycle. The military industrial complex needed their war. Trump didn't fit the bill, with his ego. So they put in a demented stooge who either wouldn't know what TF was going on. Or would keep his mouth shut.
While I disagree with the majority of your first paragraph, save the last sentence, the rest has a spooky echo of truth to it. It seems eerily like conspiracy theories, seen on here before conspiracy theories seen on here before, of shadow government and world management by unknown groups.
It would, if true, be the grandest conspiracy in the history of the world, one that actually worked without some schlep with a viewpoint near the bottom, blowing the whistle in a way that could not be ignored or the whistleblower disappeared, and yet broadbased enough to be self reinforcing, redundantly backed up.

I have to admit the possibility, though by now you know I am one that requires proof, rather than even long strings of coincidence that I do not like for one reason or another. That is mostly what I am seeing from this administration, with the except of the policy toward the Russian invasion. I do not think him, demented, but do not see him running the show, but being run, but have no earthly idea by whom, or how, so I have to discount the theory, though impossible to dismiss as false.
While I disagree with the majority of your first paragraph, save the last sentence, the rest has a spooky echo of truth to it. It seems eerily like conspiracy theories, seen on here before conspiracy theories seen on here before, of shadow government and world management by unknown groups.
It would, if true, be the grandest conspiracy in the history of the world, one that actually worked without some schlep with a viewpoint near the bottom, blowing the whistle in a way that could not be ignored or the whistleblower disappeared, and yet broadbased enough to be self reinforcing, redundantly backed up.

I have to admit the possibility, though by now you know I am one that requires proof, rather than even long strings of coincidence that I do not like for one reason or another. That is mostly what I am seeing from this administration, with the except of the policy toward the Russian invasion. I do not think him, demented, but do not see him running the show, but being run, but have no earthly idea by whom, or how, so I have to discount the theory, though impossible to dismiss as false.

I'm not one for jumping into conspiracies. But I will check out the evidence before I dismiss it. 99% of the crap you find online, is just that. Crap. In this case, the evidence lies in the amount of our politicians that are already known to be owned by corporate lobbyist. It's a fact that no members of congress initially pays for their committee seats. Those are paid for by lobbyist. And the politicians don't have to pay back those lobbyist if they vote the right way.
People who make million $$$ bonuses aren't going to take orders from politicians who make $400K per year. They're going to give them.
For the record. Amash is not a has-been. He left the GOP and pretty much ended his political career in doing so. For the simple fact that unless you're an R or D party loyalist, your hash is settled. Which just proves how bad party loyalty is in this country. And how bad it is for this country.

Regardless of how conservative you are, the GOP will not back you, the media will not shine a good light on you. And you're chances of getting an actual conservative message out, is impossible.


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