Hey Republicans

You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.
The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority.
When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for.
Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner.

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Trump is more conservative than the last four Republican presidents.
BS.............Voting Trump stopped a PACKED LEFTIST COURT...............We make decisions to lesson the damage by the Swamp.

You are here with the other clown trying to pull a ROSS PEROT win again.........VOTE THIRD PARTY SAVE AMERICA.........

LMAO.............Look at Canada.........6 or more parties and they manipulated it too to bring that Tyrant in office .

I don't live in FANTASY LAND.
Just agreeing that the two parties have been badly damaged by there radical fringes, with the Republican party, almost nonexistent in historic form, it's leadership taken over by the radical trump fringe, basically to the point culture war and if the Dems think of it or even try to use it, though Repubs thought of it first, it must now be stamped out, totally unacceptable, to avoid the Dem pointing to something that worked.
There is certainly nothing in the history of politics in this country that could be construed conservative about that.
Oh, and there is no viable 3rd party and I won't support one, until they show their head above water with viable/palatable policy recommendations. I know of nobody or no group even on the horizon.
It is true though, the two parties prefer gridlock to working on the people's business.
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Tell me the next JFK THEN.................Who is that? You can't.............How long did the Silver Back last........before Johnson got rid of it..........kinda like right after he got sworn in huh.

I understand that as well...............You play the cards given.............This is NOT FANTASY ISLAND where it is so SIMPLE as you keep claiming.

You don't play the cards your given. You fucking fold if you don't like what cards you have.
It's 4th and 20yds to go. You're on your 30yrd line. What do you do? You punt.

You have a north eastern liberal (Biden), running against another north eastern liberal (Trump). And an unknown in the LP without a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
You vote for a north eastern liberal because you haven't paid attention to anything Trump has done. Only what he said. Trump was very influential. Like Reagan, he talked a good talk. But his actions, as far as conservatism goes, sucked as bad as Reagans did.

What are you looking for in a president? Someone who actually rejects conservatism? Or someone who goes along with it, but blames the people that are labeled progressive?
Just agreeing that the two parties have been badly damaged by there radical fringes, with the Republican party, almost nonexistent in historic form, it's leadership taken over by the radical trump fringe, basically to the point culture war and if the Dems think of it or even try to use it, though Repubs thought of it first, it must now be stamped out, totally unacceptable, let the Dem point to something that worked.
There is certainly nothing in the history of politics in this country that could be construed conservative about that.
Oh, and there is no viable 3rd party and I won't support one, until they show their head above water with viable/palatable policy recommendations. I know of nobody or no group even on the horizon.
It is true though, the two parties prefer gridlock to working on the people's business.
Given the left's policies...............I LOVE GRIDLOCK.

Trump did very good until they used a biological against him...........

Not to mention calling out the lying ass media and the Swamp.............I LOVED THAT.....still do.

Took every dirty trick in the book to get him out............Is your SWAMP TIRED NOW?
You don't play the cards your given. You fucking fold if you don't like what cards you have.
It's 4th and 20yds to go. You're on your 30yrd line. What do you do? You punt.

You have a north eastern liberal (Biden), running against another north eastern liberal (Trump). And an unknown in the LP without a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
You vote for a north eastern liberal because you haven't paid attention to anything Trump has done. Only what he said. Trump was very influential. Like Reagan, he talked a good talk. But his actions, as far as conservatism goes, sucked as bad as Reagans did.

What are you looking for in a president? Someone who actually rejects conservatism? Or someone who goes along with it, but blames the people that are labeled progressive?
Your words are meaningless to me..............You are NOT WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE...........Pretty clear to me now.
I think the word should be totally struck from the political lexicon. Nobody is really a conservative.....Nobody.

I bet if I knew the person that claims different I could easily point out a baker's dozen ways why they are not.

Even the best of them would be more like small-L libertarians but every damn one of them would be taking .gov cash they should not really be getting one way or the other.

I'm no different in that regard either (I get SS along a state and a private pension) but but at least I'm honest enough to admit it.

LOL....I bet the so-called chest-thumping "conservatives" took all those Trump and Biden Bucks checks and ran to the bank with them.
There are more like you than not

Most of these people vote against their own best interest because they have been manipulated by the likes of Trump.

Not only Trump though. It's become ingrained in them to do that after decades of cynical GOP types using them.
There are more like you than not

Most of these people vote against their own best interest because they have been manipulated by the likes of Trump.

Not only Trump though. It's become ingrained in them to do that after decades of cynical GOP types using them.
I don't like to speak out of school but your TDS is showing.

Your words are meaningless to me..............You are NOT WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE...........Pretty clear to me now.

Maybe you just don't get the whole "conservative" thing. Or maybe you just don't want to. Party loyalty has that effect on some people.
Maybe you just don't get the whole "conservative" thing. Or maybe you just don't want to. Party loyalty has that effect on some people.
I understand it clearly............And YOU ARE NOT ONE............Another fraud poster like others.

You might as well pull out the DNC's talking points.........because you are already doing them.
There are more like you than not

Most of these people vote against their own best interest because they have been manipulated by the likes of Trump.

Not only Trump though. It's become ingrained in them to do that after decades of cynical GOP types using them.

It's not just Trump supporters. The progressives are just as bad, if not worse, in some instances. With all the progressive things that Trump is guilty of, the progressives are brainwashed into not supporting any of those things, just because Trump is a republican.

If Obama had banned bump stocks, the progressives would've praised him for it. But because it was Trump, they didn't even show any respect.
This goes for the trade war with China, redrafting NAFTA, and all the things Trump did, that was progressive, the left never even acknowledged them.
And so we have the left still complaining about things they'd normally agree with. And the right, not trying to hold Trump accountable for those progressives actions.

The two sides have gone into retarded mode.
I understand it clearly............And YOU ARE NOT ONE............Another fraud poster like others.

You might as well pull out the DNC's talking points.........because you are already doing them.

Please, tell the class how all of trumps borrow & spending, eliminating the debt ceiling (for 2 years) supporting FISA 702, banning bump stocks, funding planned parenthood and Pakistani gender studies was conservative?

If you're going to spend so much time telling me I'm wrong, and are so convinced that I'm wrong, you could at least show me how you come to that conclusion. Otherwise, you come off as just another CINO Trump boot licker.
Please, tell the class how all of trumps borrow & spending, eliminating the debt ceiling (for 2 years) supporting FISA 702, banning bump stocks, funding planned parenthood and Pakistani gender studies was conservative?

If you're going to spend so much time telling me I'm wrong, and are so convinced that I'm wrong, you could at least show me how you come to that conclusion. Otherwise, you come off as just another CINO Trump boot licker.
I owe you nothing..................I posted the real deal already with FISA 702 and Admiral Rogers.........

My take........on this thread.................YOU ARE NO CONSERVATIVE..........anther Fraud.
You don’t get to decide for anyone but yourself….

People who have been actual conservatives, who've brought actual conservative idea's to the table, have already decided. The Republican party who rejects these actual conservative principles for progressive ones, have decided.

"We the people" (the majority) have allowed the CINO's to overtake those of us who actually believe in sound money, small government and individual liberty. That's a given. We are dinosaurs, for sure. Maybe our ideology is out dated.
But BY GOD, I'll die calling you fake ass conservatives out, every time you pretend to be a conservative while supporting progressive BS.

Like a tranny, you can "identify" as a conservative all you want. But that still doesn't make you one.
I owe you nothing..................I posted the real deal already with FISA 702 and Admiral Rogers.........

My take........on this thread.................YOU ARE NO CONSERVATIVE..........anther Fraud.

Ok, so you "identify" as a conservative. But that still doesn't make you one.
Ok, so you "identify" as a conservative. But that still doesn't make you one.
Which part of your words are meaningless to me didn't you understand....................You are with the left.......

Now you are trolling me trying to dig your way out of that.

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