Hey leftists, please give me ONE reason to trust the government to do ANYTHING...

Ok, what part of article 1 section 8 do you not understand, and i'll gladly explain it to you.

Why, yes, I am familiar with that particular article and section, it contains all three of the things I mentioned above.

Liberty said:

Someone emailed me that so yeah I copy pasted it. It's all true, so why trust government?

This is, of course, where the conversation goes.
You didn't claim anything above was unconstitutional, you're just saying a bunch of stuff is "Broke." Some of it really is, most of it is just hyperbole. But lacking is the mention of constitutionality of any of it.

I'm saying its unconstitutional as well, thats why it doesn't work. None of that is in the enumerated powers or the amendments, so again I ask, please convince me to trust the federal government. Thanks.


The Post Office sure is mentioned in the Constitution.
1st post
So disagreeing with Obama is hating America?

You do know Obama is not America, right?

I am the one claiming America is the greatest government on earth

You don't seem very proud of your country dave
Oh, indeed I am. I just don't believe that you love America more than you love Obama.

Do you believe Obama is a tyrant too dave?

Having a problem being proud of your country aren't you?
Exactly. Why did Reagan decide to end the long standing containment policy of the Cold War for a more active rebuilding of the 3rd world according to "freedom"? Look at Reagan's policies in South America, the Caribbean theater, and the middle east.

Reagan's un-conservative neocon faith in government competence, specifically Washington's ability to remake the world in our image, turned into a black hole under Bush II.

The old isolationist conservative party (the one which opposed Truman) was brilliant. They made America realistic about the limits of Government. They thought that Washington was too incompetent to control the globe for the better. They were weary of liberal "world-improvers" like FDR and Truman.

Fast froward to Bush 43. He convinced the Republican base that it was possible to fight evil and spread freedom across the globe. The old republican party would never have accepted such utopian, liberal, top-down horse shit. They didn't trust government to run a Laundromat, therefore, they never would have thought Washington competent enough to rebuild whole Arab civilizations. The old Republican party would have told Bush that his dream of a Washington-lead utopia of world-freedom was a pipe dream that would lead to bankruptcy. Conservatives used to be the realists, but they were taken over by free market neoliberals who wanted to grow government large enough to penetrate any market or resource in the globe. These people gave more power to Washington than any social program ever could (but conservative lemmings don't see it. Why? Because they live in a hermetically sealed info-bubble).

The problem with America is not that the left trusts government; it's that the right trusts government.

Reagan was a big government cold warrior who, like his Democratic hero Truman, wanted Washington to Americanize the 3rd world through glorious freedom. Reagan wanted a government big enough to expand Washington's influence across the globe. Attention Ronnie: we don't want your big government controlling the states, let alone the globe. Stop trying to save the world with our money.

Silly Rabbits. Reagan and Bush are neoliberals not conservatives. They don't believe in "Borders, Language, Culture" -- to the contrary, they spent their political careers opening borders so that capital and resources could flow between America and places like Mexico, which promised lower operating costs.

I was a conservative until the party was taken over by a rogue group of neocons who wanted to use the Cold War and War on Terrorism to give Washington even more power. Little did I know that talk radio would find enough morons to buy into this very unconservative philosophy.

You people have been fooled. The conservative party died with Goldwater; and the Left died with McGovern. Both parties have merged under the unholy alliance between big business and big government.

Is there any hope for the future? Not until the Right learns to question the BIG GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES in the pentagon and homeland security; and the Left drops their love affair with Wall Street crooks.

Follow this link to see the new right wing surveillance state. They not only like to give government more power; they like to give them more secret power.
A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Republicans only mistrust certain parts of government like social programs, taxation, and regulations. But make no mistake, they don't question anything that their government leaders have moved off the table, like defense. When it comes to war, pentagon budgets, and surveillance . . . republicans love and trust government.

(wow, just wow. what a bunch of sheep)
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Exactly. Why did Reagan decide to end the long standing containment policy of the Cold War for a more active rebuilding of the 3rd world according to "freedom"? Look at Reagan's policies in South America, the Caribbean theater, and the middle east.

Reagan's un-conservative neocon faith in government competence, specifically Washington's ability to remake the world in our image, turned into a black hole under Bush II.

The old isolationist conservative party (the one which opposed Truman) was brilliant. They made America realistic about the limits of Government. They thought that Washington was too incompetent to control the globe for the better. They were weary of liberal "world-improvers" like FDR and Truman.

Fast froward to Bush 43. He convinced the Republican base that it was possible to fight evil and spread freedom across the globe. The old republican party would never have accepted such utopian, liberal, top-down horse shit. They didn't trust government to run a Laundromat, therefore, they never would have thought Washington competent enough to rebuild whole Arab civilizations. The old Republican party would have told Bush that his dream of a Washington-lead utopia of world-freedom was a pipe dream that would lead to bankruptcy. Conservatives used to be the realists, but they were taken over by free market neoliberals who wanted to grow government large enough to penetrate any market or resource in the globe. These people gave more power to Washington than any social program ever could (but conservative lemmings don't see it. Why? Because they live in a hermetically sealed info-bubble).

The problem with America is not that the left trusts government; it's that the right trusts government.

Reagan was a big government cold warrior who, like his Democratic hero Truman, wanted Washington to Americanize the 3rd world through glorious freedom. Reagan wanted a government big enough to expand Washington's influence across the globe. Attention Ronnie: we don't want your big government controlling the states, let alone the globe. Stop trying to save the world with our money.

Silly Rabbits. Reagan and Bush are neoliberals not conservatives. They don't believe in "Borders, Language, Culture" -- to the contrary, they spent their political careers opening borders so that capital and resources could flow between America and places like Mexico, which promised lower operating costs.
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

I was a conservative until the party was taken over by a rogue group of neocons who wanted to use the Cold War and War on Terrorism to give Washington even more power. Little did I know that talk radio would find enough morons to buy into this very unconservative philosophy.

You people have been fooled. The conservative party died with Goldwater; and the Left died with McGovern. Both parties have merged under the unholy alliance between big business and big government.

Is there any hope for the future? Not until the Right learns to question the BIG GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES in the pentagon and homeland security; and the Left drops their love affair with Wall Street crooks.

Follow this link to see the new right wing surveillance state. They not only like to give government more power; they like to give them more secret power.
A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Republicans only mistrust certain parts of government like social programs, taxation, and regulations. But make no mistake, they don't question anything that their government leaders have moved off the table, like defense. When it comes to war, pentagon budgets, and surveillance . . . republicans love and trust government.

(wow, just wow. what a bunch of sheep)

As to the VIDEO?


"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."~Ronald Reagan

Sleep tight DUMBASS
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Do you believe Obama is a tyrant too dave?
He's gotten more power than he should have.
Having a problem being proud of your country aren't you?
Not at all. You keep confusing Obama and America. That's a common leftist mistake.
Heh, that tends to happen when you think that the constitution is not a restraint for you, because you're doing 'good things for the community' and the ends justify the means.
5th post
Exactly. Why did Reagan decide to end the long standing containment policy of the Cold War for a more active rebuilding of the 3rd world according to "freedom"? Look at Reagan's policies in South America, the Caribbean theater, and the middle east.

Reagan's un-conservative neocon faith in government competence, specifically Washington's ability to remake the world in our image, turned into a black hole under Bush II.

The old isolationist conservative party (the one which opposed Truman) was brilliant. They made America realistic about the limits of Government. They thought that Washington was too incompetent to control the globe for the better. They were weary of liberal "world-improvers" like FDR and Truman.

Fast froward to Bush 43. He convinced the Republican base that it was possible to fight evil and spread freedom across the globe. The old republican party would never have accepted such utopian, liberal, top-down horse shit. They didn't trust government to run a Laundromat, therefore, they never would have thought Washington competent enough to rebuild whole Arab civilizations. The old Republican party would have told Bush that his dream of a Washington-lead utopia of world-freedom was a pipe dream that would lead to bankruptcy. Conservatives used to be the realists, but they were taken over by free market neoliberals who wanted to grow government large enough to penetrate any market or resource in the globe. These people gave more power to Washington than any social program ever could (but conservative lemmings don't see it. Why? Because they live in a hermetically sealed info-bubble).

The problem with America is not that the left trusts government; it's that the right trusts government.

Reagan was a big government cold warrior who, like his Democratic hero Truman, wanted Washington to Americanize the 3rd world through glorious freedom. Reagan wanted a government big enough to expand Washington's influence across the globe. Attention Ronnie: we don't want your big government controlling the states, let alone the globe. Stop trying to save the world with our money.

Silly Rabbits. Reagan and Bush are neoliberals not conservatives. They don't believe in "Borders, Language, Culture" -- to the contrary, they spent their political careers opening borders so that capital and resources could flow between America and places like Mexico, which promised lower operating costs.
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

I was a conservative until the party was taken over by a rogue group of neocons who wanted to use the Cold War and War on Terrorism to give Washington even more power. Little did I know that talk radio would find enough morons to buy into this very unconservative philosophy.

You people have been fooled. The conservative party died with Goldwater; and the Left died with McGovern. Both parties have merged under the unholy alliance between big business and big government.

Is there any hope for the future? Not until the Right learns to question the BIG GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES in the pentagon and homeland security; and the Left drops their love affair with Wall Street crooks.

Follow this link to see the new right wing surveillance state. They not only like to give government more power; they like to give them more secret power.
A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Republicans only mistrust certain parts of government like social programs, taxation, and regulations. But make no mistake, they don't question anything that their government leaders have moved off the table, like defense. When it comes to war, pentagon budgets, and surveillance . . . republicans love and trust government.

(wow, just wow. what a bunch of sheep)

As to the VIDEO?


"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."~Ronald Reagan

Sleep tight DUMBASS

Looks like the monkey cage at the zoo is still wide open. If you have something to articulate here besides picking your nose, do let us know. Your one liners are boring and make you look more like imbecile everyday.
Exactly. Why did Reagan decide to end the long standing containment policy of the Cold War for a more active rebuilding of the 3rd world according to "freedom"? Look at Reagan's policies in South America, the Caribbean theater, and the middle east.

Reagan's un-conservative neocon faith in government competence, specifically Washington's ability to remake the world in our image, turned into a black hole under Bush II.

The old isolationist conservative party (the one which opposed Truman) was brilliant. They made America realistic about the limits of Government. They thought that Washington was too incompetent to control the globe for the better. They were weary of liberal "world-improvers" like FDR and Truman.

Fast froward to Bush 43. He convinced the Republican base that it was possible to fight evil and spread freedom across the globe. The old republican party would never have accepted such utopian, liberal, top-down horse shit. They didn't trust government to run a Laundromat, therefore, they never would have thought Washington competent enough to rebuild whole Arab civilizations. The old Republican party would have told Bush that his dream of a Washington-lead utopia of world-freedom was a pipe dream that would lead to bankruptcy. Conservatives used to be the realists, but they were taken over by free market neoliberals who wanted to grow government large enough to penetrate any market or resource in the globe. These people gave more power to Washington than any social program ever could (but conservative lemmings don't see it. Why? Because they live in a hermetically sealed info-bubble).

The problem with America is not that the left trusts government; it's that the right trusts government.

Reagan was a big government cold warrior who, like his Democratic hero Truman, wanted Washington to Americanize the 3rd world through glorious freedom. Reagan wanted a government big enough to expand Washington's influence across the globe. Attention Ronnie: we don't want your big government controlling the states, let alone the globe. Stop trying to save the world with our money.

Silly Rabbits. Reagan and Bush are neoliberals not conservatives. They don't believe in "Borders, Language, Culture" -- to the contrary, they spent their political careers opening borders so that capital and resources could flow between America and places like Mexico, which promised lower operating costs.
A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

I was a conservative until the party was taken over by a rogue group of neocons who wanted to use the Cold War and War on Terrorism to give Washington even more power. Little did I know that talk radio would find enough morons to buy into this very unconservative philosophy.

You people have been fooled. The conservative party died with Goldwater; and the Left died with McGovern. Both parties have merged under the unholy alliance between big business and big government.

Is there any hope for the future? Not until the Right learns to question the BIG GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES in the pentagon and homeland security; and the Left drops their love affair with Wall Street crooks.

Follow this link to see the new right wing surveillance state. They not only like to give government more power; they like to give them more secret power.
A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Republicans only mistrust certain parts of government like social programs, taxation, and regulations. But make no mistake, they don't question anything that their government leaders have moved off the table, like defense. When it comes to war, pentagon budgets, and surveillance . . . republicans love and trust government.

(wow, just wow. what a bunch of sheep)

As to the VIDEO?


"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."~Ronald Reagan

Sleep tight DUMBASS

Reagan left the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy, you know,

the Democrat conservatives pretend to admire.
there sure was alot of hate for the government in this thread spoken by the right
10th post
see what I mean they jsut dont care.

they only hold democrats responsible for what they say
...that is not an enumerated power. I'll wait.

Enumerated power is a matter of interpretation... Power to tax, provide defense, and general welfare cover most of what they do.

I'd ask what specifically you think we're doing that's unconstitutional, but I know how that conversation goes... :rolleyes:

I'm not sure about the constitutionality of it, but taking money from me to teach Africans how to scrub their ballsacks doesn't seem right.
I'll skip the moral arguments and focus on something that even an American conservative can understand.

There are few places in th world that are more than a 12 hour flight away from the continental US and once an undetected deadly, infectious disease crosses America's borders, people like "ba1614" will be the first to demand why something wasn't done to prevent it.

Debating the constitutionality of "ballsack scrubbing" in Africa is a luxury America won't have when some deadly, infectious disease attacks their precious, conservative "ballsacks!"
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Hey leftists, please give me ONE reason to trust the government to do ANYTHING ......

By placing a set of "checks and balances" in the Constitution, perhaps the Founding Fathers were already demonstrating their own inherent distrust of placing power in just a few hands - no matter how good their intentions.

Democracy, elections and sharing of power is a messy business at the best of times, but unlike many parts of the world, when was the last time than an American lost his/her life because of a transfer of political power within the US?

I submit that is the real test of a people's trust in their system of government!
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Why, yes, I am familiar with that particular article and section, it contains all three of the things I mentioned above.

This is, of course, where the conversation goes.
You didn't claim anything above was unconstitutional, you're just saying a bunch of stuff is "Broke." Some of it really is, most of it is just hyperbole. But lacking is the mention of constitutionality of any of it.

I'm saying its unconstitutional as well, thats why it doesn't work. None of that is in the enumerated powers or the amendments, so again I ask, please convince me to trust the federal government. Thanks.


The Post Office sure is mentioned in the Constitution.
public goods are used equally by all parties. The Post Office is one of those things. But in this modern age of UPS, FedEx and DHL, it is proving that it can be done faster and better by private companies and for a profit while saving the customers money.

Therefore, the public good could potentially be satisfied by the private sector as long as the government is used to only maintain standards of security and quality and universal service. The mechanics of it all could be outsourced over a period of time for currently it could not handle the volume.
Given that there is only one "red" state that contributes more federal funds (taxes) than it receives (Texas), why don't all these fiscal conservatives "lead by example" by being revenue neutral - refusing to accept more federal funds for their state than they contribute?
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