Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.

I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.
What an ass you are.

You haven't LIVED in Turkey, on the economy, AS a Turk.

Get real, okay?

Or don't. Cripes. If you can't understand even THIS?

You're out of touch with the reality of religious conviction, and how it's GOING to impact YOU.

You haven't LIVED in Turkey, on the economy, AS a Turk.

Get real, okay?

Or don't. Cripes. If you can't understand even THIS?

You're out of touch with the reality of religious conviction, and how it's GOING to impact YOU.

What the fuck are you talking about? There are thousands of Christians living in Turkey, which is a secular state, not a Islamic state.

You haven't LIVED in Turkey, on the economy, AS a Turk.

Get real, okay?

Or don't. Cripes. If you can't understand even THIS?

You're out of touch with the reality of religious conviction, and how it's GOING to impact YOU.
I looked around on the internet and I can't find anything that backs up your claim that atheists would be in danger in Turkey.

Please link me to something that proves this assertion.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are thousands of Christians living in Turkey, which is a secular state, not a Islamic state.

Turkey is 100% Muslin, dude.

Google it.

Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's about 99% Muslim. But there are still thousands of Christians in Turkey, the Constitution of Turkey allows for freedom of religion, and there is no state religion in Turkey.

Have you ever been to Turkey?
What gives you the right to tell someone they're "not a real Muslim"?

Why can't you realize that there are different interpretations of the Qu'ran - just like there are a couple thousand sects of Christianity?

I am not the one deciding who a REAL Muslim is. They define it themselves. THey don't consider American Muslims to be their brothers.

Who are "they", and how are they relevant?

Radical, wahhibi Muslims are a small minority of Muslims.

Do you base whether or not someone is a "real Christian" on what Fred Phelps says?

You do realize that Wahihibi Muslims are not the only Muslims who commit acts of terror don't you? They are ME Muslims, who simply do not consider American Muslims to be Muslims. As a group. I would have to say if 500M people cheered fred Phelps on and declared that he was a true Christian that I would admit that he represents Christians and I would cease to refer to myself as one.
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us on religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Can you prove every person on the left has dropped Crucifixes in urine, desecrated vets graves and removed crosses on memorial sites?

That's like saying everyone on the right protests with Fred Phelps Westboro Bunch at Vets funerals and marches in KKK Parades.

When you lump some idiots into an entire group, YOU'RE the one looking ignorant.
we do have religious freedom in this country but I think Muslims should be more sensitive to the issue.

You don't neener dance on 3000 graves.

You haven't LIVED in Turkey, on the economy, AS a Turk.

Get real, okay?

Or don't. Cripes. If you can't understand even THIS?

You're out of touch with the reality of religious conviction, and how it's GOING to impact YOU.

What the fuck are you talking about? There are thousands of Christians living in Turkey, which is a secular state, not a Islamic state.

sick twisted freak, the gov. is supposedly secular the population is about 98% muslim
This is the most moronic, bullshit, phony issue I have heard. Ever.

Maybe if the right had any helpful suggestions on all of the actual issues this country faces at the moment, they wouldn't be trying to trample the constitutional rights of American citizens in order to score political points.

But, since they obviously have NOTHING positive to offer us, they fall back on fear, divisiveness and distraction in order to get noticed.

The funny thing is that their political opposition falls for this same kind of bullshit EVERY TIME.

But it's really not that funny, because we end up either with the assholes that are trying to divide us, or the assholes that are stupid enough to let it happen as our political leaders. It's kind of sad really.
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I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us on religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

So, it's only the left who act in this way, is it? Have you been smoking something, or are you always this ignorant? I have seen just as many right wingers, middle of the roaders and non-politicists who behave in the same ways. Oh, and before you accuse me of being a lefty...I ain't. Probably to the right of Attilla the Hun.
It won't happen here. You cannot turn the country over to a religious group. Any religious group. Anyone that advocates anything remotely like that will become a laughingstock.

You seem to feel that as a country we are weak and unable to withstand fundamentalism. That is simply not true.

Withstand? Hell, you are embracing it. Who in the hell do you think you are kidding?
What am I embracing, exactly? I think Muslims are loons. I also think Republicans are loons. But I support their right to enjoy the same constitutional protections as all of their fellow Americans.

It appears that some think that tolerance = embracing.
This is the most moronic, bullshit, phony issue I have heard. Ever.

Maybe if the right had any helpful suggestions on all of the actual issues this country faces at the moment, they wouldn't be trying to trample the constitutional rights of American citizens in order to score political points.

But, since they obviously have NOTHING positive to offer us, they fall back on fear, divisiveness and distraction in order to get noticed.

The funny thing is that their political opposition falls for this same kind of bullshit EVERY TIME.

But it's really not that funny, because we end up either with the assholes that are trying to divide us, or the assholes that are stupid enough to let it happen as our political leaders. It's kind of sad really.

Memorized fucking talking points. That all the fuck you have?
we do have religious freedom in this country but I think Muslims should be more sensitive to the issue.

You don't neener dance on 3000 graves.

muslims will.

How many muslims did we kill in Iraq? Which had nothing to do with 9-11.
How many times did I hear "Just nuke em and let god sort em out"?

Muslims have reasons to hate us and many of you supported those reasons.

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