
Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, now how cool is that?

So, I guess I can put down 'other' now on the US Census with justification, lololol.
Could be. Neanderthals existed alongside humans for perhaps hundreds of years and the remains of the grave of a child discovered by archeologists suggest the child was part human and part neanderthal. The name comes from the Neanderthal valley in France so it's possible the French have the most Neanderthal genes. No wonder they are called surrender monkeys.
Could be. Neanderthals existed alongside humans for perhaps hundreds of years and the remains of the grave of a child discovered by archeologists suggest the child was part human and part neanderthal.

I think this is established fact now, isnt it?

The name comes from the Neanderthal valley in France so it's possible the French have the most Neanderthal genes. No wonder they are called surrender monkeys.

No, the French degeneracy initiated after WW1. Prior to that men were allowed to be masculine there.
Might explain why all the other races outside of Africa became more capable of producing civilization? Neanderthal had a early part in
-Hunted of larger animals with more advanced spears, more developed flint heads that were far more advance than anything that had developed in Africa.
-Developed "clothe" to stay warm--- unlike Africans that didn't need to as it was a more tropical environment.
-Cared for their elders and buried them.
-Higher meat diets as unlike the tropics, fruits couldn't be counted on most of the year. Higher protein based diets= May of lead to a increase in brain development???

This with the climatic forcing being placed on our species probably lead to our differences.

A few idea's I've thought of.
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That would make him directly related to rdean, I think.

Oh, that is a low blow.

On the behalf of Neanderthal descendants everywhere, I say 'Dont be Hate-in'!'

Seriously, suggesting that rdean has anything to do with homo Neanderthalis or homo sapiens is rather mean. We are hairless apes, while Mr Dean is an invertebrate, obviously.

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