Hey! Bones


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
My big fat cat is either losing the hair on his tail or chewing it off. Never ever have I see a bald tailed cat. the tail (on the underside) looks like a rats tail. jeeze.

yes it can....now remember when clark was losing his hair on both sides and i found out...it was due to thor grabbing him by the hair..when he walked by thor....

and you have gracie....i would watch....does the said area have scabs or anything?
yes it can....now remember when clark was losing his hair on both sides and i found out...it was due to thor grabbing him by the hair..when he walked by thor....

and you have gracie....i would watch....does the said area have scabs or anything?

nope,, pink, clean and slick as a whistle, I'm telling ya,, he looks like a rat.
Meybe he haz de fleez or de liiice.

I put flea medication on his neck, I'm wondering if the medication causes hair loss.

Some of the stuff you buy at the store can do that to some cats.
Even the vet purchased stuff has not worked well this past year for my critters.
Maybe it is made in china now?

You can get a pill for ~$5 at the vet that will kill anything that bites your cat for a week or so. Just do not stack the pill with the drops. consult with your vet.
Meybe he haz de fleez or de liiice.

I put flea medication on his neck, I'm wondering if the medication causes hair loss.

He could be allergic to it. I was also thinking lice or mites. I took my dog off of flea meds and use diatomaceous earth (DE) . . . thanks to Midnight Marauder's knowledge and info! Here's a good link about what it is, how it works, and how to use it. If you buy it make sure you get the food grade kind.

Diatomaceous Earth - Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits

A few months ago my dog took to licking and biting her front leg and chewed a good chunk of fur off. I cleaned the area with peroxide and put some D.E. on it several times and whatever it was stopped bugging her and her fur grew back. I assumed it was some type of chewy bug settled on her leg.
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I had a cat have seizures once; the only thing we could attribute it to was his flea collar.

The cat could have a compulsive disorder, she could have a fungal infection that isn't mange, could have allergies.

My cat had the hair taken off her tail by a car's fanbelt, btw. Looked like it had been shaved.

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