Heres why we NEED a Woman of Color as VP

It's no longer who is the most qualified for the job, just throw out that outdated concept.
We all gotta come together and figure out just who's turn it is.
Have we had a tranny as president yet?
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

She's very qualified for the job and would do a much better job than pence.

However I saw an interview with Joe Biden and he said he pledged to choose a woman who was on the debate stage with him during the primary.

Kamla Harris was on the stage with him. Frankly, I would love to see her debate pence. The woman would tear him apart. She is a former prosecutor and has no problem with ignoring being nice to tell the truth or get to the truth. I've seen her ask questions to people as a senator and she doesn't take garbage.

It really doesn't matter to me who Biden's running mate is. I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden in November.
she wasnt that great of an AG in California....
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Abrams would hit at 2 weaknesses Trump has. She appeals to blacks and suburban voters. Georgia is in play so it would help.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Ethics? A welfare cheat?

Ethics? A Trump supporter knows nothing about ethics. Trump has no ethics.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Ethics? A welfare cheat?

Ethics? A Trump supporter knows nothing about ethics. Trump has no ethics.

Let's see if you Dems are stupid enough to nominate a state legislator for VP. They had to buy Obama a US Senate seat so he would not be the first.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

I’m going to vote for the two white men.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:

Sure, and they can't come into this country...dumbass.

Illegals don't vote ... dumbass

This is, of course, not the first time Trump has made claims about widespread voter fraud. But as we have written on numerous occasions, he has failed to provide any proof. Several months into his presidency, Trump created the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity — which was to examine “fraudulent voting,” among other issues. The commission was dissolved just months after it was created, and there has been no evidence to date of widespread fraud.​
In the past, the president has cited a disputed study about noncitizen voting, which we wrote about here. Numerous voting experts, however, say that voter fraud is exceedingly rare, especially in-person voter fraud.​
That doesn’t mean there have been no cases of noncitizens voting illegally. Last year, a 39-year-old Texas woman was sentenced to eight years in prison for voting illegally as a legal permanent resident (but not a citizen). As we wrote previously, a 2015 report from the conservative Heritage Foundation documented fewer than a dozen individual cases of noncitizens convicted of registering or actually voting since 2000.

Great, so tell me how this works. They come into the country illegally, many get SS#'s illegally, work illegally...but when it comes to voting they pinky promise not to. Dumbass.

They don't get social security numbers you ignoramus. Why would they want to pay income tax and call attention to themselves if here illegally?
Jesus - Study up. There are about a hundred links here disproving your clownery.

wrong again-----one can "get a SS number ---that looks like a SS number----by all sorts of means

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