Heres why we NEED a Woman of Color as VP

Yeah, cuz skin color and plumbing are qualifications.

“Qualification” is so overrated at the executive level. The POTUS and VP are surrounded by experts and veteran advisors. They offer them the best options.

At that point MORALS matter far more to make a choice. Having a diverse representation of people making that final choice is so important. Let the advisors and experts be the so called blindly expert qualified people, regardless of race/gender.

But the final “deciders” that they present the handful of options in a situation must represent America
Yes we know. If the “ squad “ was actually voted in based on “qualifications“ these morons would not be in congress but working at Target.

And both Biden and Pelosi would be hunkering down in assisted living eating Jello.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Ethics? LOL. Right in line with yours no doubt.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” isn't racist at all. It's taking issue with their qualifications, and nothing more, and it's ignorant and stupid to suggest otherwise.

What is racist is saying that someone should be Vice President because of their skin color.

I don't want affirmative action dictating who leads this nation, and only a complete fucking idiot would ever believe that could be a good idea...
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Both are unqualified, racists, and a disgrace to the country.
I would not vote for Stacy Abrams for Dog Catcher let alone for Biden if she was his running mate. That goes for Harris and the fake indian too
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
you do know that makes you a racist???
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Stacy is my first pick Peach. There are a couple of others like Kamala and Val Demmings worthy of consideration also, and there are a couple of Hispanics like New Mexico governor Michelle Luján Grisham worth a look also.

Younger female of color is my preference, and just imagine the gnashing of tooth to follow from our local Trumpies!

You just had a Black President for 8 years. So I noticed you didn't say "Its Time".

Find me another Margaret Thatcher and I'll be glad to vote for her, whether she is Black or White.

What the Hell has Stacy Abrams done---other than be black and female. How about Condoleezza Rice instead.

"Qualification" is "overrated"?

Give me a break.

You clowns should seriously look at Abram's resume. ;)
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Sadly .. I see her as just another extremely divisive race baiting charlatan like Sharpton or J. Jackson, profiting on lies.

We honestly don't care how those who won't vote a Democrat "see her" Lumpy. :icon_rolleyes:
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I prefer an intelligent and highly qualified white male

but they seem to have run out of those in the democrat party

So you see Trump as intelligent and highly qualified? :auiqs.jpg:
You just had a Black President for 8 years. So I noticed you didn't say "Its Time".

Find me another Margaret Thatcher and I'll be glad to vote for her, whether she is Black or White.

What the Hell has Stacy Abrams done---other than be black and female. How about Condoleezza Rice instead.

"Qualification" is "overrated"?

Give me a break.

You clowns should seriously look at Abram's resume. ;)

I did. There is nothing impressive about it.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:

Sure, and they can't come into this country...dumbass.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:

Wow, what naivete and gullibility.
You just had a Black President for 8 years. So I noticed you didn't say "Its Time".

Find me another Margaret Thatcher and I'll be glad to vote for her, whether she is Black or White.

What the Hell has Stacy Abrams done---other than be black and female. How about Condoleezza Rice instead.

"Qualification" is "overrated"?

Give me a break.

Abrams did an amazing job as a Georgia representative. She graduated Yale law school in only 1 freakin year!!!! She has fought for equality her whole life. Just look her up and see for yourself. Sure she got cheated for Governor and I wish she’d move on from it but everything happens for a reason, and maybe Gods plan for her was VP not Governor
She attended Yale Law from 1996-1999

She failed to pay her income taxes for at least 2 years---her excuse was that she had "family expenses"--(don't we all) and owed the IRS $50,000 at the time she was running for Governor. They have now been paid--likely compliments of someone like George Soros.

A $50,000 delinquency on income taxes would be disqualifying for a White Boy...and NO person who has only been a "State Representative" is qualified to be a Vice-President---unless the Race Card is played---which the O.P. is not ashamed to do.

And Joe Biden's Vice-President MUST also be ready to hold the most powerful office in the world---because there is no way Biden stays out of a Nursing Home for four years.

The Original Post is a bad joke---yet anything is possible with the Democrats. Picking a Black Woman basically out of the phone book for VP just because she is a Black Woman is not as ridiculous as putting a Dementia Patient at the top of the ticket.

And they've absolutely done that.

Oh sweet Jesus - Her back taxes are paid. :rolleyes-41:
And at least she PAYS taxes - Unlike your Orange Clown!
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:

Sure, and they can't come into this country...dumbass.

Illegals don't vote ... dumbass

This is, of course, not the first time Trump has made claims about widespread voter fraud. But as we have written on numerous occasions, he has failed to provide any proof. Several months into his presidency, Trump created the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity — which was to examine “fraudulent voting,” among other issues. The commission was dissolved just months after it was created, and there has been no evidence to date of widespread fraud.​
In the past, the president has cited a disputed study about noncitizen voting, which we wrote about here. Numerous voting experts, however, say that voter fraud is exceedingly rare, especially in-person voter fraud.​
That doesn’t mean there have been no cases of noncitizens voting illegally. Last year, a 39-year-old Texas woman was sentenced to eight years in prison for voting illegally as a legal permanent resident (but not a citizen). As we wrote previously, a 2015 report from the conservative Heritage Foundation documented fewer than a dozen individual cases of noncitizens convicted of registering or actually voting since 2000.

Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

And I think you're a friggin idiot. Picking leaders according to their color is one of the most idiotic and racist things I've ever heard of. Drool much, moron? Don't let it drip on to your shirt.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
I like sen. cortez from nevada, she will bring the spanish and illegals vote, she pretty smart and proper...

For the billionth time - Illegals can't vote :rolleyes:

Wow, what naivete and gullibility.

As we wrote previously, a 2015 report from the conservative Heritage Foundation documented fewer than a dozen individual cases of noncitizens convicted of registering or actually voting since 2000.

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