Here’s the reason people tell me they want to buy an AR-15. And it’s simply ludicrous

What do you mean where? It's call historical context and it's well documented that the framers, coming out of the Revolution, coming out of an attempt to be disarmed by the British army, knew how important it was that in order to keep the gov't in check, needs a well armed citizenry. History, pre and post constitution speaks to this.
Ha ha. The only historical context for interpreting the constitution, is the majority opinions of SC decisions. It’s not your made up tripe.
Ha ha. The only historical context for interpreting the constitution, is the majority opinions of SC decisions. It’s not your made up tripe.
Prove me wrong then that the 2A has not historical framing behind it and that the SCOTUS does not use historical relevance to interpret.
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The best firearm for self defense is the one you can use and fire accurately. That is the only thing that matters.

I for one would prefer a handgun because I am far more comfortable with my handguns than my rifles or shotgun

I agree with you on this. I am more comfortable with my rifles. But they are awkward and unwieldy inside my house.
‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.
/---/ Express a NEED to vote. Express a NEED to cross state lines. Express a NEED to not have troops quartered in your home. Express a NEED to have your personal papers secured. Express a NEED to be protected from self-incrimination. And the list goes on and on.
Yep......there are better rifles....but this is the fight the anti-gunners want
However those “better rifles” are hard to modify. Often any modification requires a gunsmith and gunsmiths cost money.

Why have three or four expensive rifles when you can have one and modify it for different tasks.

If you hunt, it’s not fair to keep your AR all penned up at the range.​

How the AR is on target for hunting:​

  • Easily configured for the field.
  • Switch uppers to match caliber with game.
  • Overall light rifle to carry.
  • With right caliber appropriate for everything from varmints up to big game.
  • Proven accurate platform.
The AR is a versatile platform. Its modular design allows the user to configure the AR to do almost anything, from self-defense and patrol work to long-range precision shooting to run-and-gun competitions. In recent years, the AR has been gaining popularity with hunters. You can truly have one rifle — the lower receiver — and by exchanging a few parts use it for small game and varmint shooting, putting food on the table and defusing the “pig bomb.”
Prove me wrong then that the 2A has not historical framing behind it and that the SCOTUS does not use historical relevance to interpret.
To a dullard ? It’s a waste of time. You obviously can’t read. The Heller majority opinion says it all. Try reading it in its entirety. Or, have some one who can read, read it to you.
To a dullard ? It’s a waste of time. You obviously can’t read. The Heller majority opinion says it all. Try reading it in its entirety. Or, have some one who can read, read it to you.

From Heller we learned that all bearable arms are protected…….and from Scalia in Friedman v Highland Park, Scalia wrote the opinion in Heller…. we learn that he also meant AR-15 rifles…….which he states by name, and goes on to state that they are protected by the 2nd Amendment….
Hey non reader , axes ARE regulated for personal carry. Try taking them on a plane. Just anyone can’t carry any arm, any place. So says every decision ever written by the SC related to “ arms”. Go on a cruise. Knives are specifically regulated by blade length, as are planes. Are you really this deranged ?
Go ahead, tell me one square inch of territory in the united states that doesn’t have firearm regulations…..none of them universally use the word “ban.“
There are no regulations preventing me from going into Home Depot, buying an axe and taking it home in my car, openly displayed in the back seat of my car. There are no forms to fill out, no licenses to get, no waiting periods, no bureaucracies to satisfy, nothing. I can toss one in the back seat of my car and drive across state lines. A cop can pull me over for speeding and I won't get in trouble for having it in my car, etc. etc. etc.
Weren't the Teabaggers the halftime show at the last DNC convention?



From Heller we learned that all bearable arms are protected…….and from Scalia in Friedman v Highland Park, Scalia wrote the opinion in Heller…. we learn that he also meant AR-15 rifles…….which he states by name, and goes on to state that they are protected by the 2nd Amendment….
And Dagosa is silent....

the reason people tell me they want to buy an AR-15. And it’s simply ludicrous​

TOO FUNNY. Your article actually makes the case FOR owning an AR-15! He admits that a bunch of cops who ran up against a couple of AR-armed bank robbers were out-gunned and got their asses kicked! He admits that it puts the citizen in a position to have a credible threat to withstand police or even an unjust, tyrannical government in HTHC, which is exactly the reason FOR the 2A! :auiqs.jpg:
TOO FUNNY. Your article actually makes the case FOR owning an AR-15! He admits that a bunch of cops who ran up against a couple of AR-armed bank robbers were out-gunned and got their asses kicked! He admits that it puts the citizen in a position to have a credible threat to withstand police or even an unjust, tyrannical government in HTHC, which is exactly the reason FOR the 2A! :auiqs.jpg:
Why did so many kids die Uvalde TX?
Because the police were afraid of someone with an AR15.
TOO FUNNY. Your article actually makes the case FOR owning an AR-15! He admits that a bunch of cops who ran up against a couple of AR-armed bank robbers were out-gunned and got their asses kicked! He admits that it puts the citizen in a position to have a credible threat to withstand police or even an unjust, tyrannical government in HTHC, which is exactly the reason FOR the 2A! :auiqs.jpg:
Only one of the three weapons used by the robbers was an AR-15, the other was an AK-47, both it and the AR-15 had been illegally modified to fire full auto the last weapon was a 7.62 NATO HK 91 that was semi-auto. The weapons weren't the problem, it was the "Ned Kelly" homemade armor that made the sidearms and shotguns carried by LAPD back then ineffective. While they waited for SWAT to respond, local patrol officer went to a local gun shop that I used to patronize and "borrowed AR-15s and ammo to deal with the robbers.
TOO FUNNY. Your article actually makes the case FOR owning an AR-15! He admits that a bunch of cops who ran up against a couple of AR-armed bank robbers were out-gunned and got their asses kicked! He admits that it puts the citizen in a position to have a credible threat to withstand police or even an unjust, tyrannical government in HTHC, which is exactly the reason FOR the 2A! :auiqs.jpg:
Sad idea, let’s out gun the police. You know, the first responders who come to the aid of any citizen, no questions asked. You frauds are lunatics. Next, you’ll target firemen and first aid responders. You gun a holics post such crazy shit.
Sad idea, let’s out gun the police. You know, the first responders who come to the aid of any citizen, no questions asked. You frauds are lunatics. Next, you’ll target firemen and first aid responders. You gun a holics post such crazy shit.

You just want people weak and defenseless so that you can take over their lives and control everyone.
You just want people weak and defenseless so that you can take over their lives and control everyone.
And your crowd brags about outgunning police. What a freakish idea. The police spend their days and nights serving and protecting and all you can talk about is outgunning them. You shouldn‘t be allowed to post such drivel. The police are small and local gov law enforcement agents, not soldiers of some fictitious fear mongering delusion you seem hell bent to dream up.
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