Here's How We END Mueller's Folly...

Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Mueller, life long Republican.

i told you why. & you don't care that russia interfered to make it happen for you.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
The show's over Dum dum, and it's time for Mueller to find the integrity to acknowledge there's nothing left to find and go home.

To-date he has found 5 guilty plea's, and another 87 Federal Grand Jury indictments and criminal charges. Mueller has done this in less than one year. It took 2 years 7 months of investigations before Nixon was forced to resign.

You might want to scroll back to page 15 post # 151 on this thread to see where all these indictments are coming from--:auiqs.jpg:

Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now, and why Trump is flipping out on Mueller getting into his business records.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


What did Putin do that interfered? Can you name something?

If you ask that at this point, you're either intentionally ignorant, or retarded. I'm guessing both.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
The show's over Dum dum, and it's time for Mueller to find the integrity to acknowledge there's nothing left to find and go home.

To-date he has found 5 guilty plea's, and another 87 Federal Grand Jury indictments and criminal charges. Mueller has done this in less than one year. It took 2 years 7 months of investigations before Nixon was forced to resign.

You might want to scroll back to page 15 post # 151 on this thread to see where all these indictments are coming from--:auiqs.jpg:

None of the indictments concern allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and it was these allegations of collusion that were the basis for a special counsel rather than allowing the Justice Department to handle the investigation. This brings up another point: since collusion is not a crime unless it leads to an action that is criminal, why was the Justice Department investigating such allegations in the first place?
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Why does Trump want to end the investigation?

What is trump afraid of them finding out?
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Why does Trump want to end the investigation?

What is trump afraid of them finding out?

Because it's continued fodder for the irrational haters. Let's put it this way. Even if you are completely innocent, having a prosecutor with nearly unlimited power and resources deliberately trying to construct a case against you is a nightmare.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Why does Trump want to end the investigation?

What is trump afraid of them finding out?
Since not a single piece of evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has been found in over two years of investigation, it is clear that there is nothing to be found on this issue, and since allegations of collusion were the sole reason for the appointment of a special counsel there is no legitimate reason for Mueller to keep his job.
But those that are following the trail and the investigation are interested.
We believe this country needs to know who is crooked and who cheats.
Stay tuned.

Have feeling Trump would be suffer from such a plan and wonder if it would pass over or hang over him like Ford's pardon of Nixon? A lot of folks here talk a whole lot of sense but out there in the real world most people aren't interested beyond the headlines and simple talking points.
You are absolutely correct, but this needs to apply to every candidate and government official across the entire spectrum, not just a select few from one party.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


And the whole birther movement wasn't a distraction?
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Mueller, life long Republican.

The only reason you think he's a Republican is because he's a white former Marine.
He is also a deep state political insider.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.

Why does Trump want to end the investigation?

What is trump afraid of them finding out?

Because it's continued fodder for the irrational haters. Let's put it this way. Even if you are completely innocent, having a prosecutor with nearly unlimited power and resources deliberately trying to construct a case against you is a nightmare.
Tell that to all the other presidents that had to endure it... :rolleyes:

If he has not committed a crime, he should not be so obsessed with this investigation, he should applaud it and be happy we are having is a very important investigation....

And he is the one that is making this investigation last longer due to his continual attempted obstruction of it.
mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
The show's over Dum dum, and it's time for Mueller to find the integrity to acknowledge there's nothing left to find and go home.

To-date he has found 5 guilty plea's, and another 87 Federal Grand Jury indictments and criminal charges. Mueller has done this in less than one year. It took 2 years 7 months of investigations before Nixon was forced to resign.

You might want to scroll back to page 15 post # 151 on this thread to see where all these indictments are coming from--:auiqs.jpg:

None of the indictments concern allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and it was these allegations of collusion that were the basis for a special counsel rather than allowing the Justice Department to handle the investigation. This brings up another point: since collusion is not a crime unless it leads to an action that is criminal, why was the Justice Department investigating such allegations in the first place?
Trump keeps acting like this investigation is only about collusion, WHY?
In other words you don't know and you don't care. Perhaps it was the fact that Crazy Hillary was too stupid to do electoral math and spent the last few days of the campaign talking to supporters in California, a state she had already won by a large margin while Trump, apparently much better at math, was hard at work campaigning in the swing states that eventually gave him the election.

i told you why. & you don't care that russia interfered to make it happen for you.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
well nothing has been sent to the Congress yet. so yeah, he's currently got nothing.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. He can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


it's truly amazing how lowlife trash thinks they're better than the people who've served this country their whole lives.

other than trumpscum (which really don't count), Mueller has been incredibly respected wherever he has been.

but then again, you're too stupid to get that.

Your drivel is no longer humorous. You're going on ignore. Bye.

One more example that Trump supporters are in denial and willfully ignorant (at least those who are not biddable fools, which seems to be the majority).
Put him in jail for what crime????
That's the number one problem with all of this.
Mueller was allowed to start this investigation without a crime to investigate.

We've been through this Muddy - You guys are not gonna get it.
Now click your heels three times and repeat after me: No Collusion No Collusion NO COLLUSION!
Sessions can't get involved even without funding unless he "un-recuses" and that itself would lead to obstruction of justice claims and an new special prosecutor ... and THAT really would justify impeachment by a dem house though.

I had no idea how stupid you were by going past your usual one-liners and snarks. Dershowitz explained exactly how Sessions can unrecuse himself although I explained it better than he did. He can then directly fire Mueller for cause and there isn't a fucking thing any of your rodents in the House or Senate can do about it. Fantasizing about impeaching Trump is as crazy as voting for the old bat in the pants suit....doomed to fail. Oh, and claimed the "KGB" was involved and they haven't been around since the last century. If I were you I'd go back to the one-liners.

Senile ol' Dersh has become nothing other than a Trump apologist and Fox News shill. Either he's lost his mind, or he knows better and just says what he says for the money. No, the Keebler Elf cannot fire Mueller for cause or for anything else.
Actually, collusion is legal as long as it doesn't lead to an act that is illegal. However that may be, two years of investigations has not produce a single piece of evidence to prove there was any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

The real investigation (Mueller's - forget about Little Devin's clown show) has been going for only ten months. You have no clue what evidence there is, but obstruction of justice is one that it would take a complete idiot not to see.
Sure, take a page from JFK and for the same reason. What law school graduated Robert Kennedy, remind me.

Like JFK, he's surrounded by people in DC he can't trust and are probably plotting his assassination


Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, the seventh child of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. and Rose Kennedy. After serving in the U.S. Naval Reserve as a seaman apprentice from 1944 to 1946, Kennedy returned to Harvard University and graduated in 1948. He received his law degree from the University of Virginia and was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1951.


During childhood, Trump Jr. encountered reporters who asked him about his parents' widely publicized divorce. To protect her children, Ivana Trump sent them to boarding school.[7] Trump Jr. was educated at Buckley School[8][9] and The Hill School, a college preparatory boarding school in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, followed by the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School (which his father attended), where he earned a B.S. degree in Economics.[10]

Are you seriously going to suggest that a BS in Economics is going to qualify that spoiled little putz to serve as AG? LoL dude!

As for people in DC plotting to kill Trump?

Put him in jail for what crime????
That's the number one problem with all of this.
Mueller was allowed to start this investigation without a crime to investigate.

We've been through this Muddy - You guys are not gonna get it.
Now click your heels three times and repeat after me: No Collusion No Collusion NO COLLUSION!
No Collusion
No crime... thus no possibility of Obstruction

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