Here's How Arabs INTEROGATE People....

So how does BOBO end his debate with me folks? That's right, after he can't defend himself and unsuccessfully tries to spin and redirect the debate to something else, HE NEG REPS ME! :lol:


NO BOBO.....say it aint true....
And I don't don't think watebaording is torture. I think a failure to end a war as quickly as possible by any means necessary is immoral simply because war by it's very nature is immoral. And proloinguing it over imagined quibbles such as waterboarding enemy spies and saboteurs is the ultimate immorality.

What you think, and what reality is, are too differant things.
US executed Japanese for waterboarding « melange

Sen. McCain was right and the National Review Online is wrong. Politifact, the St. Petersburg Times’ truth-testing project (which this week was awarded a Pulitzer Prize), scrutinized Sen. McCain’s statement and found it to be true. Here’s the money quote from Politifact:
“McCain is referencing the Tokyo Trials, officially known as the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. After World War II, an international coalition convened to prosecute Japanese soldiers charged with torture. At the top of the list of techniques was water-based interrogation, known variously then as ‘water cure,’ ‘water torture’ and ‘waterboarding,’ according to the charging documents. It simulates drowning.” Politifact went on to report, “A number of the Japanese soldiers convicted by American judges were hanged, while others received lengthy prison sentences or time in labor camps.”
Water boarding beats 9/11, hands down. Is that what some of you think? Anyone care to debate the details? I bet some you wussies would. In the cold comfort of your nice warm insular homes, you would debate the devil himself if you never had to face him. Come on now, that is what this is all about, isn't it? Most of you never have to deal with the Devil. And the Devil IS in the details. Water boarding is such a weak issue. Think about it. Ever crashed a plane into a building? NO ? Ever been waterboarded? No? Perhaps if the 9/11 guys had just water boarded instead of ignored, we might ALL be alive and better off? Perspective is important. Not this one sided blame game.
Water boarding beats 9/11, hands down. Is that what some of you think? Anyone care to debate the details? I bet some you wussies would. In the cold comfort of your nice warm insular homes, you would debate the devil himself if you never had to face him. Come on now, that is what this is all about, isn't it? Most of you never have to deal with the Devil. And the Devil IS in the details. Water boarding is such a weak issue. Think about it. Ever crashed a plane into a building? NO ? Ever been waterboarded? No? Perhaps if the 9/11 guys had just water boarded instead of ignored, we might ALL be alive and better off? Perspective is important. Not this one sided blame game.

Dear sir:

Waterboarding is torture.

Torture is illegal.

No one is above the law.
Water boarding beats 9/11, hands down. Is that what some of you think? Anyone care to debate the details? I bet some you wussies would. In the cold comfort of your nice warm insular homes, you would debate the devil himself if you never had to face him. Come on now, that is what this is all about, isn't it? Most of you never have to deal with the Devil. And the Devil IS in the details. Water boarding is such a weak issue. Think about it. Ever crashed a plane into a building? NO ? Ever been waterboarded? No? Perhaps if the 9/11 guys had just water boarded instead of ignored, we might ALL be alive and better off? Perspective is important. Not this one sided blame game.

Well I never thought of that. OK. You convinced me.
Water boarding beats 9/11, hands down. Is that what some of you think? Anyone care to debate the details? I bet some you wussies would. In the cold comfort of your nice warm insular homes, you would debate the devil himself if you never had to face him. Come on now, that is what this is all about, isn't it? Most of you never have to deal with the Devil. And the Devil IS in the details. Water boarding is such a weak issue. Think about it. Ever crashed a plane into a building? NO ? Ever been waterboarded? No? Perhaps if the 9/11 guys had just water boarded instead of ignored, we might ALL be alive and better off? Perspective is important. Not this one sided blame game.

Dear sir:

Waterboarding is torture.

Torture is illegal.

No one is above the law.

please cite the law that says waterboarding is torture
Always the liberal response! Let's not be like them! No shit, but that doesn't mean we need to tie our hands behind our backs either

That is the response to always the conservative argument that "they're bad guys, so we can be bad guys too!"

Somehow we've managed to muddle thru so far without adopting the tactics of the IJA, Gestapo, and Khmer Rouge.

Either Orwell, or Churchill said this:
"We sleep soundly in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf. "

Yep. Your welcome. Yet I am still against the use of torture techniques and your quotes means jack shit here, because Churchill also said "We don't torture."
You're one dumb motherfucker, Pole Rider. The acts of torture carried out in this case were extralegal.

Abu Dhabi said on Wednesday it would investigate allegations that a senior member of the ruling family tortured an Afghan citizen.


The statement said the human rights office of the Abu Dhabi judicial department would conduct a “comprehensive review of the matter immediately and make its findings public at the earliest opportunity”. / Middle East - Abu Dhabi to probe royal torture claim

Bullshit? Most likely, but the difference is that the abuses at Gitmo were carried out by our own government.
A VIDEOTAPE showing a member of the United Arab Emirates royal family torturing a man is jeopardising a multi-billion-dollar nuclear power deal between the US and the Gulf kingdom.

The 45-minute tape shows a man the Government of Abu Dhabi has acknowledged is Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan - one of 22 royal brothers of the UAE President and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince - mercilessly and repeatedly beating a man with a cattle prod and a nailed board, burning his genitals and driving his Mercedes over him several times. He is assisted in the torture by a uniformed policeman.

Come on that’s not torture just a little “enhanced interrogation”.
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A VIDEOTAPE showing a member of the United Arab Emirates royal family torturing a man is jeopardising a multi-billion-dollar nuclear power deal between the US and the Gulf kingdom.

The 45-minute tape shows a man the Government of Abu Dhabi has acknowledged is Sheik Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan - one of 22 royal brothers of the UAE President and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince - mercilessly and repeatedly beating a man with a cattle prod and a nailed board, burning his genitals and driving his Mercedes over him several times. He is assisted in the torture by a uniformed policeman.

Come on that’s not torture just a little “enhanced interrogation”.
as if the two were even in the same neighborhood

thats just fucking pathetic
... and the whack job, liberal, moon bats are worried about the US water boarding combatants... what a laugh compared these ANIMALS....

I think you are correct. Our enhanced interrogation methods are better than those animals enhanced interrogation methods.
Water boarding beats 9/11, hands down. Is that what some of you think? Anyone care to debate the details? I bet some you wussies would. In the cold comfort of your nice warm insular homes, you would debate the devil himself if you never had to face him. Come on now, that is what this is all about, isn't it? Most of you never have to deal with the Devil. And the Devil IS in the details. Water boarding is such a weak issue. Think about it. Ever crashed a plane into a building? NO ? Ever been waterboarded? No? Perhaps if the 9/11 guys had just water boarded instead of ignored, we might ALL be alive and better off? Perspective is important. Not this one sided blame game.

Dear sir:

Waterboarding is torture.

Torture is illegal.

No one is above the law.

please cite the law that says waterboarding is torture

The President of the United States on Wednesday said that waterboarding is torture. And torture is illegal.

Dear sir:

Waterboarding is torture.

Torture is illegal.

No one is above the law.

please cite the law that says waterboarding is torture

The President of the United States on Wednesday said that waterboarding is torture. And torture is illegal.


Just because the President said it, doesn't it so. His statements have no legal bearing. Also, he is only partially correct.
I'm pretty sure my reply was right on the money. Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean the point wasn't made.

What point were you trying to make that I missed? You're suggesting that there are evil people in the world and so us liberals don't get it that we have to sink to their level if we are ever to defeat them. Isn't that about right? You want us to be able to torture because our enemies will torture us. Right?

I get it. I just disagree. The Brits were tortured by the Germans in WW2, yet Churchill didn't torture German prisoners.

We are better than that. You, Bush and Wiwwow might not be better than that, but thats why we voted your party/kind out of office.

I was in Atlanta during 9-11. What a fucking joke. The idea that we would let red necks lead this nation is amazing to me. They are not the brightest people in our country. You should have heard them. Let's nuke me, turn Afganistan into a parking lot.

All your ideas are mob mentality type ideas. You are not only stupid but immoral. I care more about Iraqi innocent civilians than I do your kind.

Just like you probably think we'd be better off without arabs, I think we'd be better off without ppl like you.

I highlighted part that is not truth.

Follow the LINK to see why. Or simply search for it yourself.
Ame®icano;1193259 said:
I'm pretty sure my reply was right on the money. Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean the point wasn't made.

What point were you trying to make that I missed? You're suggesting that there are evil people in the world and so us liberals don't get it that we have to sink to their level if we are ever to defeat them. Isn't that about right? You want us to be able to torture because our enemies will torture us. Right?

I get it. I just disagree. The Brits were tortured by the Germans in WW2, yet Churchill didn't torture German prisoners.

We are better than that. You, Bush and Wiwwow might not be better than that, but thats why we voted your party/kind out of office.

I was in Atlanta during 9-11. What a fucking joke. The idea that we would let red necks lead this nation is amazing to me. They are not the brightest people in our country. You should have heard them. Let's nuke me, turn Afganistan into a parking lot.

All your ideas are mob mentality type ideas. You are not only stupid but immoral. I care more about Iraqi innocent civilians than I do your kind.

Just like you probably think we'd be better off without arabs, I think we'd be better off without ppl like you.

I highlighted part that is not truth.

Follow the LINK to see why. Or simply search for it yourself.
OUCH, thats gonna hurt a lot of libs
Ok ... the UAE and other Arab nations tortures people. The methods they use are primitive and brutal. We already know this. I am vehemently against these methods and what they do to people. I don't have the right to vote in their elections (if they even have them) nor do I have a voice in their government or a way to change their policy because I am not a citizen there.

I am, however, a citizen of the United States of America. I have the right to vote here therefor our policies matter a helluva lot more to than any other country's policies. My vote and expressed opinion work to effect policy here and I am going to be considerably more vocal about my disagreement with our own country's torture policy than I am any others. There is no hypocrisy there. That's just how it is.

I hope this clears some things up for you guys.

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