Here's a good idea: Black Freshmen Orientation


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people, skin pigmentation or groups that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.
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Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Maybe just call it student orientation and call it a day
Feeling a bit left out?



It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color
We have a long history in this country that is not easily overcome.

Even in the university setting there is a long history of dividing up into fraternities. Of course it was just white kids doing so in its earliest days.
Maybe just call it student orientation and call it a day

and if the University itself wanted to sponsor it, that'd be fine.

This is a student organization catering the needs of a specific group that might not necessarily need the same resources or have the same interests.

Why don’t you just come out and say it, “or the same intelligence level”.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Identity politics at it's finest.
The Democrat Party used to be referred to as the "Big Tent" party. A place for everyone.
Now it is a "Series of small tents loosely tied together" - Party.
Instead of coming inside to be among all....everyone is shown which small tent they can be "special" in.
It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color
We have a long history in this country that is not easily overcome.

Even in the university setting there is a long history of dividing up into fraternities. Of course it was just white kids doing so in its earliest days.
You'd think we'd have evolved past this by now, but unfortunately we appear to be regressing.
It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color
We have a long history in this country that is not easily overcome.

Even in the university setting there is a long history of dividing up into fraternities. Of course it was just white kids doing so in its earliest days.
You'd think we'd have evolved past this by now, but unfortunately we appear to be regressing.
I would hope we would have. But be honest.....look around. It's easy to see why we haven't.
It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color
We have a long history in this country that is not easily overcome.

Even in the university setting there is a long history of dividing up into fraternities. Of course it was just white kids doing so in its earliest days.
You'd think we'd have evolved past this by now, but unfortunately we appear to be regressing.
I would hope we would have. But be honest.....look around. It's easy to see why we haven't.
Sure. What I see are people on each end of the spectrum who have a vested interest in keeping us separate and angry.

The problem is that we're obediently dancing for them.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Identity politics at it's finest.
The Democrat Party used to be referred to as the "Big Tent" party. A place for everyone.
Now it is a "Series of small tents loosely tied together" - Party.
Instead of coming inside to be among all....everyone is shown which small tent they can be "special" in.
Is the Black Student Alliance affiliated with the Democratic Party?
Why don’t you just come out and say it, “or the same intelligence level”.

Because I'm not a bigot like you are. You need to talk to Stormy Mac, he's the one with the less than subtle racism problem.

Here is the thing. Black students often to find themselves less prepared for College than white students, not because they aren't just as smart, but because they haven't been prepared as well and they often don't have the support system white folks do. When they try to create such a system, you get bigots like you and Stormy Mac whining about it.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Identity politics at it's finest.
The Democrat Party used to be referred to as the "Big Tent" party. A place for everyone.
Now it is a "Series of small tents loosely tied together" - Party.
Instead of coming inside to be among all....everyone is shown which small tent they can be "special" in.
Is the Black Student Alliance affiliated with the Democratic Party?

I have no idea. I am speaking about identity politics. And the progressives are the ones doing it....and what party do Progressives belong to again?
It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color
We have a long history in this country that is not easily overcome.

Even in the university setting there is a long history of dividing up into fraternities. Of course it was just white kids doing so in its earliest days.
You'd think we'd have evolved past this by now, but unfortunately we appear to be regressing.
I would hope we would have. But be honest.....look around. It's easy to see why we haven't.
Sure. What I see are people on each end of the spectrum who have a vested interest in keeping us separate and angry.

The problem is that we're obediently dancing for them.
I don't see how anyone could complain about what this organization is doing. They are simply promoting their individual interests within a group setting. Americans have been doing it forever. Why is it bad in this scenario?
Sure. What I see are people on each end of the spectrum who have a vested interest in keeping us separate and angry.

The problem is that we're obediently dancing for them.

Gee, Stormy still not seeing how "coordinating with other organizations" and "helping navigate the campus" is keeping anyone angry.

Shit, I went to UIC before they fixed all the architectural crazy of Walter Netsch. I'd have love to have someone tell me how to navigate the campus.

(If you went to UIC, you'd totally get that joke. "Go Flames", said no one ever.)

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