Here are important qualifiers needed to determine if Trump actually won in 2020


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

And they also have to explain how the GOP gained seats in 2020 and 2022 with all of this supposed voter fraud.
1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?
You’ll need to provide some kind of evidence proving point 1. We’re told this by the establishment, but there is evidence voter fraud has occurred in elections going back over one hundred years.

Lincoln used the army in border states to stuff the ballot box in 1864. FDR won in 1936 with no small help from millions of WPA employees who had been required to vote for Roosevelt in order to get on the Federal dole. Of course, JFK had mob help in Chicago in 1960. To name a few.
Well…it works like this

When Democrats switched votes and submitted fake ballots, they only did it for President and forgot to do it for lower level elections
Well that wouldn't explain 2022 then.

I mean lets say you're the Democrats and you were able to rig the election in 2020. Audit after audit; recount after recount; court case after court case...all ended in your favor.

So in 2022...what do you do with Stacey Abrams running and Val Demmings in Florida (two African-American women who will be solid democrats for ever)? You call off the dogs and they lose???? Really? ...
None of any of this conversation matters.

All of these legal cases, are now about. . . making it illegal to even discuss any other possible outcome, by candidates up for election.

. .. it really comes down to, outlawing the practice of, contesting elections.

From now on, bureaucrats and media personalities will tell you what truth is. . . i.e., instead of letting congress detirmine what the facts are, the way we have done it for a quarter millennia, now we will let un-elected bureaucrats, judges and lawyers, paid & placed by the campaign donations of global corporations, determine what truth and facts are from here on out. . .


This is about making the bureaucracy more powerful than voters or candidates, in determining who is put in charge & makes policy.

This is how things work in places like Russia, China, Iran, etc.

1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

LMAO! Billy Dipshit: "Important Qualifiers". Go fuck yourself, retard.

Obama is behind the shift to voter fraud in America. Should be hanged as the traitor that he is.

He's behind the voter fraud in the 2020 election too, is my guess.

1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

LMAO! Billy Dipshit: "Important Qualifiers". Go fuck yourself, retard.

Obama is behind the shift to voter fraud in America. Should be hanged as the traitor that he is.

He's behind the voter fraud in the 2020 election too, is my guess.

How about this you dumb fuck? Instead of being a pussy and hiding behind links, YOU explain in YOUR own words how I am wrong? Until you do that, you’re useless.
How about this you dumb fuck? Instead of being a pussy and hiding behind links, YOU explain in YOUR own words how I am wrong? Until you do that, you’re useless.
Hiding behind links? LMAO! The 2020 election was when Democrats cheated in a fucking potato!

Enthusiasm wins elections, and Biden had the enthusiasm of a slug.

That election was fraud as fraud can be and the whole world knows it, you fucking pinheaded moron!

They know it in Japan, UK, Australia, Italy, Norway..probably Russia too.

Yeah! True Story, fucktard.
You’ll need to provide some kind of evidence proving point 1. We’re told this by the establishment, but there is evidence voter fraud has occurred in elections going back over one hundred years.

Lincoln used the army in border states to stuff the ballot box in 1864. FDR won in 1936 with no small help from millions of WPA employees who had been required to vote for Roosevelt in order to get on the Federal dole. Of course, JFK had mob help in Chicago in 1960. To name a few.

You ask for evidence in your first paragraph, but fail to provide any in your second.

Got any evidence?
Hiding behind links? LMAO! The 2020 election was when Democrats cheated in a fucking potato!
You’re such a fucking dumbass lol. You’re too useless to even explain with SPECIFICS how democrats won fraudulently. We both know the truth. You’re a whiny, sore loser, little bitch lol
You’ll need to provide some kind of evidence proving point 1. We’re told this by the establishment, but there is evidence voter fraud has occurred in elections going back over one hundred years.

Lincoln used the army in border states to stuff the ballot box in 1864. FDR won in 1936 with no small help from millions of WPA employees who had been required to vote for Roosevelt in order to get on the Federal dole. Of course, JFK had mob help in Chicago in 1960. To name a few.
Sure I’m glad to provide you with the evidence. I’ll even provide you with a source you wouldn’t want to argue with: The Heritage Foundation. They found a grand total of 1400 instances of voter fraud over FOUR DECADES. Keep in mind that this number isn’t even just presidential fraud only. It’s voter fraud at ALL levels of government.

You’re such a fucking dumbass lol. You’re too useless to even explain with SPECIFICS how democrats won fraudulently. We both know the truth. You’re a whiny, sore loser, little bitch lol
Nobody knows that yet. When it gets found out, and it will, some traitors are going to be dying, you sub 100 IQ moron.
Nobody know that yet. When it gets found out, some traitors are going to be dying, you sub 100 IQ moron.
lol holy shit are you shitting me right now? You just said no one knows. Good god. This might be the dumbest post ive ever seen on this board. Just wow. You’re flat out adorable.
lol holy shit are you shitting me right now? You just said no one knows. Good god. This might be the dumbest post ive ever seen on this board. Just wow. You’re flat out adorable.
You're flat out a stupid asshat. There have been zero official investigations by those with the means to uncover fraud in the 2020 election to

this date.

Nobody's investigated a damn thing thus far, and if Biden wanted to bring the country together, that would have happened in 2021.

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