Help with healthy snack suggestions please.

They still make these, based out of New Jersey. Still sell them in the cans, I bought a can of them at a Cracker Barrel.
I'm from New Jersey and we had those cans all the time growing up. The chips are great, too. Moved to Florida and couldn't find them for literally decades. Now a chain called Fresh Market carries them but I haven't bought a can yet. They only carry the chips, not the pretzels.

I didn't know that Cracker Barrel had them. That's weird since they are a distinctively Northern brand.
Kiwis are good, and I use them in my Vitamix smoothies. Costco usually has a good price on a container of them.

Also, people rave about the plant-based Beyond Meat jerky. Every time I go to Walmart I look for them in the checkout aisles but they only have the hot/spicy ones because the regular sell out so quick.
I'm from New Jersey and we had those cans all the time growing up. The chips are great, too. Moved to Florida and couldn't find them for literally decades. Now a chain called Fresh Market carries them but I haven't bought a can yet. They only carry the chips, not the pretzels.

I didn't know that Cracker Barrel had them. That's weird since they are a distinctively Northern brand.
Cracker Barrel in Illinois. It just so happens when I was a kid growing up we had a distributor of Charles Chips who lived on our street and would drive the truck home from work. Back in those days kids were never indoors, and we kids were outside all summer. This guy would sometimes see us and give us a can of Charles Chips. This was in the mid-70's, so when I saw a can for sale, I had to get them. I thought the chips were terrible.
I am pretty consistent with making healthy lunches and dinners. Where I am often deficient is in my snack decisions. I constantly reach for the granola bars and even chips (never had chips much at all before I met my wife, sigh).

Bananas are my go-to healthy option. I will buy three bundles at times. Apples are next in that list. However, the options seem limited. I have some oranges, grapes are a pain to maintain.

Any suggestions on good, healthy snack options, particularly low in sugar? I'd love some natural bars without sugar. Maybe the soft ones.
I like getting mixed nut jars and mixing them with dehydrated cranberries. Healthy and good for you. Not sure where you are using the snacks. I pack them for time on the boat. Fish go in the coolers so mist my snacks are dehydrated. Almost any type of berry us super healthy. If ya can keep them cool they don't gave to be dehydrated. Apples. Oranges, plumes, baby carrots are some other I bring.
Sliced cucumber salad, added with some nice vinegar - a minspoon of sugar and a Pretzel (The big original Bavarian ones) - perfect TV food.
Corn beef for you but sprinkled with some cyanide to help you grow a spine .
A nice lettuce( tosserd lettuce for you ) and bleach sandwich will also perk you up . Down and sideways .
Stops all had aches dead quick .

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