Hello. Trump conservative here.

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The anti-birth control is not a conservative value. It is just more gov't interference in the lives of free people.
Anti birth control has been a Catholic value. Poster said nothing about government legislation to eliminate birth control.
Hi. I just joined early this morning. Catholic Trump conservative here. Pro-life. Anti birth control. I consider Trump one of the greatest presidents of all time. I don't know how this forum leans. Most of them go leftwing. Hopefully this will be different.

Feel free to ridicule all these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that post on here all you want. They deserve to be ridiculed because they extremely ignorant in Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

The lefties here are the same as they are everywhere else, with a level of intellect somewhere between dog turd and potato.
Liberals here are so dumb
They don’t even realize they are being mocked
Feel free to ridicule all these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that post on here all you want. They deserve to be ridiculed because they extremely ignorant in Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
LOL…..Those stoopid Librals on this board believe in stupid things like…

COVID vaccines
Climate change
Fair elections
Feel free to ridicule all these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that post on here all you want. They deserve to be ridiculed because they extremely ignorant in Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
One other thing I'll add. I firmly believe the 2020 election was stolen. Only an imbecile believes the senile incompetent buffoon Biden won 81 million votes, 16 million more than any previous election winner. The guy was possibly the worst candidate in history, and his rallies proved that.
One other thing I'll add. I firmly believe the 2020 election was stolen. Only an imbecile believes the senile incompetent buffoon Biden won 81 million votes, 16 million more than any previous election winner. The guy was possibly the worst candidate in history, and his rallies proved that.
Amen Brother!

No way anyone could vote against Trump. They obviously used fake Chinese ballots and illegal Mexican votes.
Trump has millions of people at his rallies
The Chinese invented COVID just to beat Trump
MAGA Forever!
I would like to have birth control unavailable, particularly for single people. They shouldn't be having sex anyway.

According to your religious beliefs. But not according to their beliefs. And abstinence has worked so well.
Hi. I just joined early this morning. Catholic Trump conservative here. Pro-life. Anti birth control. I consider Trump one of the greatest presidents of all time. I don't know how this forum leans. Most of them go leftwing. Hopefully this will be different.
Nice...a fellow withdrawal method supporter...'High Five!'
My belief or your belief is immaterial to what is morally right or wrong. Sex outside marriage is immoral, period. For everyone.

And abstinence works 100% of the time it is used. Your claim that it doesn't work is silly.
That makes no sense. Trump wants all legal votes to count.
Only if it means he wins. If it doesn't, he would like somebody to dig up another 10 or 11 thousand until he does win. He wants all electors counting unless it means he loses. If it means he loses, he would like to change the electoral vote by getting cronies to submit a different set of electors than what was certified by the state election commissions and the government of several of the states. To get those alternate electoral slates written and submitted he needed a few more days, though he had already failed for two months. To get a few more days, he asked Mike Pense to usurp the authority of his office as defined by the Constitution of the United States, yet when push came to shove, Pense refused to turn his back on the constitution and his own oath of office, unlike trump. So Dirty Donny revved up the crowd, told them they were going to have to fight and sent down Pennsylvania to The Capital in ye another failed attempt to delay. No. Donald Trump did not want the legal votes to count. He wanted illegal votes to count, in direct contradiction to his oath of office and the Constitution. He has never been big on swearing fidelity before God. Just ask all his wives.
My belief or your belief is immaterial to what is morally right or wrong. Sex outside marriage is immoral, period. For everyone.

And abstinence works 100% of the time it is used. Your claim that it doesn't work is silly.

It doesn't work as an only plan. People, by and large, will not maintain complete abstinence. Areas that relied solely on abstinence have always had higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.
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