Hedonism and Free Sexuality is of the devil

The devil is a cool guy then?

Why do you think religions give a damn about people having sex?

God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.

Did he now?

If he created it for procreation, why do gay people exist then?

If EVERYTHING is created by God, then gay people were created by God.

I dont believe that gay people are created inherently like that. I think they are perverts and live like that just. I dont think god turned them to do this just I dont believe god turns someone to practice BDSM.

In many societies homosexuality was widespread but disappeared after christianity. So its not like something god created. Now its widespread again

Nearly half of young people don't think they are exclusively heterosexual

Does it matter if they were created inherently like that?

Humans weren't created to drive cars. Does that mean driving a car is perversion?

Babies can be born male or female. It all depends on chromosomes. Some babies are born hermaphrodites. Do you think hermaphrodites are CHOOSING to live their life in the way? Like they had a choice to have a penis and vagina so they chose both?

Babies are also born with different characteristics. They will grow up to like some things and hate other things based on how they are. It's why two left wing parents will probably produce a left wing baby.

It's not a choice. Yes, you could choose to repress those thoughts. But that's a choice of repression, not the choice of who you are.

Also, you "believe" that gay is a choice. Believing is that you just made it up.

Also, why the hell do you care? Is it any of your business what they do?

Do you meet your parents and the first thought in your head is "they fucked together"?

No, probably not. So when you see a gay person, why is your first thought "they fucked someone of the same sex"? Makes no sense.

Homosexuality didn't disappear after Christianity came along.

Also, your argument is that God didn't create homosexuality because it existed before Christianity.

Jesus existed before Christianity. Are you saying the God didn't create anything before the existence of Christianity? That the world, that all the people born before it, all the animals, weren't created by God?

Humans and Animals and everything was created by God. But humans choose to rebell against God, like Eve and Adam ate from the forbidden fruit. If humans sin its not because God created it. If someone commits adultery its not that God made him do that. Just like if someone practices gay sex or is gay its not god who did that. And acting on all desires is wrong, same could be said about pedophiles and that God created their desire to fuck children. You expect from pedophiles that they dont act on it if they want it, right? Now you will say thats way diffferent. I dont say its the same, but the desire and acting on it is the same.

Okay, so if humans and animals and everything were created by God, the hermaphrodites were also created by God, right?

Is being a hermaphrodite "rebelling against God"?

So, if someone commits adultery, it wasn't God who made him do that? No, maybe not. But the human body functions based on drugs in the body, right? And those drugs change how a person reacts.

Take testosterone. That great drug that gives people the desire to fuck. The male mind, in general, likes to sow his seed.

Adultery is a human invention. How do we know? Because marriage is. Dogs don't marry. If a dog goes and fucks three bitches in a day, he can't be committing adultery because he can't marry because it doesn't exist in other animals.

It only exists because we've made it exist.

If God didn't make people have gay sex, he didn't make them have hetero sex either. So, hetero sex is also a choice?

There's a big difference between gay sex and pedophile sex. The former is okay if it's consensual. Pedophilia is done to children before puberty, ie, they don't have sexual desire, so it can't be consensual, therefore it's wrong.

I'm not saying desire and acting on something aren't different. I'm saying desire comes from SOMEWHERE. We don't make up our desires. Oh, today I think I'll like cake. I don't normally like it, but I've decided I like it today.


You like what you like based on how your body functions for a large part. Your body functions in the way it does because of ho you were born.

If God made you, then he made you with the good and the bad bits.

Take cancer. Where does cancer come from? If not from God, then where?
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

You're trying to make an important point, one that's even vital for posterity of America's future. And while I am an actively practicing Christian, quoting scripture these days is a sure fire way to instantly make today's youth deaf to any message that follows. That being said, I agree with your message and its historical references.

Without doubt we live today in a world gone mad. A world turned inside out and upside down where media in all forms is convincing us that evil is good and good is evil. It's a message no one wants to hear and most everyone is automatically deaf to. Why would today's youth listen to moral reasoning--religious or otherwise--when everyone they know and everyone around the world beaming into their brains from the internet reassures them daily that anything goes--any behavior no matter how deviant or harmful to self--is justifiable and just plain okay.? Call something taboo and everyone wants to do it.

There's got to be a sea change in the way parents raise their kids in our information age. It's got to begin in popular culture but chances of that are zero in the face of revenues to be made off kids' minds by Hollywood and the video game industry. We need world leaders who cannot be intimidated away by powerful corporate interest groups and lobbyist dollars.

You're right though, history has shown again and again what becomes of societies after their moral values have been upended and redefined. The movement in America today to normalize the perverted will bring her to ruin if some kind of restraints are not put into place. Are we seeing the end of our great country on the near horizon?

You think we live in a world where the media is trying to make people thing evil is good and good is evil?

Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the Christian churches have been doing that for two thousand years?

Your string of attacks on the OP proves both our points. You guys see an inferno wherever God or Christianity is mentioned. The irony is you assume putting out belief in God will save the world from burning at the stake. Reality is you're just lighting the same fire anew, just kindling the big bad scary belief in God to burn brighter and higher and conflagrate believers to bring back all the time out of mind religious repression you so desperately want to put out. Good luck with that. Keep those buckets of gasoline coming.

I've attacked the OP? Er... when?

I see an inferno whenever God or Christianity is mentioned? Really?

How do you have the ability to see what I see, exactly? Do you have super human powers? Hmm, I've met weirdo religious people who thought such magic ("harry potter is evil" kind of people) was the work of the devil.

So, you seeing what I see must be devil work, or are you just making shit up? Isn't lying a sin? Are you sinning?

I assume putting out belief in God will save the world? Are you now able to read my thoughts? I doubt it. Which means you're lying.

So you don't know anything about me. You have this narrative inside your head that makes it easy for you to attack me, even though it's as wrong as hell.

Why don't you try talking to me, reading what I write, and then responding to what I WRITE, rather than what you want to believe about me? Have a try, you might learn something.
God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.

Did he now?

If he created it for procreation, why do gay people exist then?

If EVERYTHING is created by God, then gay people were created by God.

I dont believe that gay people are created inherently like that. I think they are perverts and live like that just. I dont think god turned them to do this just I dont believe god turns someone to practice BDSM.

In many societies homosexuality was widespread but disappeared after christianity. So its not like something god created. Now its widespread again

Nearly half of young people don't think they are exclusively heterosexual

Does it matter if they were created inherently like that?

Humans weren't created to drive cars. Does that mean driving a car is perversion?

Babies can be born male or female. It all depends on chromosomes. Some babies are born hermaphrodites. Do you think hermaphrodites are CHOOSING to live their life in the way? Like they had a choice to have a penis and vagina so they chose both?

Babies are also born with different characteristics. They will grow up to like some things and hate other things based on how they are. It's why two left wing parents will probably produce a left wing baby.

It's not a choice. Yes, you could choose to repress those thoughts. But that's a choice of repression, not the choice of who you are.

Also, you "believe" that gay is a choice. Believing is that you just made it up.

Also, why the hell do you care? Is it any of your business what they do?

Do you meet your parents and the first thought in your head is "they fucked together"?

No, probably not. So when you see a gay person, why is your first thought "they fucked someone of the same sex"? Makes no sense.

Homosexuality didn't disappear after Christianity came along.

Also, your argument is that God didn't create homosexuality because it existed before Christianity.

Jesus existed before Christianity. Are you saying the God didn't create anything before the existence of Christianity? That the world, that all the people born before it, all the animals, weren't created by God?

Humans and Animals and everything was created by God. But humans choose to rebell against God, like Eve and Adam ate from the forbidden fruit. If humans sin its not because God created it. If someone commits adultery its not that God made him do that. Just like if someone practices gay sex or is gay its not god who did that. And acting on all desires is wrong, same could be said about pedophiles and that God created their desire to fuck children. You expect from pedophiles that they dont act on it if they want it, right? Now you will say thats way diffferent. I dont say its the same, but the desire and acting on it is the same.

Okay, so if humans and animals and everything were created by God, the hermaphrodites were also created by God, right?

Is being a hermaphrodite "rebelling against God"?

So, if someone commits adultery, it wasn't God who made him do that? No, maybe not. But the human body functions based on drugs in the body, right? And those drugs change how a person reacts.

Take testosterone. That great drug that gives people the desire to fuck. The male mind, in general, likes to sow his seed.

Adultery is a human invention. How do we know? Because marriage is. Dogs don't marry. If a dog goes and fucks three bitches in a day, he can't be committing adultery because he can't marry because it doesn't exist in other animals.

It only exists because we've made it exist.

If God didn't make people have gay sex, he didn't make them have hetero sex either. So, hetero sex is also a choice?

There's a big difference between gay sex and pedophile sex. The former is okay if it's consensual. Pedophilia is done to children before puberty, ie, they don't have sexual desire, so it can't be consensual, therefore it's wrong.

I'm not saying desire and acting on something aren't different. I'm saying desire comes from SOMEWHERE. We don't make up our desires. Oh, today I think I'll like cake. I don't normally like it, but I've decided I like it today.


You like what you like based on how your body functions for a large part. Your body functions in the way it does because of ho you were born.

If God made you, then he made you with the good and the bad bits.

Take cancer. Where does cancer come from? If not from God, then where?

no hermophrodite is not rebelling against God. Hermaphrodites are not gay or transgender though, they are like people without a penis or like people with down syndrome.
Did he now?

If he created it for procreation, why do gay people exist then?

If EVERYTHING is created by God, then gay people were created by God.

I dont believe that gay people are created inherently like that. I think they are perverts and live like that just. I dont think god turned them to do this just I dont believe god turns someone to practice BDSM.

In many societies homosexuality was widespread but disappeared after christianity. So its not like something god created. Now its widespread again

Nearly half of young people don't think they are exclusively heterosexual

Does it matter if they were created inherently like that?

Humans weren't created to drive cars. Does that mean driving a car is perversion?

Babies can be born male or female. It all depends on chromosomes. Some babies are born hermaphrodites. Do you think hermaphrodites are CHOOSING to live their life in the way? Like they had a choice to have a penis and vagina so they chose both?

Babies are also born with different characteristics. They will grow up to like some things and hate other things based on how they are. It's why two left wing parents will probably produce a left wing baby.

It's not a choice. Yes, you could choose to repress those thoughts. But that's a choice of repression, not the choice of who you are.

Also, you "believe" that gay is a choice. Believing is that you just made it up.

Also, why the hell do you care? Is it any of your business what they do?

Do you meet your parents and the first thought in your head is "they fucked together"?

No, probably not. So when you see a gay person, why is your first thought "they fucked someone of the same sex"? Makes no sense.

Homosexuality didn't disappear after Christianity came along.

Also, your argument is that God didn't create homosexuality because it existed before Christianity.

Jesus existed before Christianity. Are you saying the God didn't create anything before the existence of Christianity? That the world, that all the people born before it, all the animals, weren't created by God?

Humans and Animals and everything was created by God. But humans choose to rebell against God, like Eve and Adam ate from the forbidden fruit. If humans sin its not because God created it. If someone commits adultery its not that God made him do that. Just like if someone practices gay sex or is gay its not god who did that. And acting on all desires is wrong, same could be said about pedophiles and that God created their desire to fuck children. You expect from pedophiles that they dont act on it if they want it, right? Now you will say thats way diffferent. I dont say its the same, but the desire and acting on it is the same.

Okay, so if humans and animals and everything were created by God, the hermaphrodites were also created by God, right?

Is being a hermaphrodite "rebelling against God"?

So, if someone commits adultery, it wasn't God who made him do that? No, maybe not. But the human body functions based on drugs in the body, right? And those drugs change how a person reacts.

Take testosterone. That great drug that gives people the desire to fuck. The male mind, in general, likes to sow his seed.

Adultery is a human invention. How do we know? Because marriage is. Dogs don't marry. If a dog goes and fucks three bitches in a day, he can't be committing adultery because he can't marry because it doesn't exist in other animals.

It only exists because we've made it exist.

If God didn't make people have gay sex, he didn't make them have hetero sex either. So, hetero sex is also a choice?

There's a big difference between gay sex and pedophile sex. The former is okay if it's consensual. Pedophilia is done to children before puberty, ie, they don't have sexual desire, so it can't be consensual, therefore it's wrong.

I'm not saying desire and acting on something aren't different. I'm saying desire comes from SOMEWHERE. We don't make up our desires. Oh, today I think I'll like cake. I don't normally like it, but I've decided I like it today.


You like what you like based on how your body functions for a large part. Your body functions in the way it does because of ho you were born.

If God made you, then he made you with the good and the bad bits.

Take cancer. Where does cancer come from? If not from God, then where?

no hermophrodite is not rebelling against God. Hermaphrodites are not gay or transgender though, they are like people without a penis or like people with down syndrome.

So, you're saying that a hermaphrodite is someone who was born "wrong"? That God lets babies be born "wrong"?

Could it not be that some people are born with a penis when they should have been born with a vagina?

I mean, if a person can be born with both, could they not be born with the wrong one?

Do we treat people with down syndrome like they should be normal? Do we demand they be normal and if they're not normal then we attack them for being abnormal?


So why do it with gay people?
I dont believe that gay people are created inherently like that. I think they are perverts and live like that just. I dont think god turned them to do this just I dont believe god turns someone to practice BDSM.

In many societies homosexuality was widespread but disappeared after christianity. So its not like something god created. Now its widespread again

Nearly half of young people don't think they are exclusively heterosexual

Does it matter if they were created inherently like that?

Humans weren't created to drive cars. Does that mean driving a car is perversion?

Babies can be born male or female. It all depends on chromosomes. Some babies are born hermaphrodites. Do you think hermaphrodites are CHOOSING to live their life in the way? Like they had a choice to have a penis and vagina so they chose both?

Babies are also born with different characteristics. They will grow up to like some things and hate other things based on how they are. It's why two left wing parents will probably produce a left wing baby.

It's not a choice. Yes, you could choose to repress those thoughts. But that's a choice of repression, not the choice of who you are.

Also, you "believe" that gay is a choice. Believing is that you just made it up.

Also, why the hell do you care? Is it any of your business what they do?

Do you meet your parents and the first thought in your head is "they fucked together"?

No, probably not. So when you see a gay person, why is your first thought "they fucked someone of the same sex"? Makes no sense.

Homosexuality didn't disappear after Christianity came along.

Also, your argument is that God didn't create homosexuality because it existed before Christianity.

Jesus existed before Christianity. Are you saying the God didn't create anything before the existence of Christianity? That the world, that all the people born before it, all the animals, weren't created by God?

Humans and Animals and everything was created by God. But humans choose to rebell against God, like Eve and Adam ate from the forbidden fruit. If humans sin its not because God created it. If someone commits adultery its not that God made him do that. Just like if someone practices gay sex or is gay its not god who did that. And acting on all desires is wrong, same could be said about pedophiles and that God created their desire to fuck children. You expect from pedophiles that they dont act on it if they want it, right? Now you will say thats way diffferent. I dont say its the same, but the desire and acting on it is the same.

Okay, so if humans and animals and everything were created by God, the hermaphrodites were also created by God, right?

Is being a hermaphrodite "rebelling against God"?

So, if someone commits adultery, it wasn't God who made him do that? No, maybe not. But the human body functions based on drugs in the body, right? And those drugs change how a person reacts.

Take testosterone. That great drug that gives people the desire to fuck. The male mind, in general, likes to sow his seed.

Adultery is a human invention. How do we know? Because marriage is. Dogs don't marry. If a dog goes and fucks three bitches in a day, he can't be committing adultery because he can't marry because it doesn't exist in other animals.

It only exists because we've made it exist.

If God didn't make people have gay sex, he didn't make them have hetero sex either. So, hetero sex is also a choice?

There's a big difference between gay sex and pedophile sex. The former is okay if it's consensual. Pedophilia is done to children before puberty, ie, they don't have sexual desire, so it can't be consensual, therefore it's wrong.

I'm not saying desire and acting on something aren't different. I'm saying desire comes from SOMEWHERE. We don't make up our desires. Oh, today I think I'll like cake. I don't normally like it, but I've decided I like it today.


You like what you like based on how your body functions for a large part. Your body functions in the way it does because of ho you were born.

If God made you, then he made you with the good and the bad bits.

Take cancer. Where does cancer come from? If not from God, then where?

no hermophrodite is not rebelling against God. Hermaphrodites are not gay or transgender though, they are like people without a penis or like people with down syndrome.

So, you're saying that a hermaphrodite is someone who was born "wrong"? That God lets babies be born "wrong"?

Could it not be that some people are born with a penis when they should have been born with a vagina?

I mean, if a person can be born with both, could they not be born with the wrong one?

Do we treat people with down syndrome like they should be normal? Do we demand they be normal and if they're not normal then we attack them for being abnormal?


So why do it with gay people?

Gay people are perfectly normal just perverts. Like I said I dont believe that gay people are born with a third chromosome or like that. They are just perverts, everything else is propaganda. I pointed out in ancient greece, rome, india, japan and other paganistic societies homosexuality was very widespread. After introducing rules against homosexuality it disappeared or only a few did it in the closet most didnt anymore but first most did it. We dont demand they be normal but use medicine to help them to be normal. Also what if someone is born in the wrong skin colour? Do you think someone should have surgery to become black or white? Thats a similar insanity. Its a perversion, also often they would change their mind, well it should be treated as pyschosis not inventing by law a third gender to accommodate them.
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The devil is a cool guy then?

Why do you think religions give a damn about people having sex?

God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.
Do we still have to limit ourselves to the missionary position...
Some guy that claims the lord tells him things says so. If you have a question he will get back to you after his private jet lands and he collates all the "seeds" ($$$) he will plant for almighty God!
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The devil is a cool guy then?

Why do you think religions give a damn about people having sex?

God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.

Our president disagrees with you about the whores.
Does it matter if they were created inherently like that?

Humans weren't created to drive cars. Does that mean driving a car is perversion?

Babies can be born male or female. It all depends on chromosomes. Some babies are born hermaphrodites. Do you think hermaphrodites are CHOOSING to live their life in the way? Like they had a choice to have a penis and vagina so they chose both?

Babies are also born with different characteristics. They will grow up to like some things and hate other things based on how they are. It's why two left wing parents will probably produce a left wing baby.

It's not a choice. Yes, you could choose to repress those thoughts. But that's a choice of repression, not the choice of who you are.

Also, you "believe" that gay is a choice. Believing is that you just made it up.

Also, why the hell do you care? Is it any of your business what they do?

Do you meet your parents and the first thought in your head is "they fucked together"?

No, probably not. So when you see a gay person, why is your first thought "they fucked someone of the same sex"? Makes no sense.

Homosexuality didn't disappear after Christianity came along.

Also, your argument is that God didn't create homosexuality because it existed before Christianity.

Jesus existed before Christianity. Are you saying the God didn't create anything before the existence of Christianity? That the world, that all the people born before it, all the animals, weren't created by God?

Humans and Animals and everything was created by God. But humans choose to rebell against God, like Eve and Adam ate from the forbidden fruit. If humans sin its not because God created it. If someone commits adultery its not that God made him do that. Just like if someone practices gay sex or is gay its not god who did that. And acting on all desires is wrong, same could be said about pedophiles and that God created their desire to fuck children. You expect from pedophiles that they dont act on it if they want it, right? Now you will say thats way diffferent. I dont say its the same, but the desire and acting on it is the same.

Okay, so if humans and animals and everything were created by God, the hermaphrodites were also created by God, right?

Is being a hermaphrodite "rebelling against God"?

So, if someone commits adultery, it wasn't God who made him do that? No, maybe not. But the human body functions based on drugs in the body, right? And those drugs change how a person reacts.

Take testosterone. That great drug that gives people the desire to fuck. The male mind, in general, likes to sow his seed.

Adultery is a human invention. How do we know? Because marriage is. Dogs don't marry. If a dog goes and fucks three bitches in a day, he can't be committing adultery because he can't marry because it doesn't exist in other animals.

It only exists because we've made it exist.

If God didn't make people have gay sex, he didn't make them have hetero sex either. So, hetero sex is also a choice?

There's a big difference between gay sex and pedophile sex. The former is okay if it's consensual. Pedophilia is done to children before puberty, ie, they don't have sexual desire, so it can't be consensual, therefore it's wrong.

I'm not saying desire and acting on something aren't different. I'm saying desire comes from SOMEWHERE. We don't make up our desires. Oh, today I think I'll like cake. I don't normally like it, but I've decided I like it today.


You like what you like based on how your body functions for a large part. Your body functions in the way it does because of ho you were born.

If God made you, then he made you with the good and the bad bits.

Take cancer. Where does cancer come from? If not from God, then where?

no hermophrodite is not rebelling against God. Hermaphrodites are not gay or transgender though, they are like people without a penis or like people with down syndrome.

So, you're saying that a hermaphrodite is someone who was born "wrong"? That God lets babies be born "wrong"?

Could it not be that some people are born with a penis when they should have been born with a vagina?

I mean, if a person can be born with both, could they not be born with the wrong one?

Do we treat people with down syndrome like they should be normal? Do we demand they be normal and if they're not normal then we attack them for being abnormal?


So why do it with gay people?

Gay people are perfectly normal just perverts. Like I said I dont believe that gay people are born with a third chromosome or like that. They are just perverts, everything else is propaganda. I pointed out in ancient greece, rome, india, japan and other paganistic societies homosexuality was very widespread. After introducing rules against homosexuality it disappeared or only a few did it in the closet most didnt anymore but first most did it. We dont demand they be normal but use medicine to help them to be normal. Also what if someone is born in the wrong skin colour? Do you think someone should have surgery to become black or white? Thats a similar insanity. Its a perversion, also often they would change their mind, well it should be treated as pyschosis not inventing by law a third gender to accommodate them.

How do you know? Are you one?

It's a nice convenient argument for you. Because you can't prove something, you can just decide this is what you "believe".

Explain this one then. I worked with a guy. I didn't like him. Everyone knew he was gay, but he refused to accept that he was gay. He'd go around boasting of the girls he'd been with, things like that.

Then he became a manager, and came into contact with other gay people and then felt liberated. He became more of a dick after this, but hey.

You don't believe something. But you don't know something. Yet you've decided it's true because it's convenient for you.

You'd make gay people feel bad simply because you made something up.

Do I think people should have surgery to change themselves? I don't care. They can do what they like. Why is it your business whether someone decides to have surgery for something no essential or not?
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The devil is a cool guy then?

Why do you think religions give a damn about people having sex?

God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.
Do we still have to limit ourselves to the missionary position...

In college, I dated a Mormon girl who had just returned from a missionary trip. She liked lots of positions.
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The devil is a cool guy then?

Why do you think religions give a damn about people having sex?

God created sex for procreation. There is nothing cool about faggots, perverts and whores etc.
Do we still have to limit ourselves to the missionary position...

In college, I dated a Mormon girl who had just returned from a missionary trip. She liked lots of positions.
Smart Ass... lol this is a serious thread, ye shall be smote down if though continueth... lol

I'll have myself flogged first thing tomorrow as punishment.
Apologies for striking what must be a particularly sensitive nerve.

Perhaps a vision of the OP encircled by myrmidon with pointy sticks was premature.

So, if people do bad things it's all God's fault when God is rumored to do only good things? Everyone has freewill to do as they please. No God is stopping them barring a few interventions here and there. Mankind is an entity independent of God's will meaning also independent of his origin. Original mankind was the beginning. What man chose to do after first breath was his own choosing. Nevertheless God came back from time to time with nice gentle suggestions to nudge mankind in the right direction. Has that ever prevented men from going absolutely south of God's suggested plan for mankind? No, it has not.

Where non-believers seem to err is in questioning how God could have created the bad and the good. Reward and Punishment. The cancer and the sunny day. It's simple IMHO. Somewhere in time past there was a beginning. Nascence of all life. God said it was good. What came after that was purely the result of the interaction of biological, environmental and geological interaction of everything that existed independent of God's will or meddling.

So I agree with OP in that certain lifestyles, behaviors, teachings, cultural revolutions, deviate sharply from the original human interactions of the first humans. Bedrock of that foundation is the original, fundamental concept of right and wrong, which much like God is irrefutable, eternally constant and independent of moral relativism of today's society.

At length God is independent of the actions and the political and social and cultural evolution of mankind. You can't blame God for cancer or viruses or a bad day at work because all of that is a result of events occurring after creation. God is the constant here--the original foundation we return to for balance and foundation upon which to build everything else. God doesn't change; WE do = ultimate responsibility for our own actions and the raising of cultures that benefit us, rather than divide and destroy us.

Based on that . . . I believe the OP makes excellent points, the most important being: debauchery and hedonism and insane moral perversion of our day is really, really bad for the family unit which is the foundation model for all human societies. Father, mother, child and doing whatever it takes to preserve and defend the family unit and thus: our nation.
Apologies for striking what must be a particularly sensitive nerve.

Perhaps a vision of the OP encircled by myrmidon with pointy sticks was premature.

So, if people do bad things it's all God's fault when God is rumored to do only good things? Everyone has freewill to do as they please. No God is stopping them barring a few interventions here and there. Mankind is an entity independent of God's will meaning also independent of his origin. Original mankind was the beginning. What man chose to do after first breath was his own choosing. Nevertheless God came back from time to time with nice gentle suggestions to nudge mankind in the right direction. Has that ever prevented men from going absolutely south of God's suggested plan for mankind? No, it has not.

Where non-believers seem to err is in questioning how God could have created the bad and the good. Reward and Punishment. The cancer and the sunny day. It's simple IMHO. Somewhere in time past there was a beginning. Nascence of all life. God said it was good. What came after that was purely the result of the interaction of biological, environmental and geological interaction of everything that existed independent of God's will or meddling.

So I agree with OP in that certain lifestyles, behaviors, teachings, cultural revolutions deviate sharply from the original human interactions of the first humans. Bedrock of that foundation is the original, fundamental concept of right and wrong, which much like God is irrefutable, eternally constant and independent of moral relativism of today's society.

At length God is independent of the actions and the political and social and cultural evolution of mankind. You can't blame God for cancer or viruses or a bad day at work because all of that a result of events occurring after creation. God is the constant here--the original foundation we return to for balance and foundation upon which to build everything else. God doesn't change; WE do = ultimate responsibility for our own actions and the raising of cultures that benefit us, rather than divide and destroy us.

Based on that . . . I believe the OP makes excellent points, the most important being: debauchery and hedonism and insane moral perversion of our day is really, really bad for the family unit which is the foundation model for all human societies. Father, mother, child and doing whatever it takes to preserve and defend the family unit and thus: our nation.

Where non-believers have a problem is not in how God can be good and bad at all.

The first thing is, how does God exist at all.

If you need your God to have created everything because nothing can just appear out of nowhere, then God must also have been created, and something must have created the creator of God who was also created, and on and on until you realize it's impossible.

The second thing is that believers use the word "believe".

"I believe God exists" implies you don't actually know. It means you're making it up, or someone made it up and you just want to believe that they're saying.
Apologies for striking what must be a particularly sensitive nerve.

Perhaps a vision of the OP encircled by myrmidon with pointy sticks was premature.

So, if people do bad things it's all God's fault when God is rumored to do only good things? Everyone has freewill to do as they please. No God is stopping them barring a few interventions here and there. Mankind is an entity independent of God's will meaning also independent of his origin. Original mankind was the beginning. What man chose to do after first breath was his own choosing. Nevertheless God came back from time to time with nice gentle suggestions to nudge mankind in the right direction. Has that ever prevented men from going absolutely south of God's suggested plan for mankind? No, it has not.

Where non-believers seem to err is in questioning how God could have created the bad and the good. Reward and Punishment. The cancer and the sunny day. It's simple IMHO. Somewhere in time past there was a beginning. Nascence of all life. God said it was good. What came after that was purely the result of the interaction of biological, environmental and geological interaction of everything that existed independent of God's will or meddling.

So I agree with OP in that certain lifestyles, behaviors, teachings, cultural revolutions deviate sharply from the original human interactions of the first humans. Bedrock of that foundation is the original, fundamental concept of right and wrong, which much like God is irrefutable, eternally constant and independent of moral relativism of today's society.

At length God is independent of the actions and the political and social and cultural evolution of mankind. You can't blame God for cancer or viruses or a bad day at work because all of that a result of events occurring after creation. God is the constant here--the original foundation we return to for balance and foundation upon which to build everything else. God doesn't change; WE do = ultimate responsibility for our own actions and the raising of cultures that benefit us, rather than divide and destroy us.

Based on that . . . I believe the OP makes excellent points, the most important being: debauchery and hedonism and insane moral perversion of our day is really, really bad for the family unit which is the foundation model for all human societies. Father, mother, child and doing whatever it takes to preserve and defend the family unit and thus: our nation.

Where non-believers have a problem is not in how God can be good and bad at all.

The first thing is, how does God exist at all.

If you need your God to have created everything because nothing can just appear out of nowhere, then God must also have been created, and something must have created the creator of God who was also created, and on and on until you realize it's impossible.

The second thing is that believers use the word "believe".

"I believe God exists" implies you don't actually know. It means you're making it up, or someone made it up and you just want to believe that they're saying.


Let's briefly revisit the basic family unit as it compares to a theocracy. We're born into a given culture. Our father's, tribal chieftain's--whomever--convey or pass down a system of beliefs; in my case: Christianity. So the origin of my belief from youngest cognizant age is first based on trust and the word of authority figure. Over the coming years of my life I learn to think for myself, question the teachings of my father's faith, rebel and convert to Hinduism and believe I know better than the Father.

Over the next several decades life and all its neatly marketed hardships barrage me and forge me like molten metal. Life tears me down, builds me back up, kicks me in the balls but I never cry uncle. In my case, life leads me back to the original teachings of my Father which I finally come to believe embody truth. Now my belief in God is about trust (in what parents believed), Life experience (torn down, built up, strengthened by trial), and Faith. It's about Faith because the act of living has proven its truth to me, led me back to it.

As for the first part of your post, even a man can create something that did not exist anywhere at any time in prior history--it's called an idea, and it is independent of any chemical compound or atomic structure. With that idea the man can use his hands, his tools, his mind to bring it into the material word as an object we all can interact with.

Would you rather me say, "I know in God?"

Faith is a tough one. Believe me my mind has searched for and found clues in just about every religion and philosophy. However, knowing God exists has brought me be back to God halfway through my life.
Apologies for striking what must be a particularly sensitive nerve.

Perhaps a vision of the OP encircled by myrmidon with pointy sticks was premature.

So, if people do bad things it's all God's fault when God is rumored to do only good things? Everyone has freewill to do as they please. No God is stopping them barring a few interventions here and there. Mankind is an entity independent of God's will meaning also independent of his origin. Original mankind was the beginning. What man chose to do after first breath was his own choosing. Nevertheless God came back from time to time with nice gentle suggestions to nudge mankind in the right direction. Has that ever prevented men from going absolutely south of God's suggested plan for mankind? No, it has not.

Where non-believers seem to err is in questioning how God could have created the bad and the good. Reward and Punishment. The cancer and the sunny day. It's simple IMHO. Somewhere in time past there was a beginning. Nascence of all life. God said it was good. What came after that was purely the result of the interaction of biological, environmental and geological interaction of everything that existed independent of God's will or meddling.

So I agree with OP in that certain lifestyles, behaviors, teachings, cultural revolutions deviate sharply from the original human interactions of the first humans. Bedrock of that foundation is the original, fundamental concept of right and wrong, which much like God is irrefutable, eternally constant and independent of moral relativism of today's society.

At length God is independent of the actions and the political and social and cultural evolution of mankind. You can't blame God for cancer or viruses or a bad day at work because all of that a result of events occurring after creation. God is the constant here--the original foundation we return to for balance and foundation upon which to build everything else. God doesn't change; WE do = ultimate responsibility for our own actions and the raising of cultures that benefit us, rather than divide and destroy us.

Based on that . . . I believe the OP makes excellent points, the most important being: debauchery and hedonism and insane moral perversion of our day is really, really bad for the family unit which is the foundation model for all human societies. Father, mother, child and doing whatever it takes to preserve and defend the family unit and thus: our nation.

Where non-believers have a problem is not in how God can be good and bad at all.

The first thing is, how does God exist at all.

If you need your God to have created everything because nothing can just appear out of nowhere, then God must also have been created, and something must have created the creator of God who was also created, and on and on until you realize it's impossible.

The second thing is that believers use the word "believe".

"I believe God exists" implies you don't actually know. It means you're making it up, or someone made it up and you just want to believe that they're saying.


Let's briefly revisit the basic family unit as it compares to a theocracy. We're born into a given culture. Our father's, tribal chieftain's--whomever--convey or pass down a system of beliefs; in my case: Christianity. So the origin of my belief from youngest cognizant age is first based on trust and the word of authority figure. Over the coming years of my life I learn to think for myself, question the teachings of my father's faith, rebel and convert to Hinduism and believe I know better than the Father.

Over the next several decades life and all its neatly marketed hardships barrage me and forge me like molten metal. Life tears me down, builds me back up, kicks me in the balls but I never cry uncle. In my case, life leads me back to the original teachings of my Father which I finally come to believe embody truth. Now my belief in God is about trust (in what parents believed), Life experience (torn down, built up, strengthened by trial), and Faith. It's about Faith because the act of living has proven its truth to me, led me back to it.

As for the first part of your post, even a man can create something that did not exist anywhere at any time in prior history--it's called an idea, and it is independent of any chemical compound or atomic structure. With that idea the man can use his hands, his tools, his mind to bring it into the material word as an object we all can interact with.

Would you rather me say, "I know in God?"

Faith is a tough one. Believe me my mind has searched for and found clues in just about every religion and philosophy. However, knowing God exists has brought me be back to God halfway through my life.

Life experience for you might be faith. Is it for everyone else?

Does someone believing in something make that something so? In a manner yes. Does God exist? Depends how you look at it. Philosophy exists because we as humans exist. Religion exists because we as humans exist. God? Well, the same as Harry Potter exists, I would supposed. But that doesn't mean Harry Potter can do the magic that is written he can do.

An idea is an idea. Where did the idea come from? From a brain which is based on the drugs in one's body, based on the experiences (which happened because of the drugs in that person's body and those of other people's bodies). It can take shape, but that doesn't mean that it's true.

If I have an idea that I am a king, does it make it so? No.

Would I rather you said "I know God"? No, I'd rather you realized what you know and what you don't know and not make stuff up.

Why did you go back to "God"?

There have been psychological experiments done and it has been found that a lot of people will simply follow. If others follow, they will follow.

Saying that I've know spiritual people. People who seem to see things differently. They interpret the world in a manner which doesn't necessarily make sense to me. That doesn't mean that they're seeing the world for what it is.

Many people hide from the world, or create a better world for themselves to live in than the world around them.

Entertainment is a form of escapism. Pets, sports, films, alcohol, drugs, all ways of hiding from what is really there.

Having to confront the fact that you will die one day is hard for many people.
Having to confront the fact that your decisions are often made because of the drugs inside your body is hard for many people.
Having to confront the fact that I am an animal the same way a fish is an animal is difficult for many people.

Let's say instead that I am the master of my destiny. That I can make the choices I want to make, that I am alive, that I am not a biological being that is following the orders of my own body.

It's so much easier to get through life this way. Isn't it?

I don't hate religion. But I hate religion. I don't have a problem with people who use religion to hide from reality. I believe that life is all about getting from A to B being as happy and pain free as possible. If religion does that for you, great.

Where I hate religion is when religion is used to stop other people getting from A to B being as happy and pain free as possible. Like telling gay people they're wrong, they're this, that and the other. It's got nothing to do with other people.

But life will always include people trying to get power over others and tell them what to do, and make themselves be the "normal ones" so that they might be worshiped, or if someone wants to attack someone, they'll attack others.

It's sad, but religion is used like this.
Gay people are perfectly normal just perverts.
Hey Mort, if that is you in your avatar, why do YOU get to practice the perversion of gluttony? Maybe you should worry about your own salvation! Or you really don't believe the bible, like most Right-wingers, you only use it to rationalize your God given HATE!
  • Proverbs 23:2 • And put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
But, but, but! Morty was slagging gays, and pointing out his sinfulness is not part of the discussion.
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.
How boring.
Hedonism and "free sexuality" is not liberal or progressive or something that is worth tolerating because you are a good person, like other races or minorities.

It comes from idolatry and the destruction of Christianity. The Enlightenment was the first step in destroying Christianity through Masonic forces. Homosexuality, BDSM, orgies and adultery, but also lies, cheating, murder comes from idolatry.

Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became foolsATand exchanged the glory of the immortal God for imagesmade to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lieand worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

"like other races or minorities."

And you were doing so well Big M. Preach on to whoever will read your rubbish. Maybe PoliticalChic...who knows.

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