Health Insurance Premiums Skyrocketing. Thanks, Obama!

I love that the Democrats own Obamacare lock stock and barrel, they can eat 100% of the peoples wrath as this disaster continues to roll out and fail.

Good comment but let us also remember that the Republicans aren't doing jackshit to defund the program.

All they have to do is say no more money but they don't have the courage to do that.
The GOP long ago sold all of us down the river to the Democrats and single payer health care, folks. Sooner or later, you will figure that out.

All the rest is theater for the rubes.

Yes it was wrong for them to do that but that doesn't excuse the Democrats from the disaster of Obamacare.
The GOP long ago sold all of us down the river to the Democrats and single payer health care, folks. Sooner or later, you will figure that out.

All the rest is theater for the rubes.

Yes it was wrong for them to do that but that doesn't excuse the Democrats from the disaster of Obamacare.
There are only two ways to reduce inflation in what HC consumes of gnp. 1) Reduce what providers get for each service. Obamacare does address this. 2) Reduce how much individuals consume ... overall. People who had no insurance don't get privative care. It would be cheaper if they did. People who can consume all they want with no, or little, added cost to themselves, are a problem. Medicare, and obamacare's expansion of Medicaid, aren't helping here.
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oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!

Well, I certainly don't want to burden you with reality. So continue on with your fantasy.

This massive welfare state we live in and the destruction to our health care system because of Obamacare is hardly a fantasy.

How about you and I both agree on fairness?

You pay for your health care and I will pay for mine.

You don't have to worry about paying my bills and I don't have to worry about paying yours. If I decided to be lazy and unproductive and not take care of my own problems then you are not out anything. However, if you want to give me some money out of the goodness of your heart to help a bro out then that is fine. That is your decision and you are not forced by the government to do anything you don't want to do.

No. Because I don't want to live in a third world country.

And I think I made it pretty clear that I am not for the ACA. That just leaves it in the hands of the insurance companies, who have already demonstrated they are not to be trusted with control. I want a full national health system, just like the ones that work better than ours all over the planet.

That's what is really amazing. This is not new and it works. It out performs us on everything except expense. But you want to continue to pay far more for far less. And you all call me insane.
So we were a third world country until obamacare was passed? Double retard!
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!
Well they were taken care of, but old dead poor people don't pay bills, and if your kid had cancer and you didn't have insurance, you probably discharged the bills in bankruptcy.

But the OP was about cost containment, even allowing for the posters unfamiliarity with what Obamacare actually does
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!
Well they were taken care of, but old dead poor people don't pay bills, and if your kid had cancer and you didn't have insurance, you probably discharged the bills in bankruptcy.

But the OP was about cost containment, even allowing for the posters unfamiliarity with what Obamacare actually does
Poor old dead people don't need a lot of attention. At least where I'm from. You can get insurance before you have children, in fact it's what a responsible parent does. Leftist think people should live free and easy off of someone's else's efforts.
Again, that has zero to do with the op. I don't want uninsured using HC then not paying for it and making hospitals try and get it out of my insurance. But, that has nothing to do with the OP.

Obamacare does help cut how much providers can charge. Overall that's good. I don't like the way it does it, but the law is well intentioned on that. But it does nothing, and actually is probably a bit counter-productive in cutting down on how much pretty useless stuff people are getting and insurance (private and public) getting billed for.

There are only two ways to reduce inflation in what HC consumes of gnp. 1) Reduce what providers get for each service. Obamacare does address this. 2) Reduce how much individuals consume ... overall. People who had no insurance don't get privative care. It would be cheaper if they did. People who can consume all they want with no, or little, added cost to themselves, are a problem. Medicare, and obamacare's expansion of Medicaid, aren't helping here.

I don't think so.

The way to reduce the cost of insurance is to get the government out of the business of regulating the industry. All regulations do is put a burden on the insurance companies that somebody has to pay for.

Like everything else the free market will produce the lowest price service.

We don't need the government telling the insurance companies what to provide. For instance, as a retire couple my wife and I don't need to be paying for a policy that includes birth control.

I also don't need to be paying higher premiums, co payments and deductibles to cover the cost of somebody else that doesn't pay. There is a significant cost to things like requiring the insurance company having to accept pre conditions.

Insurance companies also need to be able to offer programs across state lines, which is prohibited now. The high price commie states with their welfare policies covering everything imaginable hates the idea of someone being able to buy a lower cost policy from another state.

Another thing is to put a reasonable cap on malpractice suits. Having a doctor make a little mistake should not be like winning the lottery. Of course the Trail Lawyers Association is a big contributor to the Democrat Party so that is not going to happen.

There are many things we can do to reduce the cost of health insurance. However, the bureaucrats that make a good living off the bloated government and who wants to run our lives because they think they know what is best for us won't allow freedom. Of course the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us a bout goes along with the oppression.
oost of around 25%.

I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.

We had a national system at one time. It was called buy your own.

However, that wasn't good enough for the assholes that didn't want to pay for their own health care but wanted somebody else to pay for it.

Yeah. Those awful old people who didn't have the common decency to just go ahead and die. And those nasty kids with cancer. You gotta hate those free loaders.
Yeah, because they weren't taken care of before. Retard!
Well they were taken care of, but old dead poor people don't pay bills, and if your kid had cancer and you didn't have insurance, you probably discharged the bills in bankruptcy.

But the OP was about cost containment, even allowing for the posters unfamiliarity with what Obamacare actually does
Poor old dead people don't need a lot of attention. At least where I'm from. You can get insurance before you have children, in fact it's what a responsible parent does. Leftist think people should live free and easy off of someone's else's efforts.

Obamacare = Wealth Redistribution
I didnt need the WSJ to tell me health insurance premiums are going way up. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My policy this year was a little over $600/mo. I just got notice that it is going to over $800/mo next year. Since I have never seen rates go down, only up, I wonder how long it will be before I am priced out of the market for health insurance. I am not the only one either. SO we will end up with many many more people figuring it is cheaper to pay the penalty than buy health insurance. Result: Many more uninsureds. Another Democrat success story! Nice going, guys! And yes, we had increases before this, but nothing like this kind of jump.

Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ
Parts of Obamacare have been delayed and it won't fully hit until Obama leaves office (by design).

But the premium increases with higher deductibles are already here :

Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact.

In New Mexico, market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average jump of 51.6% in premiums for 2016.

The biggest insurer in Tennessee, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, has requested an average 36.3% increase. In Maryland, market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wants to raise rates 30.4% across its products.

Moda Health, the largest insurer on the Oregon health exchange, seeks an average boost of around 25%.

All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act.

Insurers say their proposed rates reflect the revenue they need to pay claims, now that they have had time to analyze their experience with the law’s requirement that they offer the same rates to everyone—regardless of medical history.
Had to laugh today when obabble told the Jews they could count on the Iran arms treaty.....because his name would be on it. I immediately thought of Obamacare.
Hell, many on this board voted for this demigod so what do you think of your hope and change now? Obama care and the penalties will cost jobs, curtail full time employment and cost the middle class dearly in the form of increased premium payments high deductibles, and limited care. So to you that ate his crap hook line and sinker its time to crawl back into your hole and shut up!
Congress is holding us down so the Insurance Industry can have its way with us. You can thank the shills and whores like Greenbeard
Congress is holding us down so the Insurance Industry can have its way with us. You can thank the shills and whores like Greenbeard

If there was a free market in health insurance instead of massive government regulation then we would get the best service at the least cost. Free markets usually work that way.
I totally agree. We obviously need a national health system.
Because government has done such a wonderful job so far we really need to go whole hog on it?
Are you insane?

Government hasn't been doing the job. Insurance companies have been doing it and they were doing such a good job that everyone agreed something needed to be done about it. Including the political right. Insane? I believe it was Einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So let me turn that back to you, are you insane?

Our medical care is rated 37 in quality of health care but we are ranked number 1 in cost. Every nation with national health care on the planet is kicking our butts, but you think doing it the same way that got us here is the solution. That is insane.
Medical insurance is not medical care.
Insurance companies have been, and continued to be, hampered by high levels of govt regulation. In fact the companies specifically pointed to their mandate to offer insurance regardless of risk as the reason for the increases.
Piling on more mandates is not the solution. You are right: it would be insane to continue to push a government solution after this goverment solution has alrady failed.

If they would have just left things alone and told all the sick people to just die, then all the healthy people could have insurance for next to nothing since none of them would ever get sick. Of course, under such a great system, the insurance companies would have to throw you out if you got sick. Oh yea, that's pretty much what happened to me before the ACA. I had insurance for over 20 years, I got sick and the insurance company dropped me. Great fucking system.
Yeah people were dropping dead all over the place. I had to swerve to avoid 3 on my to work before ACA came in.
Ya big dummy.

And your insurance company dropped you probably because you lied on the application.

No dipshit. They dropped me when I moved to a different state. HIPAA Laws never covered the self-employed who purchased private insurance. Just curious, have you always been such a buffoon, or is this something that happened to you more recently?

No dipshit. They dropped me when I moved to a different state. HIPAA Laws never covered the self-employed who purchased private insurance. Just curious, have you always been such a buffoon, or is this something that happened to you more recently?

You can thank your Democrat friends for that dipshit. The Democrats always have opposed the idea of of a consumer purchasing a policy out of state.

These commie states have all that bullshit stuff in that runs up the cost and the Democrats don't want you to be able to buy the policy you need rather than the policy they want you to have so your policy is not transferable to another state.

When you vote for Democrat there are usually bad consequences.

Have you always been one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about or is this something that happen to you more recently?.
I can go back years and years and show that insurers have sought big rate hikes every year for a long time.


In the past most of the price hikes have been to cover the cost of new and more technology and the significant cost increase in malpractice insurance (thank you very much Trial Lawyer's Association that contributes so much to the Democrat Party).

Nowadays the astronomical cost increase for premiums and the increase in co payments and deductibles are to cover the cost you have to pay to provide the additional shit the government makes the insurance companies cover for you (whether you need it or not) and the cost of providing the subsidies to the welfare queens.

You pay a tremendous amount more for insurance than you should because of the government requirements and having to pay the bills of other people. That is what you get when you go to the polling both and cast your vote for a Liberal. You get fucked but the welfare queens make out pretty well.
Washington State was ahead of obamacare. They started adding gay mates, making it illegal for insurance companies to even use the words "spouse, wife, husband, marriage or divorce". They then added mental, drug and alcohol counseling along with a host of other mandates as part of every program offered and I couldn't go out of state. That should be illegal, it's something only criminals could dream up. My rates went through the roof and I had to drop the plan even with a $10k deducible. So I became one of those uninsured obama lamented about. Stupid assholes.
Washington State was ahead of obamacare. They started adding gay mates, making it illegal for insurance companies to even use the words "spouse, wife, husband, marriage or divorce". They then added mental, drug and alcohol counseling along with a host of other mandates as part of every program offered and I couldn't go out of state. That should be illegal, it's something only criminals could dream up. My rates went through the roof and I had to drop the plan even with a $10k deducible. So I became one of those uninsured obama lamented about. Stupid assholes.

The cost of Liberal government.

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