He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

..PS Jesus was likely gay.

Hmm, certainly Jesus never married as far as we know, but then neither did I, and I'm not gay..:)
We do know that JC respected women and went around saving naughty girls from stone-throwing fundy mobs-

"On yer bikes, she's with me! Hold your head up baby"
"Thanks JC, shall we go back to my place for a drink, I've run out of wine but I'm sure you can fix that"

..PS Jesus was likely gay.

Hmm, certainly Jesus never married as far as we know, but then neither did I, and I'm not gay..:)
We do know that JC respected women and went around saving naughty girls from stone-throwing fundy mobs-

"On yer bikes, she's with me! Hold your head up baby"
"Thanks JC, shall we go back to my place for a drink, I've run out of wine but I'm sure you can fix that"

Jesus only hung around with guys
He wore a dress.
He only banged a woman once, and once means he didn't like it.
He rode a donkey, which at that time was reserved for women and slaves, and we know he wasn't a slave.
He's always pictured as pretty buff, like a gay man.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
------------------------------------- not a free society when government tells you what you have to do in cases of private discrimination in private dealings Taz ,
-------------------------------------- people should be FREE to do what they like just so its non violent Taz .
People are so hateful in the US that anti discrimination laws are needed.
--------------------------------------------------- nothing ILLEGAL about Hate . Many younger people have simply been brainwashed over the years by public schools , tv and popular culture , stupid parents and younger people don't THINK because they have been brainwashed Taz .
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We've had 'Cakegate' incidents in Britain where bakers have refused to put LGBT wording on cakes, and got sued by the LGBT's.
Many ordinary Brits can't help thinking that some LGBT's do it deliberately so that they can 'sting' the bakers.
If I was a baker I'd avoid trouble by printing leaflets containing specific standard phrases such as "Happy Birthday you old fart" etc which I'd be willing to put on cakes and I'd say to all customers- "Choose which phrase you want"..:)
---------------------------------- Seem more straightforward and honest to simply say that you don't serve those that you don't want to serve . Then everyone has been notified and can go somewhere else English .
We've had 'Cakegate' incidents in Britain where bakers have refused to put LGBT wording on cakes, and got sued by the LGBT's.
Many ordinary Brits can't help thinking that some LGBT's do it deliberately so that they can 'sting' the bakers.
If I was a baker I'd avoid trouble by printing leaflets containing specific standard phrases such as "Happy Birthday you old fart" etc which I'd be willing to put on cakes and I'd say to all customers- "Choose which phrase you want"..:)
---------------------------------- Seem more straightforward and honest to simply say that you don't serve those that you don't want to serve . Then everyone has been notified and can go somewhere else English .

---------------------------------- Seem more straightforward and honest to simply say that you don't serve those that you don't want to serve . Then everyone has been notified and can go somewhere else English .

you don't serve those that you don't want to serve ...


or in the back room, being you are a christian I'm a little surprised you forgot your manners ...
We've had 'Cakegate' incidents in Britain where bakers have refused to put LGBT wording on cakes, and got sued by the LGBT's.
Many ordinary Brits can't help thinking that some LGBT's do it deliberately so that they can 'sting' the bakers.
If I was a baker I'd avoid trouble by printing leaflets containing specific standard phrases such as "Happy Birthday you old fart" etc which I'd be willing to put on cakes and I'd say to all customers- "Choose which phrase you want"..:)
---------------------------------- Seem more straightforward and honest to simply say that you don't serve those that you don't want to serve . Then everyone has been notified and can go somewhere else English .
----------------------------------------------- Simply called FREEDOM BWood .
We've had 'Cakegate' incidents in Britain where bakers have refused to put LGBT wording on cakes, and got sued by the LGBT's.
Many ordinary Brits can't help thinking that some LGBT's do it deliberately so that they can 'sting' the bakers.
If I was a baker I'd avoid trouble by printing leaflets containing specific standard phrases such as "Happy Birthday you old fart" etc which I'd be willing to put on cakes and I'd say to all customers- "Choose which phrase you want"..:)
I thought all of England was gay. Who knew?
If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
------------------------------------- not a free society when government tells you what you have to do in cases of private discrimination in private dealings Taz ,
-------------------------------------- people should be FREE to do what they like just so its non violent Taz .
People are so hateful in the US that anti discrimination laws are needed.
--------------------------------------------------- nothing ILLEGAL about Hate . Many younger people have simply been brainwashed over the years by public schools , tv and popular culture , stupid parents and younger people don't THINK because they have been brainwashed Taz .
Good thing you dropped out of school early then, isn't it?
Jesus...only banged a woman once, and once means he didn't like it.
Who exactly did he bang, Mary Poppins?
Mind you, I had such horrific experiences with girls in my younger days that I ended up puking like a dog in the gutter later.

STOP PRESS NEWS- there's hope for John-Boy Walton yet, I recently saw this blurb for an episode-
"John-Boy falls in love with an older woman"

Good for him, we all like milfs..:)
.I thought all of England was gay. Who knew?

The majority of our politicians and military brass are certainly gay, but there are still one or two ordinary citizens around who are straight.
Scotland is the best place for all "gay sex tourists" to go, here are the jocks in action in a scene from 'Braveheart'-

Jesus is always pictured as pretty buff, like a gay man.

Yeah that's because the Establishment wants us to think he was meek,mild and wimpy and that we should copy him so they can control us easier.
Fact is, JC wants REBELS!
For example his young cousin John was a world-rejecter living rough in the wilderness, sometimes going in town to yell insults at the snooty priests and corrupt rulers.
Jesus's verdict on him?- "John is the greatest man ever to be born" (Matt 11:11)
Below- John having a go at Herod and his floozy-

Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Treating people with respect is the American thing to do. You’re simply a hater.

PS Jesus was likely gay.

Either you haven't been reading my posts, or you're trolling. For the third time, I don't hate gays. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is to love others. And we are also told to speak the truth, in love. Again, loving someone does not mean agreeing with all of their actions. And now I know you are trolling, by your PS. When you're ready to have a discussion without ad hominems or trolling, I'll be back. Bye!
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Treating people with respect is the American thing to do. You’re simply a hater.

PS Jesus was likely gay.

Either you haven't been reading my posts, or you're trolling. For the third time, I don't hate gays. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is to love others. And we are also told to speak the truth, in love. Again, loving someone does not mean agreeing with all of their actions. And now I know you are trolling, by your PS. When you're ready to have a discussion without ad hominems or trolling, I'll be back. Bye!
If you loved gays, you'd make them a cake. Pretty simple concept really.
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Treating people with respect is the American thing to do. You’re simply a hater.

PS Jesus was likely gay.

Either you haven't been reading my posts, or you're trolling. For the third time, I don't hate gays. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is to love others. And we are also told to speak the truth, in love. Again, loving someone does not mean agreeing with all of their actions. And now I know you are trolling, by your PS. When you're ready to have a discussion without ad hominems or trolling, I'll be back. Bye!
You certainly are allowed to have your opinions on gays. You are allowed to voice them, too. But don't be surprised or offended when a bunch of people tell you that your opinions are stupid and make you a bigot.
If you loved gays, you'd make them a cake. Pretty simple concept really.

I would make them a cake. And so would that baker. When it comes to the artwork however, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience. Forcing an artist to do a type of work that goes against his conscience and faith is as tyrannical as it gets. You agreed with my example of declining the website job for a pornographer. It's the same principle. Of course if he was working for someone else and he refused to do it, that would be a different story. But it's his business. Stop trying to turn our country into North Korea.
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If you loved gays, you'd make them a cake. Pretty simple concept really.

I would make them a cake. And so would that Baker. When it comes to the artwork however, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience. Forcing an artist to do a type of work that goes against his conscience and faith is as tyrannical as it gets. You agreed with my example of declining the website job for a pornographer. It's the same principle. Of course if he was working for someone else and he refused to do it, that would be a different story. But it's his business. Stop trying to turn our country into North Korea.
And you should stop trying to turn our country into Pakistan.
And you should stop trying to turn our country into Pakistan.

I'm a libertarian. So your example is laughable. You may have good intentions, but you don't understand liberty. The sad thing is, people like you who have been heavily indoctrinated are useful to the powers-that-be who have been chipping away at all of our freedom and rights. It's the same with the second amendment, the fourth amendment, etc. They use things as a pretext to gradually destroy freedom of speech, and all our liberties. They frame the debate in a way that is deceptive, under the banner of security, or "equality" or other things, when the real agenda is something else entirely. So while many of you might have good intentions, you don't understand what is actually going on.
If you loved gays, you'd make them a cake. Pretty simple concept really.

I would make them a cake. And so would that Baker. When it comes to the artwork however, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience. Forcing an artist to do a type of work that goes against his conscience and faith is as tyrannical as it gets. You agreed with my example of declining the website job for a pornographer. It's the same principle. Of course if he was working for someone else and he refused to do it, that would be a different story. But it's his business. Stop trying to turn our country into North Korea.
I would make them a cake. And so would that Baker. When it comes to the artwork however, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience.

When it comes to the artwork however
, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience.

the artwork is a matter of compensation being granted by baking the cake you haven't the choice for the composition being applied. it begins and ends with baking the cake ... historically, artist have never had any rights whatsoever - - > christianity persecuted and victimized them throughout the ages, funny you talk about love as a christian and an "artist".


the pastor and artist saw it differently.
Incidentally, Jesus never said a word about GLBT's one way or another, NOT A SINGLE FRIGGIN WORD, so it can't have been a big issue for him.
As regards the Sodom/Gomorrah gays, they only got zapped because they were the depraved militant sort.
Nobody minds decent friendly gays..:)
PS- why is it we never seem to hear GLBT's protesting about muslim immigration into the USA, Britain and Europe?
After all, if Sharia Law ever takes over, GLBT's will be the first to be strung up from lampposts.
Below- The Sharia Police and the dreaded midnight knock at the door...

If you loved gays, you'd make them a cake. Pretty simple concept really.

I would make them a cake. And so would that baker. When it comes to the artwork however, it is my prerogative to accept or decline work based on my conscience. Forcing an artist to do a type of work that goes against his conscience and faith is as tyrannical as it gets. You agreed with my example of declining the website job for a pornographer. It's the same principle. Of course if he was working for someone else and he refused to do it, that would be a different story. But it's his business. Stop trying to turn our country into North Korea.
I just think that it’s hypocritical to quote Jesus and deny gays their product. Not very Christian of you. Jesus would not approve.

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