Have you had any race or politically motivated hatred based encounters lately?

Have you had any race or politically motivated hatred based encounters lately?

  • Yes and I'm white

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Yes and I'm not white

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • No and I'm white

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No and I'm not white

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I'm wondering if the hate baiters are having any widespread effect on their base.
The poll strictly refers to others directing hatred towards you. Not you towards others.

Was driving along minding my own business when I had an elderly black couple yell some BS at me about white privilege yesterday. There was no previous problem, nothing leading up to this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who has heard that from them.

Maxine Waters and others have made it clear that they encourage confrontation in public.
As per the news, this is inciting and emboldening a lot of people to do things they might not normally.
Watch your back, be careful where you eat.

This kind of nonsense could change the minds of a lot of white people who are not racist.
Many white people are married to or have family that is married to black people so It's really ignorant when racist judge people strictly by their skin color.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted by many of these Maxine Waters type hyper racists.
Has anyone else considered that Chick-Fil-A may have become so popular partially because you know you can go through their drive through without fear of getting a spit-sandwich or foot fries?
I'm wondering if the hate baiters are having any widespread effect on their base.
The poll strictly refers to others directing hatred towards you. Not you towards others.

Was driving along minding my own business when I had an elderly black couple yell some BS at me about white privilege yesterday. There was no previous problem, nothing leading up to this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who has heard that from them.

Maxine Waters and others have made it clear that they encourage confrontation in public.
As per the news, this is inciting and emboldening a lot of people to do things they might not normally.
Watch your back, be careful where you eat.

This kind of nonsense could change the minds of a lot of white people who are not racist.
Many white people are married to or have family that is married to black people so It's really ignorant when racist judge people strictly by their skin color.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted by many of these Maxine Waters type hyper racists.

I'm wondering if the hate baiters are having any widespread effect on their base.
The poll strictly refers to others directing hatred towards you. Not you towards others.

Was driving along minding my own business when I had an elderly black couple yell some BS at me about white privilege yesterday. There was no previous problem, nothing leading up to this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who has heard that from them.

Maxine Waters and others have made it clear that they encourage confrontation in public.
As per the news, this is inciting and emboldening a lot of people to do things they might not normally.
Watch your back, be careful where you eat.

This kind of nonsense could change the minds of a lot of white people who are not racist.
Many white people are married to or have family that is married to black people so It's really ignorant when racist judge people strictly by their skin color.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted by many of these Maxine Waters type hyper racists.

Martin Luther King would be leading the protests.

Last edited:
I get problems from republicans all the time. Nothing new though as low IQ people they really don't know much so I try to help them when possible.
I'm wondering if the hate baiters are having any widespread effect on their base.
The poll strictly refers to others directing hatred towards you. Not you towards others.

Was driving along minding my own business when I had an elderly black couple yell some BS at me about white privilege yesterday. There was no previous problem, nothing leading up to this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who has heard that from them.

Maxine Waters and others have made it clear that they encourage confrontation in public.
As per the news, this is inciting and emboldening a lot of people to do things they might not normally.
Watch your back, be careful where you eat.

This kind of nonsense could change the minds of a lot of white people who are not racist.
Many white people are married to or have family that is married to black people so It's really ignorant when racist judge people strictly by their skin color.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted by many of these Maxine Waters type hyper racists.

This video defeats this attempt from whites trying to tell us what King would do today.
I'm wondering if the hate baiters are having any widespread effect on their base.
The poll strictly refers to others directing hatred towards you. Not you towards others.

Was driving along minding my own business when I had an elderly black couple yell some BS at me about white privilege yesterday. There was no previous problem, nothing leading up to this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who has heard that from them.

Maxine Waters and others have made it clear that they encourage confrontation in public.
As per the news, this is inciting and emboldening a lot of people to do things they might not normally.
Watch your back, be careful where you eat.

This kind of nonsense could change the minds of a lot of white people who are not racist.
Many white people are married to or have family that is married to black people so It's really ignorant when racist judge people strictly by their skin color.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be disgusted by many of these Maxine Waters type hyper racists.

This video defeats this attempt from whites trying to tell us what King would do today.

White people generally seem to be clueless regarding what MLK was about.
Methinks y'all miss the point,and it was a point MLK was trying to make during his last years, in that none of us ,no middle class citizen in America is 'privileged'

It doesn't matter if you're polka dot and bark at the moon, you're either in the 'big club', or you;re not

get a grip

Methinks y'all miss the point,and it was a point MLK was trying to make during his last years, in that none of us ,no middle class citizen in America is 'privileged'

It doesn't matter if you're polka dot and bark at the moon, you're either in the 'big club', or you;re not

get a grip

Honestly I think that was just a way to make the struggle that Blacks faced more palatable to whites. He knew whites would be more apt to listen if he addressed the class issue as a method of getting more solid legislation. King knew good and well that there was a social order as well as an economic one. Hence a poor or middle class white was much better off than than the vast majority of Blacks.of any economic class. He was coming to the realization that his non violent methods were just a good excuse for racist whites to beat on Blacks and he was growing more militant.

"“Let us say boldly that if the violations of law by the white man in the slums over the years were calculated and compared with the law-breaking of a few days of riots, the hardened criminal would be the white man. These are often difficult things to say but I have come to see more and more that it is necessary to utter the truth in order to deal with the great problems that we face in our society.”"
-MLK 1967
The MLK most of these whites try talking about did not exist. If he was here today these whites would be calling him a race pimp.
Methinks y'all miss the point,and it was a point MLK was trying to make during his last years, in that none of us ,no middle class citizen in America is 'privileged'

It doesn't matter if you're polka dot and bark at the moon, you're either in the 'big club', or you;re not

get a grip

Honestly I think that was just a way to make the struggle that Blacks faced more palatable to whites. He knew whites would be more apt to listen if he addressed the class issue as a method of getting more solid legislation. King knew good and well that there was a social order as well as an economic one. Hence a poor or middle class white was much better off than than the vast majority of Blacks.of any economic class. He was coming to the realization that his non violent methods were just a good excuse for racist whites to beat on Blacks and he was growing more militant.

"“Let us say boldly that if the violations of law by the white man in the slums over the years were calculated and compared with the law-breaking of a few days of riots, the hardened criminal would be the white man. These are often difficult things to say but I have come to see more and more that it is necessary to utter the truth in order to deal with the great problems that we face in our society.”"
-MLK 1967

I'd like to think it more than a sales pitch Asclepias

And yes , MLK realized late in his tenure a few eggs needed cracking.

that's about when he was assassinated too

Ashame , and we still just can't seem to look upstairs at it all

But we're sure looking at each other

for what i ask?

Well i've nothing to loose Asclepias, you're talking to a 3rd gen immigrant redneck bluecollar that works and plays as hard as you do

Well i've nothing to loose Asclepias, you're talking to a 3rd gen immigrant redneck bluecollar that works and plays as hard as you do


Seems to me whites want everybody else to look upstairs when they need to be the ones doing it. There is no equal blame here, blacks are angry about the continuing racism of whites and we have a right to be. What whites are doing is kinda like the man who rapes another mans wife who then gets indignant because the husband is angry about it.
You've the right to be as mad as you'd like IM2 , but you don't have the right to blame an entire race anymore than one who would blame yours in it's entirety.
Not lately. Other than yelling at some groid crossing the street with his litter of groid kids and nasty looking hoe gf and causing a fucking traffic jam at a green light because they were too incompetent to use the damn crosswalk nothing in a long time. I live in a majority white town and its getting whiter....more illegal scum leave more whites move here to escape apelanta. The mexishit know they aren't welcome here and the race mixers know as well...they get angry looks and when me or my wife sees one we make sure we speak loud enough they hear us. Don't want them thinking its OK to be around here with that shit.Same way I tell mexishit to speak English if they are gonna be here...had a herd of the fucking things at Walmart today 9 total...7 shit colored kids and 2 parents blocking the way out and speaking their gibberish.
I am so happy that where I live all the races and religions are living in peace and harmony. Only republicans cause problems.

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