Have you ever voted early and wished you could have your vote back?


Feb 14, 2011
I know that my man Romney is predicted to benefit from the early voting in Florida but I still don't like early voting. Sometimes the "October surprise" is a gotcha. But sometimes it just takes that long for the opposition or for a properly functioning media to flesh out the full story of a candidate ... or for a candidate to reveal serious weaknesses after being able to maintain a facade for a number of months.

Anyway, when people can vote a month or two out from the final poll, and then there's breaking news which casts new light on the favorite, it is frustrating to realize that there might be no way for the person who was trailing to make up ground no matter how bad the news makes the once-favorite look.
If you're dumb enough to have early voted for Cain, Bachmann, or Perry then you're dumb enough for your vote not to count lol
Interestingly enough, I saw a guy being interviewed on the news last night who was an early voter for Newt Gingrich, who had cast his ballot a week or so ago.

He said that because of all the negative ads that Romney ran down in FL has made him wonder if he should have voted for him.

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