Have Y'all Noticed? (A Little Clarity On Trump)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I sit here and read the avalanche of attacks and criticisms on Trump every day that the guy is practically a cross between a nuclear bomb and the Bubonic Plague according to many! But is Trump REALLY so bad or is he simply what many don't want him to be--- Himself. And their biggest complaint is that he's not changing for anyone.

And being himself seems to have served him well for 72 years. Let's take a look at recent events:

NORTH KOREA: To read the Left, this has been a total failure, but when you think about it, what has happened is that all the saber rattling has stopped, the nuclear tests have stopped, the threats have stopped, the ICBM launches over Japan have stopped, and North and South Korea are friends and talking again after 70 years! In any other light, this would be a big success and Trump ought to get a medal for it regardless of the outcome. I mean, whether Kim ultimately sticks to it or cheats is beyond anyone's control but his, but at least Trump has made a good try.

SUPREME COURT: Trump makes a pick and the first thing I read is that his was the worst of all possible choices! But after further consideration, it turns out the guy might actually be great. The one thing for sure is that the Supreme Court has been swung safely back onto the side of conservatism and constitutionalism; a far cry from where it would be today had Hillary won the election.

NATO AND THE EU: Without a doubt, things must change with NATO and our trade agreements with other countries. It's been said for years, yet somehow people criticize Trump because Europe isn't running into his arms willing to invest a lot more of their money? The one thing Europe has most learned about Trump is that he is totally committed to America first and much less about playing their globalist games.

HELSINKI SUMMIT: Trump and Putin meet and somehow people are horrified that Trump came away not saying what they thought and expected he would? But did anyone really think Putin would ADMIT to meddling? And just what would Trump accomplish by standing there with idle threats and waving his finger-- -- -- another "feel good" moment for viewers that would accomplish nothing. Somehow, no matter what Trump did, he'd be criticized for it. Are Facebook ads really the biggest issue between the countries? Clearly, superpowers have been cyber-screwing with each other for DECADES. The real issue is that apparently we cannot PROVE anything nor can we STOP IT---- ---- otherwise we would.

So we really have no real leverage here against Russia other than sanctions. In the end, there is a great deal of mutual interest between the countries and more will be accomplished by carrot diplomacy, cooperation and respect than with idle stick waving. Trump's now a "sellout," a "traitor," or could he really have bigger and longer term plans than just sticking his chest out and waving his dick before cameras that wouldn't impress Putin anyway nor garner him any respect here at home with the MSM no matter what? I think it certain that Trump has a strategy here that will play out over months and years.

So it's really a LOSE-LOSE for Trump no matter what he does. He will be condemned by the Left because their mission is myopic. He is condemned even before his meetings are over. He is blamed even before his strategy has had time to work. His detractors of either party find it much easier to doubt him and distance themselves from him, but when you think about it, much more has really gone right for Trump and for the better than bad;

North Korea has settled down.
The Supreme Court is on the fast mend.
The world has tightened their sphincters but will eventually concede some concessions to the USA on trade and support.
And Russia and the USA, their relations long heavily strained, are at least on a path of repair and reconciliation.

The world is in shock that their 8 year long orgy of grabbing opportunity from America has come to an end.

All the rest of the fracas thrown at us daily has mostly been inconsequential wrangling by the media to sell newspapers and to detest Trump's style because they neither understand it nor approve it. They still actually hope that daily pounding of negativity will turn voters off of Trump to whatever loser they run against him with a bag of false promises in a couple of years---- that is all this is about. But in the end, all that really matters is that home or abroad, Trump gets noticed, he makes an impression, he pushes hard, and, like it or not, little by little, the world will give and come around because the world needs America a lot more than we need them. And that's why they hate him, because they know that it is inevitable: Trump demands 130% so that when the smoke clears, everyone concedes and he ends up getting 70% of what he was after in a world where other presidents were lucky to get half that. The Left do not revile Donald because he is a failure, they revile him BECAUSE HE IS WINNING.
Trump is condemned by the left because they condemn everything. It's getting to be a joke. If Trump walked across the Potomac the left would say he couldn't swim.

I no longer take them seriously.

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