Have republican voters devolved since Reagan left office?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
What happened is simple. Bill Clinton adopted most of Reagan's policies and some Republicans veered right in response. Obama took Democrats left, back to their losing liberal ways, and the Republicans reclaimed the center. It is in the nature of politics.
A fabian socialist peon with no common sense takes issue with those that have the unmitigated gall to not see things HIS way??? Say it isn't so!!!!

I do not participate in the elections of this corporate entity that you believe is your beloved "gubermint"....but etch this in stone and commit it to memory.....I would (and with a glad heart) slit the throat of a fabian socialist "demcrat" before I would ever support one like by a factor of 1000.....do you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle? Do I need to simplify what I stated? Let me know.......I am here to help feeble-minded types such as yourself.

Elections are often not won, but lost. This is what happened in 2016, and the Democrats are entirely to blame. They stuck with Hils, and the baggage she carried sunk her.
Unfortunately, the baton passed to a complete idiot.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.
Real simple

Pubic hair on a coke can >>> Bill Clinton impeached / George Bush Jr>>> Obama>>>>Trump

If only the liberals didn't make a big deal about Clarence Thomas

Wow another leftwit starts a thread to insult 60 million plus Americans for voting for Trump...after his candidate insulted us by calling us deplorable. This is why these morons lose elections, their elitist their shit don't stink attitudes.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.

Debate me........pick a topic and let's see what ya got...thus far? Your fellow leftard pals avoid me because of the beatdown they get. Come one, come all.......
I don't think "grassroots" voters, as a class, have devolved; they're no different than they were when I was a kid. I just think more of them vote than did some 30+ years ago. As for the Republican aspect of their voting patterns, well, that's merely a matter of the GOP figuring out how to tap into the psyche of "average" Americans by providing them with messaging that aligns with simple minded philosophy -- that is, the reason articulated in a comedy routine rather than that expounded upon in a collegiate classroom -- that doesn't need to be presented within the constructs of, say, the Hegelian dialectic.
Dear left,

Need to worry more about winning the green vote back and less about those that voted for Trump.

Without the green vote you will never win the Electoral College and those Republicans you hate so much will stay in power.

I know how dare I state the obvious when you believe your candidate should have won and had it been Sanders he would have won...
As for the Republican aspect of their voting patterns, well, that's merely a matter of the GOP figuring out how to tap into the psyche of "average" Americans by providing them with messaging that aligns with simple minded philosophy
How's that disdain and condescension for the "average" American working out for elitist whinny bitches? It might do well in liberal college safe spaces but is too easily exposed for what it is elsewhere.
As for the Republican aspect of their voting patterns, well, that's merely a matter of the GOP figuring out how to tap into the psyche of "average" Americans by providing them with messaging that aligns with simple minded philosophy
How's that disdain and condescension for the "average" American working out for elitist whinny bitches? It might do well in liberal college safe spaces but is too easily exposed for what it is elsewhere.

The left loath the common citizen, even in their own party. Working class Dem's are waking up to this as shown in PA, MI, and WI which president Trump won! Look at California their left wing governor just told the people to stop griping after he raised their taxes $50 billion freaking dollars.
As for the Republican aspect of their voting patterns, well, that's merely a matter of the GOP figuring out how to tap into the psyche of "average" Americans by providing them with messaging that aligns with simple minded philosophy
How's that disdain and condescension for the "average" American working out for elitist whinny bitches? It might do well in liberal college safe spaces but is too easily exposed for what it is elsewhere.

The left loath the common citizen, even in their own party. Working class Dem's are waking up to this as shown in PA, MI, and WI which president Trump won! Look at California their left wing governor just told the people to stop griping after he raised their taxes $50 billion freaking dollars.
If I were indeed to "look at California," would I find that tax increase is a single year increase or the net increase over a range of years?
Elections are often not won, but lost. This is what happened in 2016, and the Democrats are entirely to blame. They stuck with Hils, and the baggage she carried sunk her.
Unfortunately, the baton passed to a complete idiot.

When was the last time that the official jackass party ran a candidate for prez that was/is currently under federal criminal investigation AND who publicly insulted half of the people in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Florida by calling them "deploribles?
As for the Republican aspect of their voting patterns, well, that's merely a matter of the GOP figuring out how to tap into the psyche of "average" Americans by providing them with messaging that aligns with simple minded philosophy
How's that disdain and condescension for the "average" American working out for elitist whinny bitches? It might do well in liberal college safe spaces but is too easily exposed for what it is elsewhere.

The left loath the common citizen, even in their own party. Working class Dem's are waking up to this as shown in PA, MI, and WI which president Trump won! Look at California their left wing governor just told the people to stop griping after he raised their taxes $50 billion freaking dollars.
Agreed. "Free Stuff" doubtlessly works well for the more loyal Dem demographics, but they overestimated its effectiveness with those stupid working people.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.
Yes, perhaps the primordial ooze will overtake them.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.

Two things happened: One is Trump won the nomination for his party because we Republican voters were pissed off at the RNC for years, yet they responded with politics as usual. Voting for Trump was sending a message to the RNC that we will not put up with it any longer.

Trump won the Presidency because of the border problem and the DNC became the anti-white party. Some white folks realized this as the Democrat goal is to make whites in America a minority as quickly as possible.

So the Trump presidency is a message sent to both parties. Now it's time to sit back and see if they heard the voters.
It is both. Both major parties pander to the dumbest....

because one has to be really stupid to support either one in current form.

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