Anyone who doesn’t see how the Trump administration is devastating LGBT people internationally is ei


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Daily Beast goes full retard:

"Anyone who doesn’t see how the Trump administration is devastating LGBT people internationally is either willfully ignorant or tragically apathetic."

And then doubles down:

"Sure, lucky American gays can still get married, but overseas, already-vulnerable populations have been tragically endangered by the new administration."

Look around folks. This what a country looks like when it disintegrates. Genocide a-comin'.
Wtf does Trump have to do with queers getting pretend married in foreign countries?

Jesus H Christ just fucking stop already
Wtf does Trump have to do with queers getting pretend married in foreign countries?

Jesus H Christ just fucking stop already

What comes after unglued, deranged? The libs are losing their minds its awesome! George Bush just stood there like a punching bag and let the left kick him in the groin, Trump hits back that's what's driving them insane.
Wtf does Trump have to do with queers getting pretend married in foreign countries?

Jesus H Christ just fucking stop already

What comes after unglued, deranged? The libs are losing their minds its awesome! George Bush just stood there like a punching bag and let the left kick him in the groin, Trump hits back that's what's driving them insane.

It's tiresome and unproductive.

This forum is becoming unbearable, ssdd, thread after thread of unhinged lunacy
Wtf does Trump have to do with queers getting pretend married in foreign countries?

Jesus H Christ just fucking stop already

What comes after unglued, deranged? The libs are losing their minds its awesome! George Bush just stood there like a punching bag and let the left kick him in the groin, Trump hits back that's what's driving them insane.

It's tiresome and unproductive.

This forum is becoming unbearable, ssdd, thread after thread of unhinged lunacy

Well my new avatar won't help. :laugh:

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